Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Medicines of Light:
Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.
With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.
We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.
This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations around the world.
This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.
The method involves connecting to your Celestial Soul, the BA. This action is to connect to the realms of light that are a part of your being.
Everything that exists in your cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic expression of light—even your densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.
In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude. This is simply the vibrational resonance that activates this higher aspect of your being.
Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA, you shift your awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the heart chakra. You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns, or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic simply as a thought/feeling.
Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.
For this phase you will need some pure water, since water holds this type of information extremely well. Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.
We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of three times—two more times in addition to the first.  You then drink the water. The water permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually enter every cell.
Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning. If you have other means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.
If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same.
As you collectively enter more deeply into this more complex and intense phase of the Chaotic Node, bacteria and viruses will mutate faster. This method will allow you to protect and heal yourself from these mutating life forms.
It is important to understand that you are creating the protection and healing through the powers of your own consciousness. You have direct access to your own light realms. You have the sovereign right to engage the light realms on your own behalf and on the behalf of your loved ones.
If you find yourself in one of these difficult situations we have described, we suggest you take the Medicine of Light—which is the water that you have charged—several times a day, as your intuition guides you.
The physical ramifications of the earthquake activity in Japan and the resulting tsunami are very difficult to deal with. But we wish to shift our attention from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects created by such a disaster,
Due to the fact that you are in a Chaotic Node and energies from deep space conjoined with solar flare activity are affecting your energy bodies, you, as a collective, are more affected. What we mean by this is that witnessing the suffering of your fellow humans shatters the heart. There is a recognition that their predicament could easily be yours. This recognition can create an opening in your heart, and it is through the heart—your heart—that higher states of consciousness are realized, and so the earthquake in Japan is, in many ways, an earthquake of the collective heart.
The times before you are not easy. From our perspective, increased earth changes are upon you. But one result of such events is that you are shaken to your roots and the mass hypnosis pauses for a moment.  And in such utter and surrealistic devastation, many of you see very clearly that your civilization rests on tenuous grounds. We mean this both literally and figuratively.
And so our advice for this phase of the Chaotic Node is to learn and master the ability to create Medicines of Light for yourself, so that when the time arises, you know how to engage this power of protection and healing that you possess in your very nature. And we suggest you navigate through these times not only with your minds, but with your hearts—and let your hearts be touched, for it is through your hearts that you will ascend the spiral pathway to your own greatness.
The Hathors
March 16, 2011

