Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, July 27, 2012

Emily's Gems of Stones and Wisdom

Karma Stones

East Indian religions embrace the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called samsa-ra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies.
To understand karma you must understand cause and effect. What you give, you also receive. Your own actions determine the type of karma you are creating for yourself. Positive actions or deeds will bring positive results. When you do something good, you will get something good in return. The same applies when you do something bad or negative, you will in turn, pull in something bad or negative. This is what is generally understood as “karma”.
Karma is not a moral issue, it is a natural law. It has to do with the balance of all and has nothing to do with the process of punishment or reward for your actions.
The idea of karma was popularized in the Western world through the work of the Theosophical Society. In this conception, karma is affiliated with the Neopagan law of return or Threefold Law, the idea that the beneficial or harmful effects one has on the world will return to oneself. Colloquially this may be summed up as “what goes around comes around.”
Karma can be balanced or eliminated by living a diligently loving, faithful, sincere, honest and devoted life and by taking responsibility for your actions that may have had a negative effect on others. This can also be referred to as mindfulness, or devotion.
If all your actions are based on the understanding that what you do to others , you are essentially doing to yourself, then you would be much more likely to live a life that creates a loving, prosperous karma for yourself.
The primary focus of some therapeutic gemstones is to help resolve limiting karmic patterns. Working with these gems can help transform negative behavior patterns, break bad habits, and eliminate destructive relationship dynamics. They can also help resolve the negative patterns that perpetuate physical or mental conditions. The results are a greater sense of inner freedom and improved vitality and health.
  • Change self-destructive habits
  • Climb out of a rut
  • Develop new, healthier ways of relating to others
  • Eliminate the behavior patterns underlying an unwanted physical condition
  • Break free of a pattern of destructive relationships
  • Align your dreams with your life path
I have chosen here some stones that can help you to balance your life in such a way that you will break negative patterns and create a more loving environment for yourself and those around you.

Rhodochrosite helps develop inner freedom by neutralizing the destructive behavioral patterns that restrict personal growth and undermine physical health. Rhodochrosite's energy comes like a storm: it destroys negative patterns, sweeps away emotional "clutter," and works with you to build healthier patterns. By helping resolve inner conflicts, Rhodochrosite encourages all aspects of your being to work together with a unified focus. It imparts self-confidence as it helps you realize your power to transform your life. 

Blue Chalcedony is a very good balance stone. When there is a need for softness in the auric field, at times when stresses amount and one’s center begins to wobble, Blue Chalcedony can restore calm and balance allowing one to center in the present and not worry of the future. It helps alleviate worry and anxiety as well as irrational anger or fear. 

Emerald is a beautiful water element stone that has wonderful effects on the emotional and physical body. It brings an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance into one’s auric field. Emerald stimulates the physical heart and clears the emotional body of patterns of victimization and rejection. It allows him to forgive and find truth and love within himself and others. This is good for letting go of unwanted negativity, anger and fear, and opening up your heart for true love and compassion. 

Lapis Lazuli helps one move one’s consciousness beyond the mundane and allows one to identify habits, patterns and lessons one may have difficulty perceiving consciously, and which may be blocking one from making spiritual progress. Lapis Lazuli is a stone of self-knowledge and reflection. I gives you an expanded view of your motivations and beliefs. 

Turquoise is a stone for finding wholeness and truth, it is also an aid in the communication of those abilities. Turquoise teaches the wisdom of compassion and forgiveness and offers one the opportunity to experience the insight that enlightened selfishness is identical with kindness and generosity. Turquoise demonstrates that when one releases one’s insistence on ‘justice’ and views others through the lens of compassion and forgiveness, one immediately receives those gifts in return. Thus the most generous gesture toward others also brings about what one most desires for oneself. Not only that- such actions are contagious and self-reinforcing!

Other good balancing stones include: Amethyst, Citrine, Crystal Quartz, Epidote, Garnet, Malachite, Opal, Quartz, Cat's Eye, Tourmaline, and Ruby

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chakras and Tattvas

The Five Tattvas

Tattvas are the elements from which you are made, at least in the premise of Kundalini yogic philosophy. They are Earth, Water, Fire, Air*, and Ether. You may find it more useful to think of these metaphysically as opposed to the literal truth, although in fairness there are uniquely talented healers who have established successful practices by treating the tattvas.
What follows is a discussion of the tattvas and how they are considered in Kundalini yogic philosophy. Most of you know I am a teacher and not a philosopher! Accordingly, the next five Tuesday classes at Hazard Center and Thursday classes at Toby Wells will be devoted to giving you an in-the-body experience of each tattva through yoga.
The tattvas are associated with the chakras, but only the first Five. The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth chakras are beyond the elements. These upper chakras are associated with the quality of light.

