Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Astral Travel

Recently I was asked about astral travel, and frankly, I haven't given it any thought. Recently...I suggested to 'try' astral travel, simply meditate and shoot yourself into space, then land where it is you want to go, say, Australia.
And, if you are in Church, then that's the best place to try it.
I realized it may be more complicated than that, but if I want to go somewhere, it is 'mental traveling' which is common to all of us. and if I want to channel something, I often call upon spirits to guide me, or I journey in the shamanic way. Usually, I have enough distress just going thru my reality day without talking off for the wild blue yonder, but truly, we mental travel all the time, and astral travel is actually a little different. Astral travel is when you seem to teleported to another place or time and others see you, too. For instance, somebody who walks by you every day, comes once and then comes again, and you think, didn't I just see you a few moments ago?

They look at you like you're crazy, and yes, you are. What happened is they astral traveled into that space, out of routine, and you saw an apparition of them.

very spooky, try it sometime, and see if you come before you come....LOL

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Horoscope de China...

The Origin of Chinese Horoscopes was based on the legend which in the sixth century B.C. the Jade Emperor invited all the animals in creation to a race, only twelve showed up: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig, and according to their places in the race, the Jade Emperor had given them each a number starting with the Rat who was the winner of the race. Since rat is the winner, rat is the first symbol of Chinese zodiac sign.

The twelve animals became the symbols of Chinese astrology and they symbolize every year which complete the Chinese horoscopes of every 12 years. Since then, the Chinese horoscope has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years, and it is still consulted by millions of people on a daily basis. Its twelve animal signs are similar to the twelve signs of the Western Zodiac, but are determined by the year you were born rather than the month.

In this Chinese horoscope, it involves Chinese astrology that based on the lunar cycle which takes 12 years to complete. It includes also the five elements such as metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. This serves as the modifiers that subtle the nature of whatever they represent. And for balancing all the elements and all forces in the universe, the term Yin and Yang is responsible.

Here are the 12 animals that serve as symbols of Chinese Horoscopes which represent every year. The first one is the Rat was welcomed in ancient times as a protector and bringer of material prosperity. It is an animal associated with aggression, wealth, charm, and order, yet also associated with death, war, the occult, pestilence, and atrocities. The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. The Tiger is associated with good fortune, power, and royalty, is viewed with both fear and respect. Their protection and wisdom is sought after. The Rabbit is the fourth symbol which make ideal diplomats or politicians.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dr Judy Orloff points out that 'Same Goes to Same" and So On....

Dr Judith Orloff's Blog

The 4 Laws of Energetic Attraction

Dr. Orloff - Monday, October 10, 2011
Are you longing for relationships that do your heart good and generate stronger connections? In my book, Positive Energy I discuss how to radically improve your health and relationships by bringing positive people and situations into your life. Knowing about energy can transform your ability to build positive relationships, prevent loneliness and ward off fatigue. By making the energetic shifts described here, you can draw good things to you.
Law No. 1: We attract who we are.
The more positive energy we give off, the more we’ll receive. Ditto for negativity. It works like this: Love attracts love. Grumpiness attracts grumpiness. Passion attracts passion. Rage attracts rage.
First, define what being positive does and doesn’t mean for you in terms of attitude and behavior. Don’t worry if you’re far from a positive place. It’s an evolution. Give thought to what you value most in yourself or other. You can then strengthen these traits in yourself, and attract the same.
The idea is to find reciprocally nourishing interactions, not to win a popularity contest. (Of course, it feels good to be liked. But I’ve seen this need turn into addiction.) The following exercise will help you boost your positive signals.

  • Identify your best qualities and project them to the world. Before meeting new people or going to important events, prime yourself. Think, “I’m not going to focus on my insecurity but on a strength like my sensitivity, compassion or humor; I’m going to feel and trust the positive energy inside me. I’m going to claim my full power.” Such selective attention puts your best parts front and center.

  • Law No. 2: Intuition clarifies smart choices.
    Relationships are tricky; they can be a big blur even when your eyes are open. We’ve learned to draw conclusions from surface data: how nice someone seems, looks or is educated, or how a situation adds up on paper. But attraction goes deeper; to make it work for you, other ingredients must be considered. Respect your intuitions about relationships and identify those that highlight compatible matches.
    What may obscure the picture is anxiety or intense sexual attraction. If so, go slow until you get a keener intuitive read. In my book, Positive Energy I give exercises to help train you to act from instinct, not impulse.

  • Tune in. Choose a relationship or situation that needs clarification – perhaps you’re confused about a friendship or vacation. Run it by your intuition criteria: Do you feel troubled and nervous or energized and safe?

  • Act on vibes. Insecurity, ego, lust or stubbornness can obscure your better judgment. If a person feels positive, explore the possibilities. If the vibes are mixed, take a pass or at least wait. If all you sense is negative, have the courage to walk away, no matter how tempting the option seems. Then observe how listening to energy in this way leads you to the juiciest opportunities.

  • Law No. 3: Seeing the best in people magnetizes them.
    Instead of reflexively accentuating the worst in a person or situation, choose to energize positive qualities. The object isn’t to flatter, make nice, be politically correct or ignore intuitive red flags – nor to deny someone’s dark side or placate abusers. Your goal is to mine the gold in positive relationships and elevate the communication in more difficult ones.
    We want to have the goodness in us acknowledges. If you want to connect with someone, notice his or her assets. Let’s say a co-worker is snitty. Realize that happy people don’t act this way. So instead of being snitty back or constantly miffed, redirect the energy. Comment on the long hours she puts in, or her dynamite shoes. Use this approach for a week – as well as the ones below – and watch the vibes change.

  • Tell at least two people you love what you’re grateful for about them.

  • Tell at least two people you don’t love what you’re grateful for about them.

  • Adjust your perception. Spend an afternoon noticing the positive qualities of everyone you meet.

  • Praise other people’s abilities.

  • Law No. 4: Soulful giving generates abundance.
    Giving is supposed to feel good; if not, something’s wrong. Soulful giving enlarges your capacity to be more caring – you give for the joy of it, expecting nothing in return. In contrast, codependent giving bleeds life force; it’s driven by obligation, guilt or a martyr-complex, and it leaves the giver feeling sucked dry, unappreciated and put upon.
    You want to give for reasons that energize you, not because you’re taking inappropriate responsibility for others. The following strategies will generate bountiful vibes for you and the receiver. If you give from your heart, your vitality will soar.

  • Give spontaneously. Any time is right to offer simple tokens of appreciation to friends or colleagues; a candle, rose, small plant, fragrant soap or funny card.

  • Give anonymously. Walk an old lady across the street; hold open an elevator; let a car go before you in traffic; or do something nice behind the scenes for someone, but don’t get found out. Such good deeds add light to your energy field and ultimately draw the same goodness back to you. As a 14-year-old friend told me, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up someone else.”

  • Use these “laws” to mobilize excellence and kindness in your relationships. Emphatically say “no” to anything that doesn’t further the heart. Cheer each success. Don’t cheat your joy by jumping too quickly to the next ambition. Instead, pledge to value even the tiniest of triumphs. That’s what the art of positive living is about.

    Comments (9)

    Judith Orloff M.D. is a psychiatrist and author of Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life. Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Second Sight, and Guide to Intuitive Healing. Dr. Orloff combines traditional medicine with intuition, spirituality, and energy medicine. More information at

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    2001 a Space Odyssey revisited on 11.11.11

    Send payment or inquiries to:
    Gary Lockwood
    P. O. Box 6047
    Malibu, CA 90264

    Sunday, October 30, 2011


    Samhain, or Sowhaim or Hallow's Eve or Day of the Dead of the creepy curtain that is October into November where the Spirits rise....Boo!