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
I have been channeling the Hathors for about twenty years now and started posting their Planetary Messages in February of 2003. And in all that time I have never sensed in them such an urgency to post one of their communications. Usually, I am given several days to dwell on and contemplate their messages before writing my comments. But that luxury does not exist in this moment. They have asked Judi and me to post this particular message as soon as possible, and so I will make my comments brief and to the point.
The central message here is that all human beings have the ability to create what the Hathors call Medicines of Light.  And this type of medicine has an inherent capability and potential to protect and heal us not only from radioactive poisoning, but also from the effects of neurotoxins, as well as bacterial and viral infections.
The method is simple and to the point. Since some of you reading this may be new to the whole idea of a Celestial Soul (or BA), let me clarify its location and how to engage it. The BA, or Celestial Soul, is an aspect of your own consciousness that is outside the constraints of time and space. Some of you might refer to the Celestial Soul as the Higher Self. But whatever you call it, your Celestial Soul exists in what the Hathors call the light realms, and this aspect of you is engaged whenever you send it appreciation or gratitude.
Your BA does not have a location in time and space since it is transcendent to both.
But it does have an entry point to your energy field, which is about arm’s distance above your head. If you were to raise your hands over your head and touch your fingertips together, your fingers would be in the vicinity of this entry point. And this is where you place your attention in the first phase of their method for creating a Medicine of Light. (Do note that placing of your hands above your head is only for orientation purposes. You do not actually put your hands over your head when creating the Medicines of Light).
Once you place your awareness in the area of your BA point, you hold in your mind the qualification of light you wish to receive. Let’s say, for example, that you have been, or will be, exposed to dangerous forms of radioactivity and are in danger of radiation poisoning. After focusing your attention on your BA point above your head, hold the intent that the energy that descends from your BA will be an energetic of healing and/or protection from radiation poisoning.
You then send the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward from your heart chakra to the BA point above your head—as you hold the intent or qualification that the energetic imparted to you from your BA will protect and/or heal you from radiation poisoning.
Next you shift your attention from your BA point to your heart chakra (in the center of your chest beneath the sternum) and then wait to receive the energetic of protection and healing from your BA.
Those of you new to this may need to send the intent or qualification along with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude to your BA several times before you notice a response. But just keep sending this intention joined with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward to your BA until you feel a descent of energy. When you feel the descent of energy from your Celestial Soul, shift your awareness to your heart chakra. Allow your heart center to receive this energetic of protection and healing.
You then place your hands around or over a container of pure water and send this energetic received from your Celestial Soul into the water. The energetic of healing and/or protection that has entered your heart center will move down your arms and into the water through the two chakras that are in the center of the palm of each hand.
Repeat this process for a total of three times. Then drink the water.
If you are in a precarious situation, the Hathors advise that you create a Medicine of Light several times a day and drink it according to your intuition.
As the Hathors point out, Medicines of Light have many more applications than just protection and healing from radiation poisoning. You can use these to protect and/or heal yourself from neurotoxins, as well as bacterial and viral infections. Although they did not mention it, I asked the Hathors after they gave this message if the method would work for other physical challenges such as cancer. And they said that Medicines of Light could most definitely be created in the same way to deal with this type of situation—as well as others.
Obviously, if you are dealing with a serious situation such as radiation poisoning, exposure to neurotoxins, and/or epidemics of bacterial and viral infections, you will want to avail yourself of all medical remedies. In other words, this method is not meant to replace medical or public health solutions, but is meant to be an adjunct, something you can do yourself—for yourself.
After giving their message, I asked the Hathors about making Medicines of Light for those who are unable to do it for themselves, like children and pets. They said that you would use the same method, except for the fact that you would qualify the intent for the child or animal you are going to give the Medicine to. For example, if you were creating a Medicine of Light to protect or heal yourself from radiation poisoning, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for your own personal protection or healing. If you were going to do this for a child or a pet, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for the protection or healing of the being you are going to give the Medicine to, i.e. your child or your pet.
It is here that I would like to interject something. It is far better to teach someone how to create a Medicine of Light than to create a dependency. The ability to create Medicines of Light is an inherent ability in all human beings. It is part of our multidimensional legacy. And to empower someone to do this for him or her self is a service to his or her mastery.
I would personally hate to see this method being used by “healers” to create Medicines of Light for others under the guise that they have some special powers that others do not. This method for creating Medicines of Light is a human birthright, and my feeling is that it should be shared with all persons.
There is much that I would like to share about this simple method for creating Medicines of Light, but philosophical and metaphysical observations will have to wait for another time.
The Hathors are insistent that we post this information and circulate it as quickly as is possible.

©2011 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 12, 2011

SuperMoons... > 

SuperMoons, or when the moon comes its closest to suspected of causing Earthquakes...Heh, why not?

Extreme Super (Full) Moon to Cause Chaos?

 The phenomenon, called lunar perigee or Supermoon, happens when the moon reaches its absolute closest point to Earth. On March 19, the natural satellite will be only 221,567 miles away from our planet.

There were Supermoons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005, and these years had their share of extreme weather conditions, too. Although there are scientific laws that say the moon affects the Earth, it’s still ambiguous whether the lunar perigee and natural disasters is coincidence or not.


