Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, April 16, 2012

Partaking From the Solar Winds

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself, and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.

The Message

You are now entering a more volatile time in terms of planetary change.
Your Sun, the solar star of your planetary system, is increasing its energetic potential and is entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms. While these actions will create real problems for you in terms of your telecommunications and weather patterns, there is also an immense evolutionary potential within this solar activity that we wish to discuss.
Like you, your Sun has an etheric body, a solar KA, if you will. This etheric body of the Sun extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the Sun itself. Your Earth is well within this auric field of the etheric sun, and, as the solar flares and solar winds that drive charged particles through your vicinity affect you physically, they also affect you etherically. Indeed, these very charged particles that pose a challenge to your physical dimension are a type of nourishment for your KA, your own etheric body.
Your mental attitude and emotional/vibratory state is what determines whether these solar particles are a source of nourishment and evolution, or rather a source of annoyance and de-evolution.
In this message we do not intend to discuss the many physical challenges that will emerge for you during this period of increased solar activity, rather we will focus on things that will assist you to take the greatest evolutionary advantage of what is occurring with the Sun of your solar system.
Just as there are eruptions of fire and photonic energy from the Sun during solar activity, so too, there are bursts of spiritual or interdimensional light from within your KA body. Indeed, from one perspective, increased solar activity equates with an increased activation of your own personal KA.
There are several things we suggest regarding taking advantage of this evolutionary catalyst. This catalyst of which we speak will extend well beyond 2012 and has to do with the flow of what we call the solar winds. These are distinct flows of photonic and magnetic energy that pass through and around your Earth. By opening yourself to these distinct forms of energy, and by incorporating them into your KA body, you strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate the ascension process for yourself.
As these solar energies increase, so will the volatility and uncertainty of your physical world, as well as your mental and emotional worlds. Irrationality and impulsive behavior will be on the rise. Challenges to cognitive functioning and memory will also take place during heightened cycles of solar activity.
The first step in utilizing these solar energies for your ascent in consciousness is to understand their nature and not to resist their effects.
It is important to understand that the causative agent in the increased solar activity at this time is not originating from within the Sun itself, but rather it is originating from the Central Sun of your own galaxy. This flow of highly catalytic energies from the Central Sun to your Sun is the primary reason for the evolutionary potentials of this particular cycle of solar activity. In turn, the Earth herself is also being affected, especially through her KA—her own etheric body.
So the first thing to understand is that there is no escape from this evolutionary catalyst. You are here to ride it out, whether you like it or not. So the first step is not to resist that which is imminent.
The second step is to embrace it and to utilize these energies with mastery—to ride the tail of the dragon, so to speak. In this instance, the dragon is referring to the Sun itself and the tail to the solar winds. You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you but find the courage and method to do so.
The third step in this utilization of the solar winds is to allow them to affect your KA directly, through an invitation, and this is done through your heart.  Specifically you choose, through an act of personal will, to enter into the vibrational harmonic of appreciation or gratitude.
It is important to understand why we are suggesting this. You are not expressing appreciation or gratitude to the universe for the solar winds, per se.
You are choosing to enter into one of these high emotional states because they will create an Energy Attractor. In other words, you are entering into a state of appreciation or gratitude for pragmatic reasons.
These emotional states increase the receptive harmonics of your KA, which transforms your entire KA body into a receptive vortex, drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energies of the Sun, rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration within your KA, your own etheric body.
And it is through your KA that you enter into the ascension process. There are, needless to say, many paths and ways to enter the ladder that leads upward into higher states of consciousness, but regardless of how it is done, or through what spiritual lineage it is accomplished, the KA, your KA, is the foundation.