    Gaelic harvest festival held on October 31–November 1. It was linked to festivals held around the same time in other Celtic cultures, and was popularised as the "Celtic New Year" from the late 19th century, following Sir John Rhys and Sir James Frazer.[2] The date of Samhain was associated with the Catholic All Saints' Day (and later All Souls' Day) from at least the 8th century, and both the secular Gaelic and the Catholic liturgical festival have influenced the secular customs now connected with Halloween.[3]
    The medieval Goidelic festival of Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was celebrated over the course of several days and had some elements of a Festival of the Dead

    Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.[4]

    Samhain is celebrated as a religious festival by some neopagans.[5]

    Saturday, October 1, 2011

    Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement

    A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

    From our perspective the ascension process can be viewed as two converging energetic streams.

    The first involves your KA body, your subtle energy body (i.e. your etheric twin or spiritual double). Any method that raises the vibratory rate of the KA is a method for ascension.

    The second stream involves the physical body and the transformation of matter into light. The complete metamorphosis of matter into light is a very advanced form of ascension, and is generally only seen in highly developed Initiates.

    However, the seed forms of this metamorphosis can, and do, present themselves in various stages of the ascension process.

    The sound meditation we wish to share with you is a vehicle to increase the inflow of spiritual light (i.e. interdimensional light,) into your endocrine system. During the ascension process the hormones that comprise your biological sea and the inner realities of your body go through a refinement. This sound meditation is a gentle yet potent means to facilitate this upward movement.

    The Meditation

    We wish to share two methods for working with this Attunement.

    The first is for beginners, those of you who are unfamiliar with the inner realms of your own consciousness. The second method is for those of you who are more advanced.

    Both of these methods work quite well. Recognize where you are in your own development and choose accordingly.

    The First Method

    In this approach you simply place your focused attention in the area of your pituitary gland, the master regulator of your endocrine system. As with all of the previous Dimensional Attunements we have given, the sounds you will hear are analogs of fluctuations in the light realms, and they will create a movement of energies in the pituitary, so long as you hold your attention in the general area of the pituitary gland. This area is located approximately one inch (or 2cm) behind the bridge of the nose.

    This general area is all that you need to focus on. It is not necessary to be exact. Simply resting your awareness in the area will accomplish the task. The operative word here is “rest" your awareness. This is not concentration. You simply rest your attention in the area of the pituitary gland and allow the sounds you hear to affect the area. When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to focused attention on the pituitary.

    The Second Method

    For those of you more familiar with your inner realms, we suggest you imagine that the area of your pituitary gland is a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water. This mental impression shifts your brain/mind into a highly receptive state and generates a quality of consciousness that is very helpful to this particular type of transformational work. We suggest the white lotus because all colors and all frequencies are held within it. You can imagine this lotus as a partially or fully opened blossom, or if you prefer, you can imagine it as a closed bud.

    Hold the mental impression of this white lotus in the area of your pituitary gland, and as with the first method, when your mind wanders, bring it back to the lotus and the area of your pituitary.

    Whether you use the first method or the second, the catalytic sounds will cause a movement of subtle energies within the pituitary creating a cascade of energetic effects throughout all of the glands that comprise your endocrine system. As you continue to experience this Attunement, you will become more familiar with its subtle and potent effects.

    We suggest that before you begin, you spend a few moments separating yourself from the concerns of your daily life. Draw a line between this short meditation and the rest of your life. The meditation is approximately five minutes long, and after you are done listening to it, we suggest you spend a few moments in silence, sensing the area of your pituitary. If you are energetically sensitive and aware, you can feel the subtle effects in all of your glands.

     As we said previously, this Attunement is subtle, yet potent. And this odd paradox is based upon an intricate relationship between matter and energy.

    As you move into the more subtle levels of matter (i.e. sub-atomic particles) there is more potential energy. Likewise, as you move into the more subtle levels of your own consciousness there is also an increase in energy (i.e. the powers of consciousness).

    The patterns that comprise this Attunement are precise and they form complex relationships in the subtle realms of consciousness.

    Do not be deceived by its simplicity. This Attunement is a potent transformer of consciousness.

    We therefore suggest that you experiment and find your own comfort zone with this particular Attunement.

    When you generate an increase of light-flows within the pituitary gland and the endocrine system, you release a potent and powerful purification. Each of you has your own comfort zone in this.

    For some of you, listening to the Attunement once a day will be all you can comfortably handle. Others may feel drawn to listen to it multiple times.

    As you proceed to listen to this Attunement on a regular basis, you will find your energetic nesting or comfort zone expanding, and you will be able to listen to it multiple times. But the guiding principle is your comfort zone.

    If you listen to this Attunement too often for your own energetic reality, you will know that you have crossed the line. You will recognize that you are releasing more energies within you than you are comfortable dealing with. The simple fact is that as the glands comprising your endocrine system receive fluctuations of light, via the pituitary gland, they release inhibiting patterns of energy and consciousness.

    The only guideline here is to proceed in a manner that is comfortable to you. Those of you who are more warrior-like in your nature can push the river, so to speak. But do realize that you are greatly accelerating the energetic transformation of your endocrine system. And if your perception, your thoughts and feelings, speed up too much, then slow down. Listen to the Attunement less often and find your comfort zone.

    Transmissions of Light

    The World Meditation on 11/11/11

    For those of you who choose to join us energetically, wherever you are, during the World Meditation on November 11, 2011, we ask that you work with this Attunement on a regular basis. The more familiar you are with this Attunement, and the more comfortable you are with its subtle effects, the more you will gain from the World Meditation when it takes place.

    During this World Meditation, the Attunement sequence will be repeated seven times for the group gathered in Seattle for this event. They will be holding the physical focus for this World Meditation, but the energetic of the Meditation, as well as the three-day gathering in Seattle, will transcend both time and space.  In other words, you can enter into profound states of inner awareness during the event, regardless of where you might physically be.

    Dates and Times

    The actual World Meditation, itself, will run from 9 pm until 10 pm September 11th PST. (Note: This is 5 am – 6 am  Saturday, November 12, GMT.)

    If you choose to ride the energetic during this specific hour-long meditation, we suggest you listen to the Attunement seven times and then sit in silence for twenty to thirty minutes with your attention in the area of your pituitary. If possible, we suggest that you then lie down and rest.

    The transformational energies around this Meditation will extend for a three-day period, which will begin at 7 pm on September 11th PST and continue until September 13th at 4 pm, PST.  Meditation on the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement will be particularly potent during this time period. (To find your time corollary go to

    We are releasing this Pituitary Dimensional Attunement at a propitious and precarious time in the ascent of human consciousness.  We do so with the hopes that it will assist you to reclaim your sovereign will as co-creators.  It is also our view that this particular Attunement will serve you as a transformational tool for many years into your future.

    Of all the Dimensional Attunements we have given, this one is our most treasured.

    During its creation, this Attunement was birthed from, and infused with, transformational energies from the 5th through the 12th dimensions of our interdimensional reality.

    By its very nature, this Attunement carries a subtle yet potent evolutionary energy. Many of you will use this Attunement to more clearly see the mystery of how you co-create your realities. And as the veils that separate physical reality from subtle realities part, you will awaken to a new vision of yourself, as well as a new understanding of your place in the cosmos. 