Mar 1, 2011; 7:54 AM ET
Coming up later this month (March 19 to be exact) the moon will make its closest approach to Earth (called lunar perigee) in 18 years. A new or full moon at 90% or greater of its closest perigee to Earth has been named a "SuperMoon" by astrologer Richard Nolle. This term has been recently picked up by astronomers. An extreme "SuperMoon" is when the moon is full or new as well as at its 100% greater mean perigee (closest) distance to earth. By this definition, last month's full moon, this month's and next month's will all be extreme "SuperMoons".

Please visit Richard's website by clicking here.
From Facebook Astronomy fanpage amateur astronomer Daniel Vogler, "Going from one extreme perigee to apogee could be significant enough pull on the plates. It [is] like pulling on a string tight then relaxing, causing a slip maybe." He also added, 

"Speculation is just that though... without numbers and cold hard facts. How can we get them (facts)?" He has a great point.
This is all conjecture. There is no hard data behind my ramblings. I know the sample size is extremely small, but look at the "coincidences" here:

On December 31, 2009 there was a SuperMoon. On January 30, 2010 there was an extreme SuperMoon. Guess what happened in between the two? A major earthquake. A 7.0 in Haiti on January 12th.

Recently, on February 18, 2011, there was a SuperMoon. On March 19, 2011, an extreme SuperMoon will occur. Guess what happened in between? A major, major earthquake, 8.9 (some people think it may be upgraded to a 9.1) magnitude near the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. Right in between the two!

So we have a SuperMoon, followed by a major earthquake, followed by an extreme SuperMoon. Pretty coincidental?? Or is something else going on here? I would love to have amateurs and experts alike share what you think or what research may have already been done on this topic.

The Sign of the Cross and its origins...

The Qabalistic Cross And Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Introduction to the Ritual
There is a much employed Ritual which utilizes the symbol of the Pentagram as a general means to banish and invoke the elemental forces. This Ritual is called the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.  However, it should not simply be regarded as a mere device to invoke or banish, for it is really the Stone of the Wise and incorporates within its structure a high magical formula of Self-Initiation. It is, to all intents and purposes, a Ritual of Self-Initiation.  This ritual is given to the Neophyte of the Order as a means for him/her to come into contact with the invisible forces of Nature and to learn how to direct those elementary forces.
Please note that traditionally the name of the Hebrew God 'Yahweh' is used in the East. As many of our members are Pagan, we have a negative relationship with Yahweh, or none at all. However, we do know his Mother/Sister/Consort Asherah and as Her name is a Tetragrammaton 'AShRH' (Aleph-Shin-Resh-Heh) it serves well as a replacement. We leave the student to explore the Qabalah of Her Name.
  1. Touching the forehead, say Ateh (Thou art)
  2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom)
  3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah. (And The Power)
  4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah. (And the Glory)
  5. Place the two palms of the hands together upon the breast, and say le-Olahm, (Forever)
  6. Fingers pointing up, say Amen.
  7. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to invoke, Dagger to banish). Give the Sign of the Enterer saying (i.e., vibrating) Ashera imagining that your voice carried forward to the East of the Universe. Resuming standing position, catch the reflux by giving the Sign of Silence.
  8. Turning to the South, the same, but say Adonai
  9. Turning to the West, the same, but say Eheieh
  10. Turning to the North, the same, but say Agla
  11. Return to the East, completing the Circle,
    extend the arms in the form of a Cross, and say:
  12. Before me Raphael;
  13. Behind me Gabriel;
  14. On my right hand, Michael;
  15. On my left hand, Auriel;
  16. Before me flames the Pentagram,
  17. And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.
  18. Repeat 1 through 6, the Qabalistic Cross. For Banishing use the same Ritual but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.

Golden Dawn Meditation Exercises....

Daily Ritual

  1. The Four-fold Breath
  2. The Three Ahs
  3. "No Mind" Meditation
  4. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Four-Fold Breath:
Relax and exhale to the count of four. Hold the breath out for a count of four. Inhale to the count of four. Hold the breath in for the count of four. Repeat the cycle and continue for at least 3 minutes. Count at an even speed that is comfortable to your breathing. It may take a few days of practice till you find a pace that suits your body and obtains the desired result. Practice the Four-fold Breath before all magical workings.