Creating an Energy Attractor

In this simple but highly effective method, you place your awareness in your second body, your KA. This energy body is the same shape and size as your physical body, but it is energetic in nature, rather than made of flesh and blood. It permeates every space of your body, and thus every cell of your body is within the KA. Your KA is also highly receptive to subtle energies especially to all forms of light and to the charged photons and magnetic energies that comprise the solar winds.
As you rest your awareness in your KA, you consciously and intentionally generate the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude through an act of personal will. This shifts the harmonics of your KA to a higher vibratory rate, which is necessary for it to become an Energy Attractor.
As you continue to hold yourself in the emotional harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, know (realize) that you are immersed in the photonic and subtle energies of the solar winds. You are literally bathing in these energies whether you are consciously aware of them or not. As you hold this awareness, along with the emotional state of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will automatically draw into itself the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.
Spend as long as you can in this state of high receptivity, partaking from the solar winds, and allowing your KA to receive these potent transformational and uplifting energies.
You will benefit greatly from the solar winds if you regularly and often engage this simple method.

The Crystal Palace Within Meditation

We also suggest that you experiment, from time to time, on a regular basis, with the sound meditation we gave previously entitled The Crystal Palace Within. (Links to the instructions for the meditation, which include the audio track for this sound meditation appear at the end of this message.)


As we view your current probable future, you collectively stand before a great storm. The birthing of this tempest is from the very heart of the cosmos and is nothing less than the harbinger of immense change. Do not fear its intensity. Embrace it and ride it to the heights of your own consciousness. By doing so, you will become a light to yourself and to each other.
The Hathors.
January 3, 2011

(Information given January 3, 2011; posted January 27, 2011.)

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The Hathors’ method for Creating An Energy Attractor is the central crux of this message. Having worked with it many times and in multiple situations, I can honestly say it delivers the goods. And it is well worth the attention of those who wish to experiment with ascension energetics, especially during such optimal times as these for accelerated evolution (a’ la the solar winds).
One of the beauties of this simple, yet elegant method, is that it builds the KA quite rapidly, and it can be done without any hocus pocus, meaning you can get right down to it in a few minutes without any preliminaries. But there are some critical transition phases in the method that I think would prove helpful to elucidate further.
A bit of caution is advised.
Before we continue, I feel it would be good to insert a caution here. This is not a method for idle curiosity seekers. Charging the KA body with extra energy is a potent and profound undertaking, which should not (in my opinion) be entered into lightly.
One reason for this is that as the KA becomes energized there will be a marked increase in the likelihood that you will experience the physical world as illusionary.
For instance, after particularly strong sessions with the Method (i.e., Creating an Energy Attractor) I often (though not always) experience my KA as just as vividly real as my physical body. In these instances, I am aware of my physical environment as usual (through my five senses), but it has a surrealistic tonal quality, and I sometimes have the distinct impression that I am in two bodies simultaneously—my physical and my KA.
This is, in point of fact, one of the primary shifts of attention that can take place when working with the KA. And I think one would do well to be aware of this possibility. Thus, when/if it arises, you won’t think that you are losing your mental grip on reality—which is why I am belaboring this point.
I think it is fair to say if you practice the Method, you will eventually sense physical reality in new ways—especially when your KA reaches critical mass.  By critical mass I mean those moments when your KA has been charged to such an extent that it affects your perception of reality.
In these moments, you may continue to, and probably will, experience the world through the five senses, but you might also see through the play of Maya (the illusion of the senses and the sensorial world). This can be amusing, exhilarating and blissful, or quite disorienting, quite frankly.
In point of fact, charging the KA can result, as I mentioned earlier, in the very odd perception of having two bodies simultaneously—one physical and the other energetic. While this is actually a sign of progress in terms of the KA’s development, it can be mentally challenging if you aren’t prepared for it.
Mental disorientation caused by seeing the world as an illusion should not be underestimated, especially if you are not prepared intellectually and philosophically for such a perception.
This, of course, brings us to a philosophical conundrum—is the world real or is it an illusion perpetrated by the dance of subatomic particles driven by the quirks and quarks of the quantum realm? For me, it (the world) is both real and unreal. And what determines our perception of it depends upon what is happening in our brains, and in the case of the KA, our etheric twin as well.

