Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dr. Doreen Virtue will be giving angel readings and answer questions about the messages that your angels have for you in her keynote address at Celebrate Your Life Chicago! June 10th
 Doreen Virtue Official Fan Page

Angels, cont...
I read this somewhere
Angels who correspond to the days of the week as: St Michael (Sunday), St Gabriel (Monday), St Raphael (Tuesday), St Uriel (Wednesday), St Sealtiel (or sometimes Metatron) (Thursday), St Jegudiel, (Friday), and St Barachiel (Saturday).

In the more modern angelology, different sources disagree on the names and identities of the seven archangels. In the Book of Enoch, Remiel is also described as one of the leaders of the 200 Grigori, the fallen angels. Various occult systems associate each archangel with one of the traditional seven "luminaries" — the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn — but there is disagreement as to which archangel corresponds to which body.

The seven archangels figure in some systems of ritual magic, each archangel bearing a specific seal.

But what are angels really?

I've seen them, I have experienced them, but not too often.  I could use one, now.
They are 'real' but its a phenomenon. It's an experience like no other. They will bless you with their presence, and they come in many forms. Do not underestimate the power of the angels.

Do you have a guardian angel?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Does Imagination have To Do With Manifesting? 

Reposted from Burt Goldman

We are in the midst of one of the most significant paradigm shifts mankind has ever encountered. We are seeing the end of Newton’s mechanical world-view, which is being replaced by a new one that tells us we are nothing more then interconnected consciousness, and that matter is nothing more than a form of energy.

What Does Imagination have To Do With Manifesting?
If you can imagine it, it will not be difficult to create it. Let's assume you want $20,000 in
your bank account by the end of this month. Start using your imagination:
Visualize your bank statement reading your balance is $20,000
Visualize making a withdrawal and you are holding $20,000 in your hand
Visualize how you feel
Visualize bringing the money home and spreading it all over your table
Visualize what you can buy with this money
By doing this process you are already training your mind for the event of claiming $20,000.
Your mind will start bringing up other pictures and stories when you do this exercise.
For example the following can happen:
A thought comes up – Ah, how bogus this is!
A thought comes up – I don't believe this will ever happen

The Quantum Paradox – The Wave-Particle Duality
Wave-Particle Duality is perhaps the most notable concept of the quantum world; and by extension, it is also the philosophical basis of modern thought. It is the defining characteristic of elementary physical entities, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules, which exist on the one hand in states which behave like waves when they are not observed, and on the other hand behave like particles when observed.

The key is in the observation. In its wave-like state, the physical structure is typically extended in space, but then contracts abruptly to localized events or point-like particles when an observation is made.

When unobserved, physical quantum systems behave in wave-like states and Only represent tendencies or probabilities of actual events. On the other hand, when an observation is made, the wave-like state changes abruptly, discontinuously, and unpredictably, in a quantum leap.
At the macro level, the process is seemingly ruled by chance alone, and thus there is the potential for a true choice to be made.

Perception and Reality from a Quantum Viewpoint
All that we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel has been created from the data received by our sensory organs. All we ever know of the world around us are the mental constructions we assemble from that data.

However real and external they may seem, these constructions are all phenomena within the mind. This simple fact is very hard to grasp; it goes against all our experience. If there is anything about which we feel certain, it is that the world we experience is real.

The Principles of Successful Manifesting 36
We can see, touch and hear it. It seems undeniable that out there, around us, independent
and apart from us, exists as a physical world, utterly real, solid and tangible. But the world of our experience is no more out there than are our dreams. 

When we dream, we create a reality in which events happen around us, and in which we perceive other people as individuals separate from us. In the dream it all seems very real. But when we awaken we realize that everything in the dream was actually a creation of our own mind.

The same process of reality-generation occurs in waking consciousness. The difference is that now the reality that is created is based on sensory data, and bears a closer relationship to what is taking place in the real world. Nevertheless, however real it may seem, it is not
actually, the real world. It is still an image of that world created in the mind. 

