Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, June 18, 2012

Purple Rain

Deep Purple
Color Me Creative

Purple is a potent color, worn by royalty to symbolize their magnificence. Yogically speaking, purple is the color associated with the seventh (“crown”) chakra. The energy of the color purple relates to beauty, creativity, inspiration and a deep connection with the Infinite. In color therapy, purple is said to enhance artistic talent and evoke wisdom and inner strength. Wearing purple stones, like amethyst or sugilite brings protection and helps develop spiritual love.

Purple is also the color of passion. You might be tempted to paint your bedroom walls in tones of deep violet or wear purple from head to toe. Instead, just add a splash of purple in your home or office. Set out a vase of fresh lilacs, place an amethyst crystal on your desk or wear a beautiful plum-colored shawl with your summer whites. Adding purple to your color palette may provide just the lift you need to creatively get you thinking out of the box and allow you to connect more deeply with your own divine and royal spirit.

Recommended: Eco-Friendly Bamboo Rayon Shawl (Purple) and Amethyst Gemstone Necklace

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