The Niyama of ethical constraint

I personally feel that anyone who chooses to charge his or her KA with ascension-energetics needs to have some philosophical underpinning regarding personal ethics—i.e., what you will allow yourself to do, and what you will not allow yourself to do.
The reason for this is that as your KA becomes energized, certain types of mental/spiritual powers will naturally arise. It is also vital to understand (in my opinion) that sometimes life-negative aspects of your consciousness may also arise as well. This inherently uncomfortable situation (i.e., the humble realization that there is something negative within you) is actually an opportunity for greater self-insight (if you choose to embrace self-awareness over unconsciousness).
Very simply put, the Niyama of Constraint helps you by placing a boundary on behavior, whether overt (meaning in the outer world) or subtle (meaning in the inner words).
It is up to you to determine what ethical constraint you choose. But for those who have not thought about this much, I offer a simple, highly beneficial niyama:
“I shall strive to remain harmless to myself and others.”
By striving to be harmless to yourself and others, you create a mental ally that will serve you, and others, as you climb the Ladder of your own consciousness to higher states of being.
But… if you are unwilling or unable to embrace this simple constraint on behavior, or another of your own choosing, then I strongly suggest you stay away from this way of building your KA.

Practical Suggestions

According to the Hathors, everyone alive is going to be affected by the solar winds, whether they invite the energetics or not.  For some of us, these energies are going to be downright maddening and difficult to contend with. Others of us will use these same energies to elevate and move up the tonal scale of ascended awareness.
There are many degrees or gradations of the ascension process, and if you have not previously read the Hathor message entitled The Art of Jumping Timelines, I suggest you consider doing so. It explains the basic concept of ascension and how to engage it.  You can find it in the Hathor Archives of our website.
If you are prepared for the rapid expansion of awareness and activation of your KA that this method brings, I have a few practical suggestions.
First of all, find your balance point. As you work with the Method you will find your own personal comfort zone, meaning how much increased energy in your KA you can tolerate. As you continue to work with the Method, you will be able to handle more energy. But don’t push the river, so to speak. Be gentle with yourself and be moderate.
I also don’t suggest doing this just before going to sleep, or you might not sleep! Again, each of us is different, and some of you may find it to be a great sedative. I do not.  

Transition Phases of the Method

There are three fundamental phases in this technique.
First Phase
Place your awareness in your KA body, your spiritual twin or your ethteric double as it (the KA) is sometimes referred to. Since the KA is the same size and shape as your physical body, the inner space of your entire physical body is interpenetrated by this energy body.
Second Phase
As you hold your focus of attention on the entire KA body (from your head to your toes) shift your emotions into the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude. You do this by simply remembering the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. This creates the harmonic required for building the Energy Attractor. This emotional tone is absolutely necessary for creating the Energy Attractor as the Hathors describe it in their message.
Third Phase
Continuing to focus your mental awareness in your KA and simultaneously holding the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, realize (know) that you are in a sea of photonic and magnetic energies. You are immersed in the solar winds without having to do anything. Once you successfully hold this concept along with attention in your KA and holding the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will automatically start to draw in the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.
This may be a tricky phase for beginners since the photonic and magnetic energies of the solar winds do not present themselves through the five senses. These energies are too subtle to be detected via the senses. However, the KA body can and will detect them and will draw them into itself much like (to use a biological metaphor) a plant senses the presence of water and draws the water into itself as needed.
Again, each person is unique in how he or she perceives the physical world and the subtle worlds of consciousness. Part of the discovery process that comes with the creation of an Energy Attractor is to find out how these subtle photonic and magnetic energies present themselves to you. As you continue to work with the Method you will become more familiar and comfortable with how you personally experience these unique subtle energies.

