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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Does Imagination have To Do With Manifesting? 

Reposted from Burt Goldman

We are in the midst of one of the most significant paradigm shifts mankind has ever encountered. We are seeing the end of Newton’s mechanical world-view, which is being replaced by a new one that tells us we are nothing more then interconnected consciousness, and that matter is nothing more than a form of energy.

What Does Imagination have To Do With Manifesting?
If you can imagine it, it will not be difficult to create it. Let's assume you want $20,000 in
your bank account by the end of this month. Start using your imagination:
Visualize your bank statement reading your balance is $20,000
Visualize making a withdrawal and you are holding $20,000 in your hand
Visualize how you feel
Visualize bringing the money home and spreading it all over your table
Visualize what you can buy with this money
By doing this process you are already training your mind for the event of claiming $20,000.
Your mind will start bringing up other pictures and stories when you do this exercise.
For example the following can happen:
A thought comes up – Ah, how bogus this is!
A thought comes up – I don't believe this will ever happen

The Quantum Paradox – The Wave-Particle Duality
Wave-Particle Duality is perhaps the most notable concept of the quantum world; and by extension, it is also the philosophical basis of modern thought. It is the defining characteristic of elementary physical entities, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules, which exist on the one hand in states which behave like waves when they are not observed, and on the other hand behave like particles when observed.

The key is in the observation. In its wave-like state, the physical structure is typically extended in space, but then contracts abruptly to localized events or point-like particles when an observation is made.

When unobserved, physical quantum systems behave in wave-like states and Only represent tendencies or probabilities of actual events. On the other hand, when an observation is made, the wave-like state changes abruptly, discontinuously, and unpredictably, in a quantum leap.
At the macro level, the process is seemingly ruled by chance alone, and thus there is the potential for a true choice to be made.

Perception and Reality from a Quantum Viewpoint
All that we see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel has been created from the data received by our sensory organs. All we ever know of the world around us are the mental constructions we assemble from that data.

However real and external they may seem, these constructions are all phenomena within the mind. This simple fact is very hard to grasp; it goes against all our experience. If there is anything about which we feel certain, it is that the world we experience is real.

The Principles of Successful Manifesting 36
We can see, touch and hear it. It seems undeniable that out there, around us, independent
and apart from us, exists as a physical world, utterly real, solid and tangible. But the world of our experience is no more out there than are our dreams. 

When we dream, we create a reality in which events happen around us, and in which we perceive other people as individuals separate from us. In the dream it all seems very real. But when we awaken we realize that everything in the dream was actually a creation of our own mind.

The same process of reality-generation occurs in waking consciousness. The difference is that now the reality that is created is based on sensory data, and bears a closer relationship to what is taking place in the real world. Nevertheless, however real it may seem, it is not
actually, the real world. It is still an image of that world created in the mind. 

The Fabric of Reality – Enter the Age of Conscious Science
The current meta-paradigm of the nature of reality assumes that space, time, and matter
constitute the basic framework of reality and consciousness somehow arises from this reality.
The truth, it now appears, is the very opposite. As far as the reality we experience is
concerned – and this, remember, is the only reality we ever know – consciousness is primary.
Time, space, and matter are secondary; they are aspects of an image of reality manifesting in the mind. They exist within consciousness; not the other way around.
If we consider the reality we experience, then we have to accept that in the final analysis, the new physicists are correct:
Consciousness is the essence of everything – everything in the known universe.
It is the medium from which every aspect of our experience manifests. Every form and quality we ever experience in the world is a construction within consciousness.
What is the Process of Manifestation within the Mind?
How is it that consciousness, which seems so non-material, can take on the material forms that we experience? How do space, time, color, sound, texture, substance, and the many other qualities that we associate with the material world, emerge in consciousness?

Whatever we may be conscious of individually, the faculty of consciousness is something we all share. This consciousness is the one truth we cannot deny. It is the absolute certainty of our existence. It is eternal in that it is always there, whatever the contents of our experience. It is the essence of everything we know. And, since every aspect of our experience is a manifestation in the mind, it is the creator of the world we know.

The qualities of truth, absoluteness, eternity, essence, creation are among those traditionally associated with God. From this perspective, the statement, “I am God” is not so puzzling or deluded after all. Although it might be more accurate to say that, “I AM is God,” or possibly,

“God is consciousness.”

The text you have just completed needs to be read and re-read as you acquaint yourself with the material. Be patient and remember to enjoy the journey.

Using the Tools of your Mind to Create Reality
Your attention is the source of the creative process in turning your thoughts into reality. Using your intention builds a constant energy toward the reality you want to create. Your body will follow your mind’s commands and advance along the way until the desired reality is created.

In Summary:
Reality is never experienced on an exclusively personal level. The 21st century has witnessed the introduction of new ideas about how we fundamentally view reality. However, all we canknow of the world in an absolute sense comes from our own sensory perceptions and the mental constructions we build around them. Behind these perceptions lie pure consciousness. Quantum physicists have shown that consciousness itself - something you have in infinite supply - is the basic stuff of the entire universe.

Use only positive words
Include a time frame
Remove negations
Be precise
Here is a simple test. Don’t think about a blue elephant! What happened? You thought about the blue elephant, you may have even imagined it. The subconscious does not work analytically. It cannot understand words like ‘don’t’ or ‘not.’ It works mostly in images,sounds, and smells. You want to avoid the use of any negative words in your intentions. Always formulate your intentions in such a way that they reflect the outcome of what you’d like to create.

Example of how not to do it:
- I don’t want to have so much responsibility.

Better example:
- In my new job I feel comfortable with my responsibilities.

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