The Three Ahs
This exercise is an adoration and empowerment that accomplishes three symbolic goals: to ask for help from all the gods and powers of the Universe, to receive that help from them, and then to pass on and share that help with others who need it and don't know how to ask for themselves. Each of these actions is accomplished by the sounding of "A" (the short "ahh" vowel sound, as in "Dawn").

To begin, first perform the Four Fold Breath. Then visualize a glowing letter 'A' inside the middle of your chest. Drawing a deep breath, make the "A" sound and imagine the A glowing inside you, sending out a summons for help to all the powers of the Universe, however you imagine them to be. Draw a second breath, and while sounding the "A", imagine them responding and pouring their power back to you, flowing into you through the top of your head. Then with the third "A", send the power back out into the universe with your voice, sharing it with your fellow beings in need.
No-Mind Meditation
Begin by finding a position, balanced but sufficiently comfortable. First, breathe the Four Fold Breath until the body is still and endeavor to remain absolutely motionless. When this is accomplished for at least a few minutes, then endeavor to stop all internal dialogue and mental images and silence the mind completely. It may be surprising how very difficult this seemingly simple exercise can be. 

To obtain complete mental quiescence even for a few seconds may take much practice, but perseverance will eventually bring results. At first it may be helpful to concentrate only on the breath, and the counting of the four to the exclusion of all other thoughts, and then to eliminate the silent "counting". 

Note First time meditators might try counting backwards from 100 to 1 and if you mess up, start over. It shows you how chaotic your mind is.

Once a period of mental silence can be maintained for a time (however short that may be at first), one may proceed to more complex and purposeful meditations. One basic exercise is the meditation on the single point: Consider a point as defined in mathematics—having position but no magnitude—and note the ideas to which this gives rise. Concentrate the mental facilities on this, as a focus, and endeavor to feel the Immanence of the Divine throughout all nature, in all her aspects. 

Then think of the subject of the meditation in a general way—then choose out one thought or image and follow that to its conclusion. A useful variation is to light a single candle where you can gaze at it comfortably. After gazing for several minutes, cover your eyes and endeavor to hold he image of the flame in your "mind's eye" as long as possible. Regard that image to be the "point" of your meditation.

The Kabbalistic Cross

Stand facing east. Allow the body to relax. Feel your awareness expand outward to the Universe, while at the same time feel your feet firmly grounded beneath you maintaining a firm foothold in your Earthly existence. Breathe deeply and fully, and prepare to make your entire body vibrate with the sound of your voice.

See, in your mind's eye, a sphere of blazing white brilliance just above your head. Raise the right hand up high and draw down a beam of brilliance from the sphere into the top of your head, filling the entire cranium with light. Touch the forehead and intone "A-toh" (Thine)

Bring the hand down before the body and touch the solar plexus (just below the sternum). Simultaneously, see the Divine white brilliance descend in a beam through the center of the body, down between the feet, into the Earth. Intone "Mal-kuth" (Kingdom)

Touch the right shoulder, and see the Light extend in a ray to that point. Intone "Va Gaburah" (the power)

Touch the left shoulder, and see the Light extend likewise to that point. Intone "Va Gadulah" (the glory)

Clasp the hands at the breast and intone "Leh-olahm. Amen" (Forever. Amen)

And this is performed in Christian Churches everywhere and everyday.

The Formulation of the Pentagrams

In the East, draw a large banishing Earth Pentagram with a fully extended right arm and forefinger. Start at the lower left hip, draw a bluish white line up to a point high over your head, continue the line down to a point before your right hip, up beside your left shoulder, over to the right and then back down to a point before the left hip. This a symbol of the divine power reigning over the Elements of the universe. See it as an all encompassing representation of great power. Breath in deeply drawing energy from the hidden depths of the universe, then give the Sign of the Enterer toward the center of the pentagram, intoning the God-name "Ah-sher-rah" 

Feel the power rushing out and charging the pentagram. You may or may not feel anything physically. Just see the pentagram burst into electric blue flame as you intone each name. Resume your standing position and give the Sign of Silence as you receive back the reflux of the energy you have just sent forth.