    The Hathors

    September 27, 2011

    Tom's Thoughts and Observations

    It is best if you listen to this particular Attunement with stereo headphones. This is due to the fact that the stereo sound patterns of this audio recoding create complex moving vortices of subtle energy. And these vortices rotate and spin wherever you place your focus of attention.  If you choose to listen to the Attunement without stereo headphones, it would help to separate your left and right speakers so that you get more of the stereo effect.

    Do not listen to this Attunement while driving a car or in situations requiring your full attention.

    I have worked with the Attunement using both the first and more advanced method the Hathors mentioned. And as they said, both methods work quite well.

    These methods are self-explanatory, except for one detail regarding the white lotus method. When you imagine “a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water,” imagine the lotus and the body of water in those ways that feel comfortable to you.  In other words, this is not a visualization exercise. If you tend to visualize things in your mind’s eye, then you might very well have a visual impression of the lotus and the water. But if you don’t tend to visualize things, then you will experience the lotus and the water in the sensory modality you are most comfortable with.

    I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement. And based upon my own personal experience with it, I agree with the Hathors’ repeated suggestion to find our comfort zones. This little sound piece can, indeed, generate a subtle energetic purification.

    My impression, having worked with this Attunement for a while, is that it unquestionably generates moving vortices of subtle energy in my pituitary gland. And from here, these subtle energies spontaneously move throughout my endocrine system.

    The Attunement generally has a calming, nurturing and deeply restorative quality. But if I listen to it for too long, it creates a purification action. In this case, I feel like I am on edge and irritated. This tells me that I have crossed the line out of my comfort zone, or as the Hathors say—my energetic nesting.

    Whenever I listen to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enlivening qualities of interdimensional light.  I have also observed that these enlivening energies sometimes stir things up inside me. And when this occurs, I think of it as internal house cleaning. I don’t stop cleaning just because some “dust” is in the air.  I just pace myself.  And I strive to be patient because, after all, there are many rooms in my inner house and a lot of them are in need of cleaning.

    I have found, and continue to find, this Attunement to be deeply transformative.

    I also find it most fascinating to explore the interface between consciousness and matter, specifically my consciousness and the matter that comprises my body. I sense immense opportunities within this Attunement for self-exploration and self-discovery.

    This Attunement is, in my opinion, an elegant and exquisite vessel for exploring some of the depths that reside within us.

    And in that vein I wish you, my fellow Argonauts of the Mind, deep and rewarding journeys.

    Tom Kenyon

    Click here to listen to or download the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement  Note: After you click on the above link, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement in the Sound Gifts section. After agreeing to the terms, you can listen to and/or download the audio file as you wish.

    Those interested in the topic of energetic purification may find the following article helpful:  Psycho-spiritual Detoxification

    Those new to the concept of ascension may find the following Hathor Message helpful: The Art of Jumping Timelines.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    Making it Memorable: 7 Tips to Memorizing Your Speech or Set

    It's not so cool to have notes these days, since everybody wants to look like their words of wisdom and hilarious observations just fly off the top of their head.  Reality shows have become popular because people like the illusion that whomever they're watching is showing who they really are, not just reading from a script.  And those same viewers have come to expect more spontaneity from speakers and entertainers.  But it's really hard to be spontaneous and in the moment -- to really connect with your audience -- if you're constantly glancing at some piece of paper to know what to say next. 
    When you have your act memorized so well that it's second nature, it frees you to make more eye contact, to read your audience better, and to notice subtleties about what's going on around.  That kind of relaxed awareness helps you really connect, because instead of just reading - you're communicating.

    A lot of comics have trouble memorizing a longer set, so here's seven tips:
    1.  Start with an outline.  Write out your set list, and practice taking a quick look and then running through each joke (from setup to laugh).

    2.  Know what comes next.  The hardest part in memorizing a long set isn't so much remembering the jokes, as knowing WHICH joke comes after the one you just finished.  If you arrange items in a natural flow, and give code words that you can remember easily to each joke or chunk, it helps to navigate from joke to joke.

    For example, my set list might be: Swedish Jokes, Political, Jewish, etc.  Each code word reminds me of a chunk where I know the joke well.  After I've broken it down into ten code words, I just have ten things to memorize, and I can find a natural association between them.  (Swedish people can be political but few are Jewish.  Two or three sentences like that are a lot easier to memorize than a few pages in a notebook!)

    3.  Talk it and walk it.  Comedians stand up --- literally - partly because studies have shown the brain works faster and more efficiently when you're on your feet.  So instead of reading jokes off of a computer screen, I find taking walks and practicing my routine out loud really helps.  If you run through your routine out loud 20 times on a walk, you'll know it.  (I like to have my Bluetooth headset in one ear so my neighbors don't think I have an imaginary friend.)

    4.  Have a backup.  Even when you have your act memorized forwards and backwards, most of us will always have a little twinge of fear that we could forget what's next under the nervous pressure of being in front of a packed house - especially if a joke falls flat.

    Having your list of code words as a trigger on an index card in your pocket, scrawled on your hand, or on the screen of your iPhone can make you relax a little and focus more on your audience.  And if you DO have a lapse, think of a clever way to take a peek without tipping everyone off, or getting a laugh out of it when you do.  ("Swedish, Political, Jewish, Wash left hand.")

    5.  Let it go.  I always feel that if I forget something, then that just means I wasn't meant do it.  Being on stage is a heightened experience, and you intuitively know what will and won't work.

    Sometimes forcing things in the order you planned them is not the best flow, and you have to toss out the order you planned and live in the moment by pressing ahead.  If you keep forgetting a joke ... it probably wasn't funny enough to be worth remembering.

    6.  Use your sense memory.  Sometimes I plan to perform chunks of material on different portions of the stage.  When I move to a different spot, it triggers my memory that this physical place is also the place in my act where I do a certain bit.  My body helps my brain remember.

    7.  Don't sigh - breathe!  Finally -- if you go blank, here's something that always works:  Take a deep breath in and out without any words.  This will relax you -- and your act will come back to you.  I've never had this fail, and that extra oxygen might even supercharge your brain to riff out a few NEW jokes even better than what you planned!

    -Judy Carter, Comedian, author, speaker, 
    see, the Comedy Bible...


    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Rocks off the Rolling Stones...

    The Rolling Stones: Rocks Off

    Bob Dylan says that The Rolling Stones are the greatest rock band in history. I agree with you, Robert Allen Zimmerman. The Stones affected everything and everyone, touching every rock 'n' roll and blues musician in the planet.
    But beyond their universality, beyond Mick's showmanship, Keith's genius and Charlie's perfect simplicity, the Stones are a fundamental part of life. And while there are many other musicians that are embedded deep into the collective soul—Bowie, the Beatles, Elvis, Cash, Dylan, Queen, Springsteen and a neverending list of rock classics—the Stones embody the essence of many low and high periods of life. Needless to say, they have powered an insane amount of music and airtime.

    Can't choose any favorite songs...sometimes Let It Bleed until the ears do and Sticky Fingers or Goat Heads Soup or live gems Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out and of course, Sympathy For The Devil for a little mood music. And, there's Exile On Main St. Rocks Off, the incredible piece that opens this double album explodes with the energy of the entire US nuclear arsenal. Watch Stones In Exile, a documentary directed by Stephen Kijak and produced by confessed Stones' fanatic Martin Scorsese). Oh, and Exile released in 1972, is a perfect song to start a weekend and burn the city down. The night is yours, my lovely nutters. Go get it. [Amazon, iTunes, Spotify]

    You can keep up with Jesus Diaz the author of this post, on Twitter or Facebook.

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    Healing, Law of Attraction, and well said...

