Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, May 18, 2012

I KNEW something was UP!

Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:30am class - a Great Cosmic Event

Once in 25,000 years there occurs an alignment that will take place on Sunday, May 20, 2012. The Ancient Mayans expressed this to be a great cosmic event. The Earth, our Moon, the Sun, all will align with the Pleiades, (sometimes called the 7 Sisters) star cluster. It is among the nearest star cluster to earth and was recognized & revered by many ancient cultures. It is believed that this will be the next big Universal Shift and recalibration of the psyche – a time when a new download in psychic consciousness will be accessible. Some feel the Pleiadian influence will open a spiritual channel for the return of the Sacred Wisdom of the Mayan Masters. The Mayans felt their wisdom and true home were directly related to the Pleiadian star system.

The Pleiadian energy will be illuminating our planet; it is more accessible due to the Full Solar Eclipse, and the New Moon (a wonderful time to set new intention(s), plant new seeds, create a new opportunity). It is a golden opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Come join us on this most auspicious day, align yourself and receive the sacred cosmic energy that will give us the chance to make a major quantum leap into our Spiritual Evolution as individuals and as a Planet Earth.

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