An Experiment in Consciousness and Healing

One of the fascinating things about this method of drawing energy to the KA is that it can be used to send healing and transformative energy to the physical body as well.
Since the KA interpenetrates every space of the physical body, there is no tissue, organ or system that is outside the KA. As a result of this, it is possible to draw ascension-energetics (i.e. via the solar winds) not only into the KA, but also into the physical body. This is, of course, a theoretical statement that will need to be proven as true, or not, by you through direct experience—your experience.
I call this application of the Method (i.e. Creating an Energy Attractor) An Experiment in Consciousness and Healing because each of us will find our own way to work with the healing potentials of this that are unique to us.
Perhaps a few things I have noticed when working in this way with myself will prove helpful to others.
My own personal experience is that after I draw the energetics of the solar winds into my KA and let my KA body build itself for a while, I just shift my attention into any area of my body needing “healing,” and since energy follows awareness, the subtle energetics move from my KA into the area where I am focused.
This is not concentration. I repeat, not, concentration. It is as easy as taking a breath or lifting a feather. The subtle energetics in your KA will move effortlessly anywhere in your body you move your attention to—if you allow the movement.
As the flow of subtle energy flows from my KA into an area of my body needing “support” or “healing” I feel the tissues in those areas being energized somewhat like, though considerably less intensely, than when my KA is being energized by the solar winds (i.e. via the Energy Attractor). For me this energizing of my cells shows up as a physical sensation that is either comforting and/or energizing in the area where I am focused. Sometimes there are various presentations of interdimensional perceptions such as light and sometimes even inner  (or psychic) sound.
If you choose to explore this realm of possibilities for yourself, you will, no doubt, become familiar with how you experience the subtle energies of healing as they flow into your physical body from your KA.
One thing to take into consideration is that healing and transformative energies from the KA have a faster vibratory rate (in relation to the physical body). Thus, you may find a type of psycho-spiritual detox taking place if there is a lot of energetic-congestion in an organ or area of the body where you are focusing.
It is certainly possible to send healing and transformative energy from the KA to an area of your physical body without having any uncomfortable reactions. However, if you do experience discomfort, especially of the mental/emotional kind, you might consider reading an article I wrote some time ago entitled—Psycho-spiritual Detoxification: Thoughts and Observations—which you can find in the Articles section of the website.
My other suggestion is to drink some water if you have experienced a particularly strong response in your physical body after doing the Experiment (in Consciousness and Healing).

Final Thoughts

I suggest experimenting with the Method (just building the Energy Attractor by itself, as described by the Hathors) in short sessions to begin with. Find a time and space where you won’t be interrupted. Five to ten minutes is more than enough time to begin with. After you charge the KA, spend a few minutes sensing your KA, your physical body, and your immediate environment as it presents itself to you through your five senses. This sensing of your KA, your physical body and the environment will help you to integrate the charged energies more effectively. Remember, the reality of the KA does not circumvent the reality of the physical world or your physical body. It is an enhancement to the physical; it is, in fact, another dimension of consciousness.
It is a totally subjective call on your part as to how long and how often you work with the Method. Besides entering this work with curiosity, I think one of the most important things is to be joyful when creating an Energy Attractor. After all, as a creator, wouldn’t you want joy to be part of what you create?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