    Light Up the World

    I have been inspired by the words of Catherine Ponder for years, in part because she connects the Law of Attraction with spirituality. In her books, Ponder, a Unitarian Minister, teaches how to use that connection to create health, happiness, satisfying work, meaningful relationships, financial prosperity, and so forth. This has been my life’s work as well
    This summer, I decided to reread one of my favorite books written by Catherine Ponder called The Dynamic Laws of Healing. I’m glad I did—her work is both simple and profound. Ponder reminded me that there is an infinite amount of healing energy available to us at all times through the Creator. Although I know this at the core of my being, it reassures me to read these words and be reminded of this truth.
    The Creator goes by many names: Jesus, Allah, Adonai, the Great Goddess, Source Energy—it really doesn’t matter which name you use. The point is that, regardless of your religion or spiritual practices, you can tap into this healing source at any time. Although some religious practices disagree, I believe you can connect directly to the creator without an intermediary. And I suggest you experiment with this.
    Knowing there is a Higher Power, one that is greater than I am, calms my spirit when I’m troubled. Because Ponder is a Christian minister, she believes that Jesus will share or even “lift your burdens” entirely. While it isn’t necessary for you to agree with this precept (since it is a Christian ideology), I can assure you there is something wonderful about knowing when to “surrender” to a situation. You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “Let Go and Let God.”
    Believing that the universe will rise up to support you when you can’t figure out the answer is incredibly reassuring—plus it works!
    Welcoming the Divine
    People have called on the name of the Creator for thousands and thousands of years to bring the Divine into their presence. This is one of the reasons we pray, and also why prayer is so powerful. The sound of prayer, either spoken or sung, as it resonates in our bodies is also healing. According to the Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish text, the Hebrew letters have specific healing properties when spoken aloud. At a minimum, speaking words or prayers out loud can change the vibrational patterns around you, which just might help you manifest your dream or desire with the help of the Law of Attraction.
    Catherine Ponder’s books are filled with beautiful affirmations, much like Louise Hay’s inspiring affirmations. However, Ponder’s are more like a prayer that invokes God’s presence. She believes that merely repeating God’s name (in her case, Jesus) is all that’s needed to connect with this healing energy. Talk about simple.
    The ancients believed that the phrase “I AM” was a synonym for “the God within you.” Catherine Ponder says to meditate regularly on the phrase “I am the light of the world” can flood your whole being with light and drive out darkness.
    Think about how many times you say “I am” in a day. Are you affirming what you want to bring into your life? Is it possible that your words are unknowingly cutting off your connection to healing energy?
    Here are some I AM affirmations to experiment with:
    I AM health, strength, and prosperity.
    I AM calm in times of stress. I AM inspired to find solutions to my problems.
    I AM flourishing in my body, spirit, and mind. I AM a shining example of health and happiness for my friends, coworkers, and family.
    Healing With Divine Love
    My friend Robert G. Fritchie of the World Service Institute teaches the practice of healing with Divine Love. Divine Love is Fritchie’s term for the healing energy from the Creator, which is available to us 24/7. When you work with Fritchie, you can feel yourself connecting to this Infinite Source. It’s really quite remarkable.
    Fritchie holds weekly teleconferences to help individuals connect with Divine Love. He also conducts teleconferences to help heal the earth and address other environmental disasters. For example he organized a group of people from all over the world to send Divine Love to the people living in Japan (and to the precarious nuclear reactors) after the Tsunami in 2010.
    For more information, read Fritchie’s guest author article “Healing With Divine Love: An overview and tips for successful self-healing” or his book Surviving Chaos: Healing with Divine Love
    Restoring Equilibrium
    No matter who you are, there are times when you will feel stress, ill health, or low energy. All of us argue with our boss or partner every now and then. Imbalance of any kind, Ponder teaches, often arises when you lose your connection to the Divine—when you cut off the circulation of healing energy. What’s important is you can regain your health, prosperity, and equilibrium by connecting to the Creator.
    I encourage you to practice connecting to this infinite source of healing, either by reading Catherine Ponder’s books, by working with Bob Fritchie, or through personal prayer and affirmations. Although any time is a good time to start, if you have some leisure time before the summer ends and the fall rush begins, experiment a little. Having this foundation in place when imbalances do occur will literally be a Godsend!

    This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. 
All material in this article is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health program.
    For up-to-the-minute as well as timeless medical advice in Dr. Northrup's extensive library of articles and podcasts, visit

    Sunday, September 11, 2011

    Repost from Barbara OBrien, on 9/11 and Fear Mongering

    We are rapidly approaching the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. I was in lower Manhattan that day, and my memories have hardly faded even though it now seems to have happened ages ago. Right now, though, I don't want to talk about the attacks but about fear.
    In the days immediately after the attacks, New York City was saturated with sorrow. And just beneath the sorrow, there was fear. Two days after the attacks I saw a businessman on a subway who  was visibly trembling with fear. A woman I worked with literally fainted from fright upon hearing a rumor of poison in the subways. And for a while we all ran to the windows of our 40th-floor office whenever we heard a plane.
    That was understandable fear; a natural reaction to a terrible event that we personally witnessed. But New Yorkers had to face that fear, and put it aside, to get on with their lives. You simply cannot function here and avoid subways, skyscrapers and famous landmarks, not to mention people who might seem "different." At some point you just have to trust the world and go out and live in it.
    New Yorkers remain vigilant. Packages abandoned in subway stations are quickly reported to police, for example. But I'd say that on the whole, New Yorkers don't allow fear of terrorism to run their lives or cloud their judgments.
    But in the years since I've noticed many different kinds of fear. For example, I've met people -- not New Yorkers -- who are shocked that I do not support, say, torture of terrorist suspects (or anybody else, for that matter), or curtailments of civil liberties such as warrantless wiretaps and suspension of habeas corpus. Such people are quick to point out how much danger we are in, and how I don't understand what happened on September 11.
    Invariably, the person who thinks I "don't understand" September 11 watched it all on his television set, 500 miles away. But I was there. I think I "understand" it well enough, thank you.
    People attach to a kind of fake fear, not unlike the kind of fear you feel when watching a horror movie or riding a roller coaster. It can be a sense of excitement that loosens inhibitions and incites recklessness and even mob violence. It also can be a great tool for manipulating public opinion. Bigots use fear to justify their bigotry.
    And then there are the conspiracy theorists. Obviously an obsession with secret evil plots to rule the world fills a void in some people's lives. I read a column this morning that said, "We love this manufactured fear, I think because it keeps real fear at bay." There's something to that.
    Fear often is irrational. In most parts of the world more people die every year slipping in bathtubs than from terrorist attacks, yet we don't fear bathtubs. In the U.S., some of the same people who see "jihadists" in every shadow deny the danger from global climate change.
    Scientists who study why people fear what they fear say that a familiar thing is less feared than a new thing, even when the familiar thing poses more real danger. We also are more fearful of potential but unlikely catastrophes than chronic common dangers, such as heart disease.
    The essential cause of our suffering and anxiety is ignorance of the nature of reality, and craving and clinging to something illusory. That is referred to as ego, and the gasoline in the vehicle of ego is fear. Ego thrives on fear, so unless we figure out the problem of fear, we will never understand or embody any sense of egolessness or selflessness.
    This takes us back to what the Buddha taught in the Four Noble Truths. The antidote is to thoroughly understand that our fears come from a skewed perspective on ourselves and the world.
    For the United States this has been a hard ten years, made harder by the craven exploitation of the terrorist attacks by many of our nation's elected leaders. It makes memories of the day itself that much sadder. Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by all the fear and craziness in the world. Then I reflect on the Bodhisattva vows.
    Let us all let fear drop away and find trust in our practice.

