Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Youtube Guru

A smart dude by the name of Alberto Einstein said, “energy is everything”, right? Another smart brother by the name of Masuru Emoto has proven that our thoughts, feelings and words; positive or negative, cause a cellular breakdown or build up. Basically, they make us stronger or weaker! So now we know, our thoughts, feelings, stuff, things, self and everything else in the Universe is…….ENERGY! This takes me to my next point…

Many of our most ancient Spiritual traditions incorporated (& still do) a practice of chanting or song in their many forms of ceremony, prayer and Spiritual practice. The monks chant, yogis chant, aboriginal people chant, Native Americans chant, I chant and now I think you’re getting the pattern here! So I’ll tie this all into a pretty bow for ya…Chanting is what? ENERGY!!!
 read the part 

below real slow, twice…cuz something’s gonna click!
So chanting is energy and all the highly connected, enlightened people and cultures of our world have been doing it for eons as a way to raise their vibes and connect to the Divine, right? And energy is everything and sound has the power to actually transform the molecules in water, right!? And our body is made up mostly of water right!!? So how much could a regular practice of sound healing or chanting improve your health, your connection to the divine, your energy levels and manifestation abilities!!
Now it’s Time to Watch the Video Below for your Lesson in Sound Healing!

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