The Fabric of Reality – Enter the Age of Conscious Science
The current meta-paradigm of the nature of reality assumes that space, time, and matter
constitute the basic framework of reality and consciousness somehow arises from this reality.
The truth, it now appears, is the very opposite. As far as the reality we experience is
concerned – and this, remember, is the only reality we ever know – consciousness is primary.
Time, space, and matter are secondary; they are aspects of an image of reality manifesting in the mind. They exist within consciousness; not the other way around.
If we consider the reality we experience, then we have to accept that in the final analysis, the new physicists are correct:
Consciousness is the essence of everything – everything in the known universe.
It is the medium from which every aspect of our experience manifests. Every form and quality we ever experience in the world is a construction within consciousness.
What is the Process of Manifestation within the Mind?
How is it that consciousness, which seems so non-material, can take on the material forms that we experience? How do space, time, color, sound, texture, substance, and the many other qualities that we associate with the material world, emerge in consciousness?

Whatever we may be conscious of individually, the faculty of consciousness is something we all share. This consciousness is the one truth we cannot deny. It is the absolute certainty of our existence. It is eternal in that it is always there, whatever the contents of our experience. It is the essence of everything we know. And, since every aspect of our experience is a manifestation in the mind, it is the creator of the world we know.

The qualities of truth, absoluteness, eternity, essence, creation are among those traditionally associated with God. From this perspective, the statement, “I am God” is not so puzzling or deluded after all. Although it might be more accurate to say that, “I AM is God,” or possibly,

“God is consciousness.”

The text you have just completed needs to be read and re-read as you acquaint yourself with the material. Be patient and remember to enjoy the journey.

Using the Tools of your Mind to Create Reality
Your attention is the source of the creative process in turning your thoughts into reality. Using your intention builds a constant energy toward the reality you want to create. Your body will follow your mind’s commands and advance along the way until the desired reality is created.

In Summary:
Reality is never experienced on an exclusively personal level. The 21st century has witnessed the introduction of new ideas about how we fundamentally view reality. However, all we canknow of the world in an absolute sense comes from our own sensory perceptions and the mental constructions we build around them. Behind these perceptions lie pure consciousness. Quantum physicists have shown that consciousness itself - something you have in infinite supply - is the basic stuff of the entire universe.

Use only positive words
Include a time frame
Remove negations
Be precise
Here is a simple test. Don’t think about a blue elephant! What happened? You thought about the blue elephant, you may have even imagined it. The subconscious does not work analytically. It cannot understand words like ‘don’t’ or ‘not.’ It works mostly in images,sounds, and smells. You want to avoid the use of any negative words in your intentions. Always formulate your intentions in such a way that they reflect the outcome of what you’d like to create.

Example of how not to do it:
- I don’t want to have so much responsibility.

Better example:
- In my new job I feel comfortable with my responsibilities.

Another Take on the RAPTURE

Harold Camping’s spending of significant financial resources to broadcast his views on what he termed Judgment Day certainly got the attention of the country.  While in the past such bravado would have received categorical dismissal from mainstream America, May 21 instead seemed to bring a relief from many people that nothing happened this time around.  People seem to sense something is up yet they simply cannot put a finger on it.

While rapture has taken on the fundamentalist interpretation of being instantaneously taken up from this world into some extraordinary heaven, rapture has another meaning on the path.  Like the eastern concept of kriyas, rapture can be seen as the effect of bodily shaking that can occur during intense spiritual practice when spiritual energy or Light is invoked and then received by the practitioner.  The spiritual energy is received into the subtle bodies during the practice and has to go somewhere. If the path through the body is blocked, the body shakes.  Other forms of rapture can be seen as mental reactions to new ideas or an emotional unease to something different that you feel.

The Tibetan Djwhal Khul indicates in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire that the human body, just like a planet or sun, receives energy, circulates it through the body and then radiates it out.  The Ageless Wisdom Teachings also speak how people are all at different points upon the path and have what is called a point in evolution.  At different stages of evolution, the bodies which a person has – their physical, emotional and mental vehicles – vibrate at different rates.  The path is about purifying and speeding up the vibration of these vehicles so they may function in higher light.  