Draw a white line from the center of the pentagram, making a quarter of a circle as you proceed toward the South. Stop there and draw the pentagram as before, but this time as you give the Sign of the Enterer, intone "Ah-doh-nai" followed by the Sign of Silence.
Continue the white line to the West. Draw the pentagram, give the Sign of the Enterer, and intone "Eh-heh-ee-yeh".

Continue the white line to the North. Draw the pentagram, give the Sign of the Enterer, and intone "A-gah-lah".

Return to the center of the circle and see the pentagrams in the air about you. Feel their fierce heat and protection. Raise your arms to form a cross, and see Raphael, the archangel of Air, standing before you in the East. His hair is blonde, his skin is very fair, his robe is yellow with flashes of violet, he stands atop a hill with the wind coming from the cloud-patched sky behind him, and he holds the caduceus in his right hand. Say "Before me" and then intone, "Rah-fah-el."

Visualize Gabriel, the archangel of Water, standing behind you in the West. His robe is blue flashing with orange. He stands in the shallows by a gushing spring. He holds a silver cup in his left hand, his hair is light brown, and his skin is fair. Feel moisture wafting in from the West. Say "behind me" and then intone "Gah-bree-el."

In the South, see Michael, the great archangel of Fire. His robe is brilliant scarlet flashing green. He stands in the desert, and fire rises up from the burning sands around his feet. He holds upright in his right hand a flaming iron sword. His hair is black and his skin is dark. Feel intense heat radiating from the South. Say "at my right hand" and then intone "Mee-chah-el" (the ch is pronounced softly as in the Scottish word for lake, "loch").

In the North, see Auriel, the archangel of Earth. His robes are citrine, olive, and russet. He stands on black soil from which ripe wheat springs up behind him. He holds sheaves of wheat in his left hand. His hair is black and his skin is tan. His eyes and intense , large, and dark. See cattle grazing in the field behind him. Beyond them is forest, and beyond the forest are mountains. Say "and at my left hand" and then intone "Or-ee-el."
Still maintaining the arms in a cross, say "for about me flame the pentagrams (see the pentagrams) and in the column shines the six-rayed star." 

See a hexagram floating in your torso, its uppermost angle peaks in your throat and its lower most rests in your groin. The upright triangle is made of red fire. Its blue, downward-pointing triangle wavers slightly like a reflection on water. Feel the dry heat of the flame and the cool moisture of the water. These forces intertwine in your being.

This is an invocation of Archangels, also commonly used. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 9 and the Mayans

Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest state of existence. This event served as a base camp for intention setting and ascension towards Unity consciousness; We celebrated in joy in the most varied forms, ranging from the temples of Bali to the Mayan elders in Guatemala and from the Sami in the North to the Bushmen in the Kalahari. We could for the first time ever see our planet emerging as a sacred space encircled by a global medicine wheel.*

We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld. This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.** The purpose of this article is to provide some additional background to this wave, its initiation date and suggest how the energy of the wave may be used in the most beneficial way. This requires that I again summarize the basic structure of the cosmic time plan as understood from the Mayan calendar.

Many people have in recent years come to know about the existence of the Mayan calendar and its purported end date, but surprisingly, not so many have assimilated what the ancient inscriptions are saying about it. In fact, there is only one known ancient inscription that mentions the calendar end -- Monument 6 from Tortuguero*** describes what will happen when the calendar comes to an end. The current reading of this ancient inscription by professional Mayanists is that we will then “witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full costume and regalia.” So whatever else you might have heard associated with the end of the Mayan calendar such as a pole shift, the end of the world, a galactic alignment, solar flares, radiation from the center of the galaxy, etc., actually lacks foundation in any ancient Mayan text.