    Saturday, September 10, 2011

    Breath is Life...

    Learning to Breathe, waiting to exhale, smoking, are all attempts to learn THE BREATH. It is the natural elixer of life, the supreme healing agent, the cosmic consciousness, and the divine spirit that world teachers always speak of. Learn to breathe and life is yours...
    Scientific research on live blood shows dramatic improvement to people’s blood cells
    before and after doing the breathing technique.

    You can see how after doing the 45 second breathing technique the cells are
    no longer clumped together.

    Oxygen rich blood circulates better and is less clumped together. 

    Cancer does not like oxygen.

    This event is about MERGING the power of breathing, prayer and music to create
    the ultimate oneness experience. 

    By attending this event, people will experience something physically, mentally and spiritually that will enhance their life forever.

    Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    Fall Equinox September 23rd

    The Autumnal Equinox is the day when both night and day are the same length. The Autumnal Equinox falls on September 23 in 2011.
    The Autumnal Equinox occurs once a year when the sun crosses over the celestial equator moving south into the northern hemisphere. When this happens, it shines equally on the northern and southern hemispheres.

    At the start of the Autumnal Equinox, take some time to reflect on the bounty of your hard work, give thanks for the blessings that you have, and make preparations for the coming winter months.
    The Autumnal Equinox marks the first day of the season of autumn. It is also called the Fall Equinox, the Second Harvest Festival, Festival of Dionysus, Wine Harvest, Cornucopia, and Winter Finding.
    Ancient people celebrated each change of the seasons, knowing that nature's changes outside correspond to inner changes as well.

    Symbol of Second Harvest - Equality - Balance

    This holiday symbolizes a second harvest, equality and balance. It is a magical, exciting time that comes but once a year. Celebrate Autumnal Equinox by focusing your energies to:
    • Prepare for the winter ahead
    • Become attuned to the dark and the light within yourself
    • Create a balance that will carry you forward into the coming winter
    This is a good time to use affirmations for protection, wealth and prosperity, self confidence, balance and harmony, and goal setting.

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Message from the Hathors

    The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes

    A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

    Your planet is entering a critical transition state, characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes.

    In our previous communications we have discussed the changes taking place on your Earth in the context of a single Chaotic Node. But from our viewpoint, multiple Chaotic Nodes are now emerging. These complex interacting nodes involve such things as radical weather anomalies, increases in earthquake and volcanic activity, critical challenges to the planet’s eco-systems, challenges to agriculture and food sources, as well as political and economic volatility.

    In addition to these planetary Chaotic Nodes, the sun of your solar system is entering a greater level of volatility and unpredictability as well. It is entering into multiple Chaotic Nodes itself, driven by its own internal cycles, but also greatly impacted, as we have said in previous messages, by the galactic center.

    The physical challenges you will face in the near future are many, but our message at this time does not concern the physical dimension of these difficulties. These changes, and their resulting challenges, will be apparent to anyone who looks beneath the surface of current events.

    Our focus in this communication is on the emotional and spiritual crisis you are facing.

    When a system enters multiple Chaotic Nodes there is increased stress on those elements or beings that reside in the vibratory level of existence where the Chaotic Nodes are taking place.

    Let us speak to this for a moment in terms other than human existence. From our experience, other dimensions of consciousness and existence are also experiencing their own version of multiple Chaotic Nodes. Thus, the energetic challenges you are facing are not limited just to Earth, but extend to all dimensions of consciousness and all beings, including non-corporeal (energy beings without bodies), who are related to Earth and this galaxy.

    But let us come down to Earth, to the nexus point of your existence in time and space.

    As we said earlier, beings living in a realm of existence undergoing multiple Chaotic Nodes will be inevitably stressed by increases in chaotic events.

    As chaotic elements within planetary weather patterns increase, as challenges to agriculture multiply, and as economic problems grow, there will be an increase in global human anxiety.

    This type of anxiety tends to center around physical survival, and while anxiety about survival can drive human beings into a type of madness and irrationality, there is something more insidious and hidden in the current transition state you are now entering.

    This hidden danger has to do with thought forms perpetuated by some of your major religions and spiritual traditions. These thought forms and belief systems maintain the notion that there is a separation between the physical and the interdimensional (spiritual) aspects of your existence. The physical world is viewed as tainted; nature is seen as something to be subdued and dominated (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world), and in essence, the world is viewed as something to be escaped from.

    We do not share this belief. Our experience is that consciousness is one continuum from the highest vibrations of light into the lowest vibrations of matter and that the very atoms and subatomic particles that comprise your world are, by their very nature, sacred—if by sacred you mean related to the whole.

    As the stresses generated by multiple Chaotic Nodes increase, there will be a tendency for many humans to enter delusional and dissociative states of consciousness.

    Those who adhere to the thought form that there is an eternal schism between the realms of matter and those of spirit will be most prone to this aberration in consciousness. And as stresses increase, due to the complex interaction of multiple Chaotic Nodes, there will be a marked tendency for some of these individuals to be separated further and further from the realities of the physical dimension. This type of communal dissociation will be further driven by religious and spiritual thought forms regarding “the End Times,” “the Day of Judgment,” and the “Purification of Earth.” This delusional state of mind will become a type of collective mental/emotional virus as whole groups of individuals succumb to stress and overwhelm as they struggle to deal with the global effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.

    Lines in the Sand

    From our perspective, a line is being drawn in the sands of human consciousness. And this line is nothing less than the demarcation between those who uphold the schism between matter and spirit as perpetuated by the world’s major religions and those who don’t.

    What side of this line you stand on will determine to a great extent what you are open to, in terms of planetary and personal transformation.

    All Initiates must determine for themselves, what is true and not true, especially when it comes to this religiously perpetuated schism between matter and spirit. And by Initiates, we simply mean those who strive to live upward in consciousness, regardless of the method or spiritual traditions they follow.

    The Path of the Heart

    From our perspective, the threshold for an Initiate from the lower vibrational worlds into the upper worlds is, first and foremost, through the heart. This transit of consciousness is essentially an inner journey from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. It is only when an Initiate both transcends and transforms his or her personal fixation on security, sex and power that the upward spiral opens. And the entrance into this upward spiral of consciousness occurs when the heart chakra becomes energetically open and permeable.

    The paradox and the difficulty is that you live in a dualistic universe, and virtually any action you take is met by a counter-force. This paradox and difficulty is like a metaphorical grain of sand in an oyster; it is irritating. But through the process of self-evolution, the irritation (i.e. duality) becomes a pearl, and paradoxically, something of value emerges from that which was problematic. But each Initiate must create this pearl of self-transformation for him or herself. No religion, no master, no teacher or guru can do it for you.

    It may sound too simplistic but, in our experience, the greatest evolutionary catalyst, and the greatest vibratory field of safety to bridge transition states (such as the one you are collectively entering), is through the heart, your heart.

    Let us be more specific here. As the number of Chaotic Nodes increases, the challenges to mental and emotional stability will multiply. And as a result, increasing numbers of individuals will enter irrational states of consciousness. There will be a tendency for these individuals to act out in self-destructive ways. And because you are connected to all life on this planet, you will be affected to some extent by the emotional turmoil of others.

    Thus it would be of great benefit to you as an Initiate, to cultivate a coherent emotional state, something you return to again and again, reinforcing what we call a positive attractor.

    Then it will be as if you have an energetic bubble of coherency around you. You will be able to see clearly and respond to the dualistic world you live in, yet your vibratory essence will remain protected from the increasing levels of chaos and irrationality of others. How you do this is your choice. There are many ways to accomplish this. We will simply offer two.