To speed up the vibration of the vehicles, an energy which is vibrating at a higher rate than what the current rate of the person is needed.  Meditation is an age-old way of receiving this higher light.  When this light is received, it runs into the relative lower vibrations in the body.  If the lower vibrations are set in deeply entrenched patterns and the incoming vibrations are intense, then there can be raptures or shakings of the body as these two energies collide.  These shakings can continue until the higher energy has the opportunity to work through and transform the nature of the body.  When these shakings occur, going into a more relaxed state, practicing non-attachment and being open minded helps the absorption process and lessens the raptures. 

This is a reason that the Masters stress detachment. Persisting in relaxed alignment with the Light and continuing with purification is essential to stabilizing at a new vibratory level.

As above, so below.

Just as an individual can experience rapture during their practice, today humanity as a whole is being effected by an increase of Light due to the combined effect of our sun entering alignment with what is said to be the most spiritually potent constellation, Aquarius, and the return to the physical world of the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters, the World Teacher Maitreya.

Maitreya and the Hierarchy are responsible for distributing cosmic energy to humanity and being in physical form, as Maitreya and 14 other of the Masters in Hierarchy are, immensely increases their capacity to do so.  This massive increase in Light impacting humanity causes reactions as it impinges on the age-old entrenched conditioning, ideas and desires which have long held humanity in thrall. 

The old structures which wield the old energy are not willing to give up their power gracefully yet the new Light, everyday increasing in potency, is not going away.  The uprisings in the middle east, the dramatic natural disasters and the general discontent in people are reactions playing out as collective raptures around the world.  They will persist until the collective body of humanity is sufficiently purified and acclimated to the new incoming Light.  Transmission Meditation was given as a field of service to aid this process and help minimize the raptures that inevitably occur during a time such as we are in.

From this angle, Camping’s vision has a grain of truth. Rapture is happening but it is not a release from this world to another but the Light of the heavenly realms pouring into this dense physical reality to bring a more heavenly state of existence here.  Raptures particularly can be seen as accelerating since the beginning of this year. 

Camping’s time frame also roughly corresponds to what Share International magazine has put out regarding Maitreya’s approach to the general public.  Share International has reported, as of May, Maitreya has appeared twenty-nine times on television in the United States and seven times in Mexico and is indicated by Benjamin Creme that he “probably will be much more forthcoming from now on.”

While many have pointed out that nobody knows the exact day that will be looked back upon as the moment the world exited the old and began the new, we all are looking upon the unfolding of events which signal a movement towards a most different future. 

At the soul level, people know what is happening and each soul communicates to their personality as best it can this information in the language and analogies, however crude the message may become, the remarkable nature of this time.

Practicing intense meditation such as Transmission Meditation allows you to help serve as a mid-wife does to birth the new as well as achieving greater clarity into an event which only happens once upon a planet.  

from John McNab,
a teacher of Transmission Meditation,
John McNab <>

Monday, May 23, 2011

Message from Emily Gems....

"Solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" meaning sun, and "sistere," to cause to stand still. As the summer solstice draws near, the noonday sun rises higher and higher in the sky each day. On the day of the solstice, it rises an imperceptible amount, compared to the day before, thus appearing to "stand still."
For many, this is the time to harvest magical herbs on Midsummer's Eve. The timing makes the herbs more potent. Cut the herbs with a special knife and leave an offering of honey to the plant in thankfulness. The blessed path always walks hand in hand with Nature.

Ritual preparation

Add summer flowers to your ritual bath, anointing yourself with oils before the ritual. Cover your altar with a red or orange cloth to honor the sun. Add some daisy blossoms to your altar. The daisy gets it name from day's-eye because it turns to follow the sun in its path. Use gold, yellow or red candles to represent divine Fire.

Protection Charms

Summer Solstice is an excellent time of the year to make protective charms for your home or pets. To do this, gather a piece of rowan wood, red fabric and red thread. Add a protective gemstone, such as agate or turquoise, and some herbs of your choice such as St. John's wort, woodbine, anise or salt. Bundle these all together in the red cloth, gathering it at the top with the red thread, saying: "Where rowan and red are bound, protection surrounds." Each time you say this, add one knot to the red thread. Place your protection charm in any safe place around your home, or in the glove compartment of your car.