Yet what obviously does have a background in an ancient Mayan inscription is Bolon, the number nine. At first sight, the reading of the Tortuguero Monument may sound cryptic and difficult to understand. There is however a lot of surrounding information about Bolon Yokte Ku that allows us to make sense of this insciption.*** Crucial to understanding is that Bolon Yokte Ku is the Nine-Support, or Nine-Step, entity of “period endings.” Bolon Yokte Ku, in other words, is a name for a cosmic pyramid in nine steps. Through extensive factual verification this pyramid has been shown to symbolize the nine levels of evolution the universe undergoes on its climb to its highest state of consciousness.

Each level of evolution, of Bolon Yokte Ku, the cosmic pyramid, is then developed through a series of thirteen time periods. These range from the hablatun (1.26 billion years) on the bottom level to the uaxaclahunkin of 18 days at the ninth level. This means a twenty times frequency increase and speed-up of time with every single step to a higher level. Soon, as of October 28, 2011, the energies of the nine waves are then all going to manifest fully. 

This final manifestation, I believe is what the ancient inscription refers to when it says that it will be witnessed how Bolon Yokte Ku will appear in his full regalia. The fruits of the nine waves will then appear in their fullness as these are simultaneously completed. This is no longer confusing if we accept that the ancient peoples of the world, including the Maya, would tend to personalize the cosmic forces describing them as “gods”, while, in the modern world, we would probably only describe this as nine energy waves.

As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.

This is the purpose of the Ninth wave. So let us stop for a moment to contemplate the momentous place in time in which we find ourselves. Life, and especially human life, has evolved to the eighth level. Those that have actually climbed a physical Mayan pyramid, such as the pyramid of the Great Jaguar in Tikal, may be able to relate to the feeling of coming close to the top at the eighth level catching breath for the ascent to the top. We are now then about to start the climb to the ninth and highest level of life. It was to prepare for this momentous opportunity that many participated in the intention setting event of the Conscious Convergence last July. 

We now can follow the intentions we set at this event and actually manifest through co-creating Unity Consciousness. It is now time for us to follow up, and actually manifest the Unity Consciousness that was the intention of this event. The meaning of the unity wave that is now about to begin is for us to cocreate the appearance of Bolon Yokte Ku in its full splendor, the completion of the cosmic plan and its nine levels of evolution. As March 9, 2011 arrives, we are called to begin co-creating Unity Consciousness; March 9, 2011 is the dawn of the wave of unity.

Thus, the year of 2011 is not scheduled to be just like another year. Very likely this is our last chance to live up to being co-creators with the cosmic plan. As this Gregorian year began, the messages that circulated reflected our heightened ambivalence to the passage of time. On the one hand there were the every year kind of messages like: “Hope you will have a great 2011” or “what do you want to create for yourself in 2011?” as if this would just be like another year. Messages centered on the individual, based on a linear view of time made up from years following one after the other.

On the other hand, around the New Year reports started to come about the “aflockalypse.” Large numbers of fish, birds and animals simply died for no apparent reason. This instead pointed to anything but a linear continuation of time in 2011. The aflockalypse is possibly due to the frequency increase that the nine levels of the Mayan pyramid undergoes combined with the extreme degree to which humans have now pushed the ecology of the planet off balance. 

If this is true, it would call upon us to adapt to this new frequency and also shift completely from asking for things for ourselves and what we as egos or individuals may want from 2011 to what our egos may do to serve the delivery of the divine plan. The ninth wave of unity would then be calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan. If this is to happen, it may also call for extraordinary cosmic energies to fulfill the cosmic plan. In fact, maybe the ninth wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world.

If there is a twenty-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the Ninth Wave, or Universal Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011. It will progress through seven days and six intermediate nights, each being a uaxaclahunkin. In Mayan calendar language, this means an 18-day period. The 18-day periods can be subdivided into two nine-day counts (two days off from the classical nine lords of the night count) since they will have both an ascending and a descending phase and in this way we may see more clearly the link to classical Mayan calendrics. 