    The first is the most basic and fundamental but is the foundation for the more advanced. We are well aware that many persons reading these messages are new to this type of information, while others are very advanced, which is why we are offering two techniques.

    The Basic Technique

    This first method is for those unfamiliar with the vastness of their own inner consciousness. It is simple but highly effective.
    We recommend you regularly cultivate this coherent state in the garden of your mind.

    To accomplish this, you simply reside in the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, without any reason to do so. In other words, you are not looking to something in your environment or your life to feel appreciation or gratitude for. You simply enter into this vibratory state for no other reason other than choosing to do so.

    This vibratory state creates a coherency in your body and mind, and it is a type of mental/emotional upliftment that acts as a counter-balance to the downward spiral many humans will be experiencing.

    We recommend that you enter this emotional state several times a day. Just a minute or two is all that is needed, but by entering into this vibratory state throughout the day, you train your brain/mind/body to enter into a coherent state at will. And this will be a very helpful and important mind-skill as you enter further into this planetary transition state (i.e. the emergence of multiple Chaotic Nodes).

    One reason we say that this mind-skill will be helpful to you is due to the inherent effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.

    Many of you will find greater opportunities for frustration in your daily life. This is because actions taken will increasingly not lead to the result anticipated. Even those of you who are intellectually gifted and masters of manifestation may find blocks and unanticipated hindrances, due to no causation on your part, but rather due to the actions or inactions of others, as well as unanticipated problems caused by the increase of chaotic events in the world around you. Thus, when you find yourself at your wit’s end, so to speak, if you have cultivated the positive attractor of appreciation or gratitude you can use it to intervene into your own emotional turmoil, for if you succumb to your own emotional stress the contagion of mass hysteria is more likely to reach you.

    Think of this simple technique as a lifesaver. It’s something passive, you just rest in it, and it creates a vibratory field that by its very nature protects your emotional and spiritual essence.

    The Advanced Technique

    The second technique we wish to share is for those of you who are more experienced with your inner worlds.

    We discussed the first part of this method in a previous message called Ecstasy and the Heart.

    The technique involves focusing on the physical heart, not the heart chakra, and while focusing your attention on the physical heart you enter into the state of appreciation or gratitude (just as with the simple method we gave earlier).

    The effect of holding your awareness in the physical heart while experiencing appreciation or gratitude creates bliss or ecstasy if you hold the two together long enough.

    Once you enter bliss or ecstasy you become aware of the space between the atoms of your body and your environment. This is a shift of mental attention and is based on the quantum reality that physical matter is over 99% space.

    Obviously, you do not perceive this space between the atoms of your body and your immediate environment through your physical senses due to the limitations of your nervous system. But the non-local aspect of your consciousness that is unfettered by the limitations of your physical reality can experience this space.

    The final stage of this technique involves a shifting of attention. As you become aware of this space in your body and the space around you, you perform a paradoxical feat of consciousness. You send the appreciation and gratitude you are experiencing, both to the space within your body and to the space around you, as well to the particles of matter that comprise your body and the world around you.

    This “holding” of both space and matter in the vibratory realm of appreciation or gratitude will eventually reveal your nature as both an embodied and un-embodied being—as a being living through a physical body or form and simultaneously as a consciousness unbounded by form.  If you persist with this method, it will eventually open a miraculous doorway for you, a doorway that leads to profound insights regarding the nature of ascension.

    In regard to choosing which method to use, we suggest you begin where you are.

    The first method, though simple, is highly effective at protecting you from the contagion of human irrationality and will lift you upward into the currents of the upward spiral, even as those around you spiral downward.

    When you feel you are ready, you can explore the advanced method. This is not a marathon race to see who can get to the advanced method the quickest.

    The only thing that is required is that you reside in appreciation or gratitude as often as possible without causation. This simple vibratory realm will be a great ally to you as you pass through the current planetary transition state.

    Another ally to you in this transition is a meditation we gave in one of our previous communications. We call it The Crystal Palace Within, and we encourage you to experiment with it. If it speaks to you, use it often for it connects you to the wisdom of Gaia (Earth) and enlivens a central conduit for the higher realms of your existence known to your science as your pineal gland and known to us as the jewel in the head.

    For those of you planning to join us for the World Meditation on November 11th  of this year (11/11/11), we ask that you work with The Crystal Palace Meditation as often as is convenient, to prepare you for the next Dimensional Attunement, which will be used during the World Meditation.

    This Dimensional Attunement will be a sound meditation created to transmit light into the pituitary gland, the master regulator of your endocrine system. We will be giving instructions on how to use this sound meditation on your own and for use during the world meditation on 11/11/11.

    We will post the Pituitary Dimensional  Attunement (sound meditation) in the Sound Gifts section of the website at the end of September or the beginning of October. 


    As we said at the beginning of this message, you are entering a critical transition state. For those unfamiliar with our previous message entitled Transition States of Consciousness, we strongly suggest that you take a look at this communication.

    Your Earth is entering a perilous period in its upward movement. Many aspects of your reality will be changing right before your eyes, more rapidly than you could ever have imagined.

    Due to the acceleration of time, the transformation of your civilization will increase exponentially. Your word “transformation” literally means moving beyond form, thus the structures of your reality (meaning the thought forms and beliefs as well as the external realities of your life) will be undergoing rapid change.

    A greater fluidity of consciousness is required. Protection of your vibratory essence is vital. You are entering harrowing times and yet in this complexity there are immense opportunities for your own personal evolution.

    We believe that there will be a greater polarization between people as the Chaotic Nodes increase in number and intensity. And yet even in the midst of that polarization, if your heart/mind is open you will have moments of deep communion with others, even strangers, whenever you look into the eyes of another human being who recognizes the sacredness of this moment, the sacredness of life, and the sacredness of this Earth.

    Our thoughts and blessings are with you.

    The Hathors

    August 12, 2011

    Tom's Thoughts and Observations

    According to the Hathors, we are now witnessing the rising of multiple Chaotic Nodes, with a resulting increase in chaotic events and situations all over the world.

    The Hathors have singled out a few of these Nodes in their message, such as extreme stresses on our ecosystems, bizarre weather patterns which are, in turn, negatively affecting both agriculture and our food sources, as well as earth changes (i.e. earthquakes and volcanoes), not to mention drastic economic and political volatility.

    But they don’t spend a lot of time on the details of these physical calamities. They say quite rightly, I think, that the consequences of these Chaotic Nodes can be ascertained by anyone who looks beneath the surface of current events.

    The primary focus of their message is two-fold: one, how each of us can create a vibrational field of protection as we collectively move into this transition state (and the corresponding increase in global chaos). And secondly, they address what they see as a hidden danger, which paradoxically isn’t physical, but mental.

    They slam some of the world’s major religions and spiritual traditions for the toxic and insidious effects from some of their central thought forms—first, that nature is something to be dominated and subdued according to our will (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world—to use the Hathors’ own words). And secondly, that there is an eternal schism and battle between matter and spirit. The Hathors are so convinced that these are toxic thought forms and beliefs they have mentioned them in two of their recent messages.

    I have been working with the Hathors for over twenty years now, and they are normally more gracious when it comes to allowing others their own perceptions. It is highly unusual for them to take such an adamant stance.

    After receiving this most recent message, I asked one of my Hathor mentors about this unprecedented attack on two common thought forms in many religious and spiritual traditions. His response was that humanity is at a tipping point and that the two aforementioned thought forms are a toxic poison that has polluted, and continues to pollute, our collective approach to life itself (since according to some of these traditions, life is either a punishment, an error and/or an illusion).