Summer Solstice Love Blessings

Traditionally, Summer Solstice is an excellent day to cast spells to attract a lover, or renew a relationship. (See my Summer Solstice Love Blessings Ritual).

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peter Aziz, Shamanic Healer in England...

Peter offers free information on his website for Healing, called the Ultimate Healing series of digital content which you can access here

Peter Aziz trained in shamanism for 35 years, including Hungarian, Pueblo Indian and Kahuna Shamanism, and spent several years in the jungle of Peru training to be an ayahuascaro.

He has also been initiated into Vodou, and attained the highest level of Preisthood; Houngan Asogwe. He is the English representative of the Haitian based "Roots Without End Society" run by Mambo Racine, and has functioned as "Papa Kanzo", a highly responsible position of initiating others. In a more recent spiritual journey he was taken into Shambhala, where he was selected for higher work; to be a direct channel for God/Goddess/all that is.

Since then, his work has transcended traditional shamanic technique, replacing it with a system that is more powerful and divine. It was Kali who took him and made him an Odiya; a Shaman in the service of Kali. It is Kali who works through him in his healing, and often possesses him in ceremonies. He has been featured in local newspapers for getting a crippled boy walking, and has successfully healed a number of serious illnesses. He has healed broken bones within a few hours, and already empowered his students to produce equally powerful healing. He also produces great spiritual transformation in his clients. 
One of his new spiritual gifts is the ability to materialise gifts from the spirit world.

These were at first Dragon Pearls and items from the faerie realm, but this gift too has evolved, so he now materialises gifts directly from the gods, such as Crystal Yantras.
He gives individual healing, and runs workshops, which are continuously evolving.
Tantra Workshops
Tantra is the occult side of yoga. It is about developing occult powers, raising the kundalini for enlightenment and healing, and building mind power to control ones environment, including the minds of others, and manifest ones desires. It can also be practiced with a partner to reach great states of ecstasy. There are traditional empowerments given by a master that confer these powers upon one. We are offering three types of empowerment on these workshops: Metaram, which widens the shushumni channel so the kundalini can rise smoothly, Candali, which builds the kundalini in safe stages, and Ishana Vajra, which confers the power of Shiva on the higher chakras, bestowing increased mind power, manifestation abilities, protection and good luck. Each of these has four levels. One level of each will be given on workshop.
Level 1. We widen the shushumni channel to 5cm, raise kundalini in the first tan tieng at the navel, and empower the heart chakra. The Baglamuhki body protector is conferred, which gives protection and immunity to illness.
Date: 5th & 6th November 2011
Level 2. We widen the shushumni to 108mm, raise the kundalini in the second tan tieng at the heart, increase the power 100 fold, and empower the throat chakra, giving power over others. The Maha Kali shield is bestowed, giving protection against all black magick and bad luck.
Date 3rd & 4th December 2011
Level 3. We widen the shushumni to the width of the head, raise the kundalini to the third tan tieng at the forehead, increasing power 1000 fold, and give Ishana Vajra Rudra, which opens the third eye and bestows great force to ones thoughts. We begin to explain sexual alchemy, and bestow the power to attract lovers.
Date: 7th & 8th January 2012
Level 4.  All energy channels are fully opened, the kundalini is increased 10,000 fold, and Ishana Vajra Shiva is given, which opens the crown, greatly increasing all spiritual powers. At this level, these powers can be deadly if misused. You will then be shielded against all bad luck, experience rapid fulfillment of your desires, and quickly achieve enlightenment. You will be able to heal, destroy, control the mind, create wealth, avert catastrophe, and change your world.
The United Kingdom: Date: 4th & 5th February 2012
 Cost: Each weekend will cost £120.
 Venue: Holne Village Hall, Holne, nr Ashburton, Devon.
 Bookings to: Peter Aziz, 20 Furlong Close, Buckfast, Devon. TQ11 0ER
Tel: 01364 643127