If the ninth wave is all about creating harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this. If we are asking for global harmony we cannot however simply ask for our egos to guide us. Instead we will from the outset have to ask questions like: “What can I do to serve the cosmic plan?” or “What shall I do to further the manifestation of unity consciousness?” If the days of the ninth wave are the time periods most conducive to generating such unity consciousness then we will have to turn for spiritual guidance from the divine in phase exactly with these days of the Universal Underworld.

The ninth wave here joins the alpha to the omega in that for the first time in history it brings the nine-day count to the forefront of evolution. These will be extraordinary times and it is possible that we here will be confronted with a choice of truth versus tradition. The reason is that if the ninth wave will have the strength that we may expect from the evolution of a new underworld then it will be energetically more powerful and stronger than the traditional tzolkin count of 13 x 20 days. The Ninth level will, in other words, bring in a nine-day count that transcends the tzolkin in power and is more meaningful to follow for those seeking to align themselves with the cosmic plan. Still, of course, the tzolkin will continue to live on as an undercurrent of energies.

The rhythm of the Universal Underworld is then a nine-day climb of increasing intensity starting on March 9, 2011 followed by a descending intensity for the next eighteen (9+9) days until a new descent begins of eighteen (9+9) days. We will then have to learn to ride this wave in order to ultimately climb to the top of the pyramid to be able to witness the appearance of Bolon Yokte Ku in “his” full regalia. Calendars to follow this eighteen (or nine day) count are available in German (can be ordered from christiane biebl
We are calling for everyone to be part of the initiation of this new wave on March 9, 2011. 
Each of you is welcome to make use of the web site for communicating with others who share the same intentions. I feel it should be clear that it is something fundamentally new that is proposed here. A frequency of evolution, the nine-day count, which previously has only been vaguely discernible, will come to be the chief guiding rhythm. And if you think about it, it would be truly remarkable if the transformation to a new world could be the result of a mere linear continuation of calendars that have been used for centuries.

The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity together. We would also like to encourage you to find means of celebrating and transforming into unity consciousness during times that work for you, such as weekends around the first eighteen day period, as well as holding the intention for the beginning of true unity on March 9, 2011. In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and beyond.**** 

There is no single right answer to how this transformation to unity consciousness is to be brought about everywhere. Yet, there are tools available that can be used and further developed by all those who share the common intention of manifesting unity consciousness. Everything starts with an intention and if the intention is aligned with the purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit.

On March 9, 2011 we will remember the intention of unity consciousness we collectively set at the conscious convergence of July 17-18, 2010 joined by many who are now setting it for the first time. This time it will be our task to actually deliver the unity consciousness by applying our collective creativity to a new arena. Be there, wherever you are in the cosmos, for this final countdown.
** The word “consciousness” has become one of the most popular buzzwords of our time and yet there is little agreement as to what it means. My own view is that consciousness is fundamentally a relationship to the Tree of Life and so when the Tree of Life alters its polarities the filter of consciousness changes. Thus shifts in consciousness brought about by polarity shifts in the tree of life are what drive human history and all of evolution forward. 

Every Underworld, or wave, thus brings a consciousness dominated by a particular polarity and so as we climb the cosmic pyramid consciousness will evolve to higher and higher forms of manifestation. Many who use the word consciousness are not aware of this crucial link between the Mayan calendar and the evolution of consciousness and hence tend to give the word a different, sometimes entirely different, connotation. Many people who use the word consciousness in fact give this the specific meaning of unity consciousness, which in reality is just one of its many possible expressions.

**** For a comparison of the proposed 4 Ahau end date of December 21, 2012 and the 13 Ahau of October 28, 2011 please listen to my interview with Mark van Stone in three parts:

Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. is the author of three books about the cosmic plan as this may be understood from the Mayan calendar: Solving the Greatest mystery of Our Time: The Mayan calendar (2001), The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004) and The Purposeful Universe (2009). He has also been part of initiating several global events based on shifts in the Mayan calendar such as most recently the Conscious Convergence of July 17-18, 2010.