    The Hathors consider these ideas to be delusional in nature, since according to their perception, there is no separation between spirit (i.e. interdimensional realities) and matter. Indeed, as they said, they see consciousness as one continuum from the highest vibrations of light to the lowest vibrations of matter. And for them, matter is inherently sacred since it is an expression of this continuum. It’s just that things move slower in the worlds of matter than they do in the realms of light.

    In true Hathorian style, they say that each and every Initiate (i.e. anyone striving to live upward in consciousness) must make his or her own decision regarding the religiously perpetuated schism between spirit and matter.  In other words, they are not telling us what to believe (nor should they). But they have unquestionably made their position crystal clear.

    Collective Madness

    They also discuss how many of us will experience significant stress reactions as the global effects of the Chaotic Nodes become more intense. One result of human-related stress, according to them, will be an increase in collective mental and emotional instability. And furthermore, they think, “there will be a tendency for many humans to enter delusional and dissociative states of consciousness.”

    The psychosocial history of humanity shows pretty clearly, I think, that when social, economic, and/or environmental stresses reach a certain point, mental health problems crop up in the collective human family like mushrooms in springtime.

    The psychiatrist Carl Jung predicted World War II based on the tormented dreams of his patients shortly after the end of World War I. The intensity and similarities of his patients’ nightmares indicated, to him, that the human collective was deeply disturbed and traumatized by something that would materialize in the near future.

    In fact, a relatively new field of socio-psychology has been looking at the complex interactions of social and economic pressures, how they generate stress reactions in people, and how this type of stress can result in mental health problems. In this regard, I found a study released by the National Institute of Mental Health to be a fascinating piece of reading. For those interested in such matters, I would refer you to a document entitled “Social Stressors and Social Resources and their Health Consequences,” NIMH Office of Prevention and Special Projects, Bethesda, MD, August 17-19 1995. You can also do an Internet search and find the document by pasting this URL address into your search engine:

    But turning our attention back to the Hathors’ comments about increased delusion and dissociative states of consciousness, they site one example of this as the expectations of many that we are at the verge of (or some would say already at) Judgment Day.    

    The Doomsday Scenarios

    The idea that we are near the apocalyptic end of time is hardly new.

    At the end of the first millennium, a type of End-times Madness engulfed Europe. Convinced that the world was coming to an end and the return of Jesus was imminent, untold numbers of people left their villages, their livelihoods, and set off on pilgrimages to atone for their perceived sins against God. When the first day of the new millennium (1,000A.D.) dawned and the world had not ended, many firm believers were no doubt dismayed. After all, the return of Jesus guaranteed escape from the madness of their time.

    More recently, a modern day prophet calculated the end day of creation to be May 21st of this year (2011). He based this upon what he called a meticulous analysis of the Bible. And his vision of the Apocalyptic End Times went viral through a large group of fundamentalist evangelical Christians. In an odd recapitulation of the last millennium, many of these devoted believers left their jobs while others donated their entire life savings to take out full page ads and to put up billboards to save the heathen unbelievers from eternal damnation by bringing them into the flock during the final days.

    When May 21st came and went, and the morning of May 22nd dawned, unaware that it was supposed to not have been, many of these believers were, no doubt, shaken. Others, however, have jumped ship and now say that May 21st was a miscalculation, and that the correct date for the end of the world is October 21st, 2011.

    But this End Times Madness is hardly limited to Christian fundamentalists. The New Age has its own potent and heady brew called the Mayan End Times. And according to these literalists, the world will end when the current Mayan Long Count calendar comes to an end on December 21, 2012.

    Personally, I think that the Mayan Calendar is more like a cosmic odometer. When the Calendar ends, it simply rolls over and starts a new cycle of time. The old count of time ends, but a new one begins. To say that the world will end on December 21st of next year is, to me, like saying that my car will disappear when the odometer rolls over 100,000 miles. I just don’t buy it.

    I have asked the Hathors on various occasions what they felt about the end of the Mayan Calendar and their position has been consistent. The end of the Mayan Long Count does not mean the end of the world to them, but it does mean the end of the world as we have known it. They also believe that a powerful evolutionary energetic will be released on December 21st 2012 from the galactic core, what is sometimes called the Central Sun. But while this energetic will have a powerful transforming effect on humanity, it does not, for them, signal the end of Homo sapiens. In fact, some of their predictions regarding humanity center on cosmic events taking place in 2023A.D. In other words, they do not see an end to mankind anytime soon, but they do see a radical transformation taking place in the global consciousness of humanity itself.

    The Implicit and Unspoken Consequence

    History will, of course, eventually reveal who is right and who is wrong in regards to all this End of the World stuff—that is assuming, of course, that some future history does, in fact, exist for humanity.

    Perhaps the doomsayers are right, and the world will end in a final judgment brought on by an angry God, or as some believers in ancient alien intervention attest to, the world will end when the Anunnaki return to review their genetically modified slave labor force (i.e. mankind).

    Maybe as some believe, the Great Benevolent Ones will return and save us from ourselves. And the end of the Mayan Calendar will usher us into a new Age of the Gods and all of the nightmarish things we see happening around us will be like a bad dream when we wake up.

    Or perhaps the Mayan literalists are right, and when the Mayan Calendar ends, so will time and so will our world.

    But Doomsday Thinking presents, at least for me, some intrinsic problems regardless of its origins. For one, it is—by its very nature—self-limiting and essentially disempowering. And too much time spent delving into the numerous Doomsday scenarios can lead one into a very negative state of mind indeed.

    The unspoken consequence of this type of thinking is that it diminishes any actions we might take in our lives. And our power to act, to change situations in our lives, is one of our most important attributes.

    Vibrational Fields of Protection

    In this message, the Hathors gave two methods for dealing with the chaotic nature of the transition state that our planet is now entering. Both of these methods deal with the heart and/or emotional states associated with the heart. This is not surprising since the Hathors have told me from day one that the most effective and safe means to accelerate one’s spiritual evolution is through the heart and through the emotions of appreciation and/or gratitude.

    The first method they shared is for those who are new to this type of information.  If you are an advanced practitioner, you might wish to skip over this next section since it is fairly basic. My discussion of the advanced technique follows the heading The Advanced Technique/Philosophical Considerations.

    The Basic Technique
    The idea here is to enter into the emotion, or feeling-state, of appreciation or gratitude. And you enter this state of body and mind for no reason other than choosing to experience it.

    In other words, you don’t look to something in your life that you feel appreciation or gratitude for. You enter into this feeling-state through an act of will.

    According to the Hathors, when you reside in this state of body and mind, you create what they call a positive attractor.  It positively affects your mood, your thinking, and your behavior and, they would say, your vibrational energy-field as well.

    The Hathors are suggesting that we enter into this feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day—so that we become masters of it—meaning that we can enter it anytime of day or night at will.

    They say that this ability will serve us greatly as we, and the other nearly 7 billion people on this planet, enter more deeply into the consequences of so many Chaotic Nodes. In other words—the feeling state of appreciation or gratitude is an antidote, a mental/emotional protection, against chaotically induced stress responses.

    The more often you practice this flipping of your mental/emotional state into the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, the better you will become at it. This type of emotional brain skill is just that—a skill. And like all skills, mastery is gained through repetition. We have to build the neuro-circuits in our brains before we can count on the response to be there when we most need it.

