Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Seven Supernatural Powers

The most common psychic powers experienced by people.

Do You Have These 7 Supernatural Powers?

* Clairvoyance
* Precognition
* Telepathy
* Healing
* Astral projection
* Mediumship
* Channeling


Clairvoyance is a psychic flash, a vision, or a “feeling” about something that is not physically present and occurs in the mind’s eye. Often these are attributed to an overactive imagination until a coincidence occurs such as seeing someone in danger and then finding out it has happened. Clairvoyance has many forms including auditory or hearing a voice, and a gut feeling where the person “knows” something is wrong or has occurred.


Precognition is the same as clairvoyance but seeing something in advance. This often comes in the form of dreams, a vision, or a psychic flash. For example, people with this ability will experience high anxiety or extreme pain in advance of a catastrophic event much like birds do when the weather changes.


Telepathy is the ability to read minds or see into the minds of others. This is common among certain families and groups as their perceptions are open and receptive to the way people they know thinks and behave. The theory is that thoughts are electrical and can be transmitted.


Psychic healing or faith healing is the ability to channel the spirit or universal energies to heal oneself or another and often this is the foundation of many forms of prayer and meditation. There is also the laying on of the hands, where the healer transmits healing energies through their palms to direct healing to another’s body.

Astral Projection

Astral projection or astral traveling is the ability to leave the physical body and “fly” to another location by means of spirit. It is sometimes called mental traveling and can occur during dream states. It also occurs during traumatic events and near death experiences when the body is injured, as when someone says they have an out-of-body experience.


Psychic mediums are people who have the ability to communicate with spirits or the dead such as the characters portrayed on the television shows, The Ghost Whisperer, Medium, and the movie, Ghost. Mediums can receive messages from the dead or spirits that are teach or instruct receptive people who need guidance or healing.


Channeling or trancing is a form of mediumship where a person is inhabited by the spirit of either a dead person or a supernatural being but may not be fully conscious while doing so and is confused with possession. The theory is that humans are electromagnetic in nature and can receive and transmit through “channels” of energy. These people are also known as psychics or psychic sensitives, and are “open” to spiritual or universal energies.

Many people experience psychic phenomena on occasion and although it is classified as a pseudoscience by the scientific community, the common experiences shared by so many must have some validity which cannot be measured. Some notable people who believed they possessed these talents include Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Francis of Assisi.

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