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Entering the Solar Storms

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Entering the Solar Storms

Note: This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.
As we indicated in an earlier message on January 3, 2011, you have been entering a period of increased solar activity for some time. We strongly urge that you read that message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, in order to understand the deeper levels of what we will be discussing.
You are now entering a more heightened period of solar and galactic activity in which the magnetosphere of your Earth is being struck by erratic and increasingly strong streams of solar energy.
You will be seeing an ever-increasing number of solar flares and fluctuations that are highly unusual. These fluctuations in the sun are being driven by internal forces, as well as by streams of energy from the central sun of your galaxy. Adding to this complexity of interactions are high intensity streams of energy from deep space. The magnetic field of your sun is being affected, and in point of fact, it is being twisted, contorted, and all of this is having an effect upon the magnetic field of your Earth and the magnetic fields of your bodies. With increased solar activity of this type, you will see an ever-increasing intensity of weather anomalies, as well as increased earthquake and volcanic activity.
The focus of our message here is not on the physical aspects but the emotional and spiritual aspects of this solar activity. As we said in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, these types of solar fluctuations increase emotional volatility and irrational behavior. Many of you are, no doubt, finding yourselves irritable for no particular reason. Sleep disturbances are also a common aspect of this change in solar activity.
As you enter this heightened solar storm phase we have two suggestions that will allow you to navigate through these increased levels of energy. The first is the simplest and is thoroughly discussed in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, so we will not discuss it here. A second method allows you to soothe your physical body through the water element. We are referring here to another previous message, called Medicines of Light. In this method you charge water with intentionality from your BA or Celestial Soul. The original message dealt with protecting yourself from viruses, bacteria, and radioactivity. We would refer you to that message so you understand the method clearly.
In this use of the Medicine of Light, you will charge the water with the intention of soothing your physical body, so that it is able to adjust to the erratic nature of the solar energies more efficiently and with greater grace. An ideal time to create this type of Medicine of Light is just before going to sleep. Then the Medicine of Light, through the water element, will communicate with the intracellular and intercellular fluids of your body, which will impart a calming and balancing effect.
Introducing this Medicine of Light before your rest cycle will have a very beneficial affect upon you while resting and during the next cycle of activity. We are saying “rest cycle” rather than sleep because for many of you, sleep is a highly questionable activity, as it is increasingly disturbed or disrupted. We suggest during these resting cycles you let go of your attachment to sleep as you have known it. As you become more at peace with the situation, you will find that you can regenerate yourself in shorter periods of deep relaxation.
When you awaken at night, or whenever you are resting, we suggest you use the method we suggested in Partaking from the Solar Winds to charge your KA body. Since you are awake you might as well take this opportunity to charge your KA.
As you work with this you will find that you can regenerate and re-energize yourself in shorter periods of time than you have been able to in the past.
There is a third method we would like to offer those of you who have an advanced understanding of your KA.
Your KA body interpenetrates your physical body and is the same shape and size as your physical form. There is no part of your physical body that is outside of your KA, and by its very nature when you charge your KA body with energy, the overflow of excess energy goes into the organs of your physical body, which increases your health and vitality.
Your KA body is composed of innumerable particles of etheric light, and within this body of light there are nexus points. These nexus points within your KA link to the mitochondria of your cells. Mitochondria are the energy producers, the power plants of your cells. There are varying numbers of mitochondria depending on the type of cell, and these organelles appear in the cytoplasm outside the cell nucleus. The only cells that do not have a nucleus are your red blood cells.
It is possible to bring your awareness into this level of your body so that you are aware of your mitochondria and can sense the wormholes into your KA. These wormholes are intracellular portals into the higher vibratory nature and reality of your KA. By opening these portals through intention you can greatly affect the flow of excess energy from your KA into your physical body.
This allows your physical body to more easily attune itself to the more rapid vibratory reality of your KA. It is through your KA that you ascend into higher vibratory realities. Through the portals of your mitochondria you can assist your physical body to adapt more easily to this rapid acceleration.
We now wish to turn our attention to the emotional quandary of your situation. By its very nature, both the acceleration of time and the increase of vibratory realities purge your unconscious mind.
As we said previously, you will note a general increase in emotional volatility and impulsive irrational behavior. If you are not experiencing these effects yourself, you have, no doubt, noted this occurring among your fellow humans.
You are living in a paradoxical duality. As the old energetic realities fall apart, new energetic realities are being birthed. But it is human nature for people to be attached to the way things used to be, to the ways they expect. Yet much of the way things have been is coming to an end. The world as you have known it, is ending. And a new world is being birthed.
The Quandary of the Human Heart
One of the greatest casualties in this process is the human heart. We recognize and sense a deep sadness and despair in the collective human heart. Part of this is due to the disintegration of realities and your attachments to them. After all, what do you build your dreams on when the foundations of your world are crumbling?
Another aspect of this difficulty in the heart has to do with the toxic nature of your planet’s emotional atmosphere. As the solar energies increase, the tensions between polarities become ever more apparent. The polarization of human consciousness between those who would imprison and those who would free the human spirit are becoming clearer and clearer.
We would offer two suggestions as a means to deal with these challenges to your heart.
It is through your heart that new realities are birthed—by this, we mean realities worth living. Our first suggestion may seem overly simplistic, and yet as is often the case, the simplest things are frequently the most powerful. However you do this is not important. What is important is that you create an emotional antidote in yourself to the toxic poisoning of your planet’s emotional atmosphere.
As hatred and intolerance increase, you must find a passage through this darkness. The simplest and most efficient way we know is for you to find the smallest things in your life that you appreciate, and to take a few moments to dwell on these feelings of appreciation throughout your day. It does not matter how small these feelings of appreciation may be. From the tiniest seeds of appreciation great things can arise. The vibratory state of appreciation, or gratitude, is an extraordinary antidote to emotional poisoning. We strongly suggest you cultivate this ally as you move through this next cycle of solar storms.
Finally, we are offering a sound meditation based on the heart chakra. This is from a previous Hathor Intensive. The first phase of this sound meditation rotates and activates energies within the heart chakra for the purpose of clearing. The second phase of the meditation is calming and nurturing. We believe you will find this sound meditation to be another helpful ally.
As you enter this new phase of solar storms understand that they are extraordinary opportunities for evolutionary advancement. They are also, paradoxically, fraught with dangers for devolution due to their intense nature. If you resist the energies of acceleration, you will experience great difficulties in this passage. If you embrace these energies and master them—finding a way to navigate through them with appreciation and a good dose of humor—you will find greater freedom. This freedom of which we speak is a freedom of the human spirit, mind and heart. It resides in a level of consciousness untouched by the dualities of your earthly existence.
The Hathors
April 1, 2012