    If you are the type of person with a well-developed neural network that gives you access to your emotions, you can probably just recall the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. And as you do so, you will notice the quality of your emotions changing into the coherent and positive feeling of appreciation or gratitude. Now all you need to do is choose to enter into this feeling-state several times a day. Do it as a type of mental experiment. Do it in situations when it is easy and do it in situations when it is difficult to do, like when you are annoyed, impatient or angry. See what happens when you intervene into your own mental/emotional experience with this coherent emotional state (i.e. appreciation or gratitude).  And remember, the more you practice this, the more adept and masterful you will become.

    If you are the type of person who does not have direct access to your emotions, you might try the memory recall method. The idea, here, is that when you remember an event or a situation in which you experienced an emotion, the emotion tends to come back into your awareness when you access the memory.

    Thus, the first step is to recall something in your past that you felt appreciation or gratitude for. It does not matter what the reason was. It could have been something big, or it could have been something small. It really doesn’t matter so long as you felt some degree of appreciation or gratitude.

    The next step is to recall the actual memory. Remember the situation, the details of where you were. Bring all your senses into this experience. Imagine yourself actually physically being there. See it; hear it; feel the physical sensations. As you fine tune your memory of what it was that made you feel appreciation, you will find yourself feeling that emotion again.

    The final step is to let the memory drop away so that what you have left is the feeling-state itself. As you rest in this coherent emotion of appreciation or gratitude, familiarize yourself with its quality. Eventually you will be able to recall the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude without having to go to the memory. At this point, you are ready to enter into the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day. And remember… practice makes perfect.

    Some people are unable to access the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude either directly or through the memory recall method. This is usually due to many different factors such as neural networking in the brain and especially past history. In other words, when these persons go searching for something in the past they felt appreciation or gratitude for, they come up empty. They simply cannot recall any positive experience that would generate these types of feelings.

    If you happen to be this type of individual, you can create a new neural network in your brain that will allow you to experience the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude even though you have never actually experienced it in your life.

    To do this, you will be engaging something called creative fantasy. And as odd as it may sound, in certain situations the body/mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event.

    When you create a healing fantasy, you release powerful healing responses in your body/mind even though the source for these healing responses is your imagination!

    The first step in this particular method is to think of something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. It doesn’t matter what this imaginary something is. It could be something really big, or something simple. It just needs to be something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude.

    Next, you start to build the fantasy by imagining yourself in the situation and receiving whatever it is that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. Imagine yourself fully and completely in this situation, as if it were actually happening. See it; feel the physical sensations; hear the sounds.

    As you fill in your senses, the fantasy will seem more and more real to you. When you feel the emotion of appreciation or gratitude rising up within you, let the fantasy drop away so that you are left with the feeling.

    Sometimes people have a secondary response to the fantasy in addition to the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. These secondary responses can include such feelings as sadness, regret, or anger that they never had anything in their life that made them feel either appreciation or gratitude.

    If this happens for you, allow yourself to experience the secondary responses. The idea here is not to cover anything up, especially authentic emotional responses to situations in your life. The idea is to introduce a new feeling-state that you can work with.

    If you let yourself feel the secondary responses long enough, they will eventually fade in their intensity. At this point, return to the fantasy and let the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude rise up again. Then rest in this coherent feeling-state as long as you are comfortable with it so that you begin to recognize its quality.

    Some people with a lot of secondary responses may have to go through this creative fantasy method several times. Stick with it, as both it and you are worth the effort.

    When you sense the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude arising from your fantasy work without secondary responses, you are ready to start experimenting with the coherent feeling-state as described above. Experiment with it. Try it in all types of situations. The more you practice entering into appreciation or gratitude at will, the more masterful you will become.

    There is another, often unexpected benefit from doing this practice. As you enter into this coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude over and over again at will, you create a positive attractor. And you will eventually attract to you situations, people and opportunities that will make you feel appreciation or gratitude in your real life.

    The Advanced Technique/Philosophical Considerations

    I think it is quite important to discuss the philosophical implications of the Advanced Technique before going into some of the finer details. The reason for this reticence on my part is that the Advanced Technique alters brain processing and inner perception in profound ways. And I think you should know what you are getting into so that you can decide if it is, in fact, something you want to experience or not.

    If you read the Hathors’ instructions for this method, you will notice that there is a moment in the technique when you focus on your physical heart while feeling the emotion of appreciation or gratitude.

    If you stay with this long enough, there will be a spontaneous arising of bliss or ecstasy. And then, according to the Hathors, you remain in bliss while contemplating (i.e. being aware of) the emptiness or space that comprises your body.

    This dual awareness of bliss and emptiness produces a profound shift in inner perception. It is a type of liberation, since you directly experience the infinite and non-local nature of your own consciousness. While in this state of inner awareness, the constraints of your body and the limitations of the world are transcended.

    You have entered an infinite state of mind that knows no boundaries.

    If you get this far into the technique, I suggest you spend a good deal of time in this expanded state of mind, and really enjoy it before going to the next step. I say this because it is for me, at least, a deeply nourishing and restful state of body and mind.

    In the next step you send appreciation to both the space that comprises your body as well as the actual matter that comprises your body—remembering that all matter, including your body, is over 99% space.

    Each of us will have our own experience of this step, I imagine. For me, it is a visceral experience. I am brought back from my unbounded state of mind to a state in which I am both bound by the limitations of my body and transcendent to them all at the same time. I am, in other words, both non-local and localized simultaneously. This is a truly odd state.

    When I remain in this dual state of non-localized and localized consciousness long enough, I start to experience surges of energy entering my body from what seems to be the internal space of my body. And my body often starts to spontaneously enter into a type of circular rocking motion (if I am sitting upright or cross legged), which is known to yogis and yoginis as kriyas. Kriyas are a sign that subtle energies are moving through the body.

    This phase of the technique, at least for me, is not restful, it is potent and energizing.

    According to the Hathors, this phase of the Advanced Technique generates a flow of subtle energies from the body’s interdimensional space into the KA (the energy body) and from here into the cells of the physical body via the mitochondria and then into the DNA. I have no way to determine, for the record, if this is what is actually occurring. I am only reporting what the Hathors told me about it when I asked them some pointed questions about my personal experiences with the method.

    They say that the energizing of the KA/mitochondria/DNA will spontaneously reveal insights into the process and nature of ascension if the practitioner works with this technique long enough.

    And this is the crux of the philosophical dilemma. The Advanced Technique alters inner perception in such a way that you will experience the non-localized (i.e. transcendent) aspects of your being as well as the localized aspects.

    Furthermore, it creates a bridge between the aspect of you that is embodied and the aspect of you that is transcendent to your embodiment. One of the effects of this bridge in consciousness is that you bring into your body some very potent energetics from the aspect of you that is transcendent to your body.

    I would not suggest this technique to anyone who believes in a schism between matter and spirit or who thinks there is a battle between the spirit and the flesh. This technique is, at its most fundamental level, about spiritualizing matter. And if that is not something you are interested in, I would not advise engaging this technique at all.

    Here are two links to our website that you may find helpful in regards to this latest Hathor message.

    Both links are mp3 audio files, and are in the Sound Gifts section of our website: If you are reading this online, clicking on the links below will take you to the Listening Agreement. If you agree with the terms, click on I agree with the terms and conditions  statement at the bottom of the page. You will then be given access to all the audio files currently being offered in the Sound Gifts section.

    Cats and Dogs; Appreciation or Gratitude

    The Crystal Palace Within: An Energy Meditation

    Note: Be sure to read the written description of the meditation. The link to this is in the body of the description before you get to the link at the bottom of the page that takes you the actual audio file.

    Note: This material is protected under International Copyright. You may make copies of this Hathor message, but not the audio files from the Sound Gifts section. You may present this Hathor message in any media you wish so long as you don’t charge for it, don’t change it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.