Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Saturday, March 12, 2011

SuperMoons... > 

SuperMoons, or when the moon comes its closest to suspected of causing Earthquakes...Heh, why not?

Extreme Super (Full) Moon to Cause Chaos?

 The phenomenon, called lunar perigee or Supermoon, happens when the moon reaches its absolute closest point to Earth. On March 19, the natural satellite will be only 221,567 miles away from our planet.

There were Supermoons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005, and these years had their share of extreme weather conditions, too. Although there are scientific laws that say the moon affects the Earth, it’s still ambiguous whether the lunar perigee and natural disasters is coincidence or not.


Mar 1, 2011; 7:54 AM ET
Coming up later this month (March 19 to be exact) the moon will make its closest approach to Earth (called lunar perigee) in 18 years. A new or full moon at 90% or greater of its closest perigee to Earth has been named a "SuperMoon" by astrologer Richard Nolle. This term has been recently picked up by astronomers. An extreme "SuperMoon" is when the moon is full or new as well as at its 100% greater mean perigee (closest) distance to earth. By this definition, last month's full moon, this month's and next month's will all be extreme "SuperMoons".

Please visit Richard's website by clicking here.
From Facebook Astronomy fanpage amateur astronomer Daniel Vogler, "Going from one extreme perigee to apogee could be significant enough pull on the plates. It [is] like pulling on a string tight then relaxing, causing a slip maybe." He also added, 

"Speculation is just that though... without numbers and cold hard facts. How can we get them (facts)?" He has a great point.
This is all conjecture. There is no hard data behind my ramblings. I know the sample size is extremely small, but look at the "coincidences" here:

On December 31, 2009 there was a SuperMoon. On January 30, 2010 there was an extreme SuperMoon. Guess what happened in between the two? A major earthquake. A 7.0 in Haiti on January 12th.

Recently, on February 18, 2011, there was a SuperMoon. On March 19, 2011, an extreme SuperMoon will occur. Guess what happened in between? A major, major earthquake, 8.9 (some people think it may be upgraded to a 9.1) magnitude near the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. Right in between the two!

So we have a SuperMoon, followed by a major earthquake, followed by an extreme SuperMoon. Pretty coincidental?? Or is something else going on here? I would love to have amateurs and experts alike share what you think or what research may have already been done on this topic.

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