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

First of all, I would like to acknowledge that there has been quite a bit of time between the last two Hathor messages. Whenever I went to them and inquired about the lack of a new message they said that they had already communicated everything that needed to be said up to that point. And when the time was ready—meaning poised for another shift—they would give a new message.
The fact that they have come forward with a new message at this time indicates to me that the proverbial shit is getting ready to hit the fan—yet again.
Medicines of Light
I have found their method for creating Medicines of Light to calm and balance the physical body during sleep, or as they call it, sleep cycles, to be quite helpful. And the more I create these Medicines for myself, the better I get at it. I suspect the same will be true for many of us. The method is definitely worth the effort, and if I am reading the Hathors’ tone correctly, this Medicine of Light will become increasingly important as we enter more deeply into this next phase of the solar storms.
I was quite intrigued by their comments about the existence of micro-wormholes between the mitochondria of our cells and the nexus points of light in our KAs. I asked them about this after the channeling session, and they said that this was a very complex and rich field of information, which they planned to discuss in future messages.
I, however, wanted more information about this sooner than later and suspected that many readers would want the same. When pressed, my mentors said that these micro-wormholes are bridges between dimensions of vibration, meaning between the density of matter (our bodies) and the less-dense light realms of our KAs.
The Hathors experience all dimensions as one continuum. In other words, the lower vibratory realities of our physical bodies are intimately connected to the higher vibratory realities of our consciousness. The demarcations between matter and consciousness are largely a self-limiting concept according to them. By working with our own mitochondrial micro-wormholes, we can more consciously bridge dimensions as they express themselves in our bodies.
Finally, according to the Hathors, holding an awareness of these mitochondrial wormholes while residing in a state of appreciation or gratitude will greatly amplify their energetic effects.
The Quandary of the Heart
I often find myself in the midst of many conflicting emotional states during the course of a day, or even in the passing of an hour…sometimes within minutes to be honest.
One minute I can be surfing the waves of cosmic energy with a detached amusement and at times, even bliss. The next moment I can be falling head over heals into the “waves” of self-created emotional turmoil.
I have noticed that my emotional “wipeouts” occur when I have lost my center, and it has become crystal clear to me that it is not so much what happens around me as it is my reaction to what I “think” is happening that determines my emotional state.
The point that the Hathors make regarding the increasingly toxic nature of our planetary emotional atmosphere is right on in my opinion. Their simple recommendation for cultivating an emotional antidote to this collective toxicity by taking time to appreciate the small things in life is disarmingly effective. I have tested this suggestion on numerous occasions, and I can honestly say that it works exceedingly well.
The Heart Chakra Sound Meditation
The heart chakra sound meditation that they refer to is posted in the Sound Gifts section of the website (
When you click on any of the sound links below, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement in the Sound Gifts section of the website ( After you read and click on the Agreement, you will have access to all the free audio files in the Sound Gifts section. By the way, I have added three new lecture excerpts to the Sound Gifts section including one titled My First Experience With the Hathors.
The meditation the Hathors refer to in this message is titled Heart Chakra Sound Meditation: A Shamanic Hathor Sound Exploration. There are some listening suggestions in the main body of the text, and at the end of that copy there is a link to the audio file, which you can listen to and/or download.
For those of you who have been following the Hathor Planetary Messages for some time, this sound meditation is energetically quite different from the Heart Dimensional Attunement, which they gave in a previous message (see Sound Gifts). That Heart Attunement was created to “attune” the Heart to future possibilities and timelines.
However, this particular Heart Chakra Sound Meditation was created to bring into conscious awareness patterns of emotional response that you hold within your own heart. From this perspective, emotional freedom arises out of clarity, not denial. Thus the first part of this sound meditation is quite catalytic in that it vibrates and rotates locked energy patterns within your heart chakra. For some people this phase can be a little like breaking through armament while for others it can be a fairly gentle process of letting go. The last phase of the sound meditation imparts calming, healing and restorative energies to the newly cleansed heart. I personally find this sound meditation to be a helpful ally, and I listen to it on a somewhat regular basis especially when I feel emotionally overwhelmed or blocked.
If you have the time and the inclination to explore your heart chakra more deeply, you might experiment with listening to this sound meditation two or three times in the same listening session. I have personally found that listening to it a second or third time in succession often reveals deeper levels of insight and, at times, deeper levels of healing as well.
According to my Hathor mentors, it is not generally a good idea to listen to the two meditations (the Heart Chakra Sound Meditation and the Heart Dimensional Attunement) in back-to-back listening sessions unless you are prepared to deal with major emotional and energetic phenomena.
Links to the previous Hathor messages mentioned in this posting are also noted below. If you are reading this online you can just click on the link. If you were forwarded this message or you are reading it in some other format, you can find the Hathor Postings in the Hathor Archives of the website ( The audio files are on the web site under the Sound Gifts section.
Click here for the Heart Chakra Sound Meditation        (located in Sound Gifts)
Click here for Partaking From the Solar Winds              (located in the Hathor Archives)
Click here for Medicines of Light                                (located in the Hathor Archives)

