Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, August 1, 2011

Accept or Reject

I developed a little saying a long time ago,
"Accept or Reject,"
after I realized that I was spinning my wheels.

I was NOT getting what I wanted, I was NOT moving forward, I wasn't moving at all. Somewhere the thought occurred that I needed to accept all that had happened to me, all that is, and then I would be able to go forward. Of course, it also meant that I had to reject a few notions, too.  When faced with confusion, fear, doubt, anxiety, I have learned to first identify the problem, and accept or reject it. This way, there is no wishy-washy avoidance of the whole mess, but a stand for or against the situation. 

As in, "Show me where I stand, and I may rule the world," which is paraphrased from a  quote by Archimedes, a brilliant guy who invented the lever in long ago Greece,

"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth..."

is to  be fully present where you are, accept what is, and then decide where to run with it...

read more about Archimedes on Wikipedia, the World's Encyclopedia...


 and for more about Acceptance, read this post from Yogi Bajan's Yogamint... 

Joyful Acceptance

Finding En-Lightenment

Acceptance is located in the heart space of neutrality. We are all unique individuals experiencing being human with our own thoughts, perspectives and attitudes.

Acceptance is seeing what is real and what is imagination. I learned this lesson recently as a tour manager for a World Music singer. First, I accepted the job position of tour manager. Yet, as we embarked on a 30-day tour covering 7,000 miles, I began to experience negative thoughts and mental chatter. I was very quickly distracted into dozens of “what-if” scenarios and needless worry until I finally laughed at my own ridiculousness. At that moment, a deep belly laugh sprung forth like a geyser and the knowingness that “all is fine” sank in.

With that laugh, I moved from the edge of the storm to the eye of the storm where all is calm. The self-imposed pressures of being in charge shifted to a sublime statement “I AM the tour manager.” I accepted all the aspects of me —all my experiences and life training—that were being called on to deliver what was required of me at that moment. I was asked to just be me. Radiating from the core of me, the infinite vastness, I learned to relax into the flow. Life became so much easier.

That attitude of gratitude and humility now carries me into every situation. I am constantly looking for moments to say “Wahe Guru” (Cosmic Wow!) and to experience the knowingness that all is in perfect order.

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