Ungawa, Black Power!

Exiled Black Panther in Africa finally leads children to the sea

Kids at the beach
After years of planning, dreaming and saving money, Pete O’Neal climbed aboard an old Toyota Coaster bus one morning last week with 23 Tanzanian children for what he called his life’s crowning ambition.
They were headed to the Swahili Coast, where 71-year-old O’Neal -– a former Black Panther leader who fled the United States in 1970 in the face of gun charges -- intended to give a group of young orphans their first look at the ocean.
It would be an all-day trip from his inland village near Arusha. There would be bad road and car-sick kids.
Photo gallery: A Black Panther in Exile
A few hours in, the bus limped to a stop with a broken fuel line. The 50-gallon tank had to be removed, the diesel stored in hastily gathered trash cans and jugs, the pipe welded. Lacking a funnel, the back-country mechanics sawed off a plastic water bottle to use to pour the fuel back into the tank.
After dark, they arrived at the coastal farm of a retired Englishman who had read a Los Angeles Times article about O’Neal and had extended an invitation to stay.
In the morning O’Neal, a slouched figure in an oversize Lakers jersey and long, swinging dreadlocks, led the kids along the sand under a gray sky.
“Do you see it?” he announced as the Indian Ocean came into view. One child, who had never seen so much water in one place, remarked that it must rain a lot here.
Soon it was a pandemonium of yelling and splashing. Over four days, the children studied shells and dug for crabs. 
None of them knew how to swim, and so O’Neal carried them one by one into the water, to the point where he was standing on his tip-toes.

Now, back home near Arusha, O’Neal is sore in every part, especially in his artificial knee.
In his long life, O’Neal has gone from violent Kansas City street kid to raging political radical to  fugitive exile, and he is still on the run from a decades-old federal conviction for transporting a shotgun across state lines.

He has watched other exiled Panthers die off, and is fairly certain that he and his wife, Charlotte, are the last alive in Africa.

Speaking by phone Wednesday, O’Neal sounded exhausted but giddy.
“I can’t recall anything that gave me the kind of pleasure that this trip did,” he said. “As Martin Luther King said, I have been to the mountaintop.”

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday (April 6) brings us the first full moon of the new spring season. 
The official moment that the moon turns full is 19:19 UT, or 3:19 p.m. EDT.
Traditionally, the April full moon is known as "the Pink Moon," supposedly as a tribute to the grass pink or wild ground phlox, considered one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. 

Other monikers include the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and, among coastal Native American tribes, the Full Fish Moon, for when the shad came upstream to spawn.

(Traditional names for the full moons of the year are found in some publications, such as the Farmers' Almanac. We also published the complete list of full moon names here on The origins of these names have been traced back to Native America, though they may also have evolved from old England or, as Guy Ottewell, editor of the annual publication Astronomical Calendar, suggests, "writer's fancy.")

The first full moon of spring is usually designated as the Paschal Full Moon or the Paschal Term.  Traditionally, Easter is observed on the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon. If the Paschal Moon occurs on a Sunday, Easter is the following Sunday. [Photos: Full Moon Captivates Skywatchers in February 2012]

Following these rules, we find that the date of Easter can fall as early as March 22 and as late as April 25. Pope Gregory XIII decreed this in 1582 as part of the Gregorian calendar. So according to the current ecclesiastical rules, Easter Sunday in 2012 is to be celebrated April 8.
Interestingly, these rules also state that the vernal equinox is fixed on March 21, despite the fact that from the years 2008 through 2101, at European longitudes it actually will occur no later than March 20. 
Adding additional confusion is that there is also an "ecclesiastical" full moon, determined from ecclesiastical tables, whose date does not necessarily coincide with the "astronomical" full moon, which is based solely on astronomical calculations. In 1981, for example, the full moon occurred on Sunday, April 19, so Easter should have occurred on the following Sunday, April 26. But based on the ecclesiastical full moon, it occurred on the same day of the astronomical full moon, April 19!
Hence, there can sometimes be discrepancies between the ecclesiastical and astronomical versions for dating Easter. In the year 2038, for instance, the equinox will fall on March 20, with a full moon the next day, so astronomically speaking, Easter should fall on March 28 of that year. In reality, however, as mandated by the rules of the church, Easter 2038 will be observed as late as it can possibly come, on April 25.
So in practice, the date of Easter is determined not from astronomical computations but rather from other formulae such Golden Numbers.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, a proposal to change Easter to a fixed holiday rather than a movable one has been widely circulated, and in 1963 the Second Vatican Council said it would agree, provided a consensus could be reached among Christian churches. The second Sunday in April has been suggested as the most likely date. That, incidentally, works outs rather nicely this year.

Harvest moon effect, in reverse
The full moon occurring nearest to the autumnal equinox is traditionally called the Harvest Moon. What sets the Harvest Moon apart from the others is that instead of rising at its normal average of 50 minutes later each day, it seems to rise at nearly the same time for several nights.

In direct contrast to the Harvest Full Moon, the Paschal Full Moon appears to rise considerably later each night. Below we've provided some examples for 10 North American cities.

Although normally the moon rises about 50 minutes later each night, over this three-night interval for our relatively small sampling we can see that the rising of the moon comes, on the average, just over 76 minutes later each night. A quick study of the table shows that the night-to-night difference is greatest for the more northerly locations. (Edmonton, located at latitude 53.6ºN, sees moonrise come an average of 88minutes later.) Meanwhile, the difference is less at southerly locations. (In Miami, located at latitude 26ºN, the average difference is about 67 minutes.) 

The reason for this seasonal circumstance is that the moon appears to move along the ecliptic (the path the sun takes across the sky), and at this time of year when rising, the ecliptic makes its largest angle with respect to the horizon for those living in the Northern Hemisphere. 

In contrast, for those living in the Southern Hemisphere, the ecliptic at this time of year appears to stand at a more oblique angle to the eastern horizon. As such, the difference for the time of moonrise is noticeably less than the average of 50 minutes per night. In Sydney, Australia, for instance, the night-to-night difference amounts to just 40 minutes.
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, N.Y.