Tattvas are the densest form of Maya. They produce the illusion of separation, or in Western terms duality. Each tattva projects Maya in a specific way which leads to suffering. Since tattvas are the elements you are comprised of, you cannot get rid of their projections. However, you can re-direct those projects in an uplifting way. This may not be as easy to do as it it is to say, but it can be done.

The tattvas summarized:
Earth corresponds with the First Chakra. Although this Chakra’s energy is associated with elimination, the projection of Earth is greed to acquire. This leads to heaviness, fixity and depression. Re-channel greed from acquiring material possessions to acquiring the qualities of a great person.

Water corresponds with the Second Chakra, which we associate with creativity. The projection of Water is lust, which leads to guilt, delusion and pitilessness. Re-channel lust from exploitation to service that fosters creativity and affection.

Fire corresponds with the Third Chakra, which we associate with our personal power and the digestive organs. The projection of fire is the desire to control, which leads to fear and anger. Re-channel anger from others onto your own negativity; not in a self-destructive shaming way, but one that uses that energy for purification.

Air corresponds with the Fourth Chakra, which we associate with the Heart. The projection of Air is attachment (“I have my heart set on…”) to earthly possessions. Note the distinction regarding earthly possessions between Earth (greed, or the desire to acquire) and Air! Attachment to things leads to anxiety and indecisiveness. Re-channel attachment from specific things to the whole Universe. Love ideas and ideals, become attached to happiness and health and your connection to the divine.

Ether corresponds with the Fifth Chakra, which we associate with the Throat and speaking and hearing Truth. Your small “t” truth contains your sense of self, and may lead to egomania. Re-channel your sense of the ego, or the small, transitory self into the capital T Truth of oneness with the Infinite Being which is all that there is.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Triune Force

Duality and the Triune Force

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.

The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.

It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them.  This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.

You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.

The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.

The Triune Force

If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.

It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.

If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.

But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.

Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.

By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.

Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity.  So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.

The Hathors
July 1, 2012

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

Perception is indeed relative to the perceiver. And this relativity of perception is no more apparent, I think, than in our relationships with each other.

Furthermore, it has been my observation for some time now (i.e., the last several months or so) that the polarization of human relationships is on the rise.

There have, of course, always been differences of opinions. And conflicts between persons and nations are hardly anything new. History is strewn with incidents of ruinous and disastrous encounters between individual people, as well as between religions and cultures.

But what the Hathors are addressing here is an increase in polarized perceptions and beliefs between individuals.

It is their opinion that this disturbing increase in polarization is occurring as a result of the energetics we are all going through (i.e. the changes in our sun as well as pulses of accelerated evolution from the Central Sun of our galaxy and from deep space) and the fact that we are undergoing the extreme effects of Time Acceleration.

At the end of the session, Judi asked them how long they thought this period of increased polarization would continue. Their response was that it was difficult to pin down exact time coordinates, but their sense was that this extreme polarization of human perception would continue for at least eighteen months to two years, if not longer. And furthermore, they expected the intensity of polarization to increase, not decrease during this period. Judi also asked about the strangeness of the polarization experience and inquired if they had any further elaboration to offer. They said that part of the difficulty we humans are experiencing is the fact that the intensity of planetary and galactic energetics is so extreme, they often short-circuit cognitive processing. As a result, people can become even more erratic and irrational than usual.

If their perceptions and predictions are accurate then it would seem prudent to find some masterful way to get through such a period of increased interpersonal, cultural and religious discord.

In my opinion, the idea of the Triune Force is Hathorian-simplicity at its finest.

If you tend to imagine things visually, think of a triangle. Put the force of attraction at the far left corner and the force of repulsion at the far right. The point of the triangle above the two corners is the perspective of the Triune Force. Through this perspective we can look down and see or sense things that we might not see or sense when we are caught up in the throws of attraction or repulsion.

The triangle is just a metaphor, of course. What you are actually doing is rising up in awareness so that you are no longer enchanted by the force of attraction or the force of repulsion. From this state of non-identification with either state (attraction or repulsion) you can better sense information that might be helpful to your decision making process.

There is a shift in our thinking process required to engage the Triune Force, and that shift is simply to step away from self-identification.

Instead of rushing in and doing the normal human thing, which is to identify with our attractions or repulsions, we temporarily intervene in our own automatic responses for the purpose of gaining valuable information.

The type of information that we can access when we are in a state of non-identification is qualitatively different from the types of information that we access when we are caught up in the intensity of the moment.

In addition to stopping the process of self-identification, the Hathors suggest a shift in spatial perspective as another step to engage the Triune Force:

“When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.”

If you have developed spatial abilities you will be able to imagine yourself floating up above the situation or interaction and observe yourself being attracted or repulsed. This spatial separation of an “observer” part from the “responder” part can be quite helpful in suspending the pattern of identifying with your responses (i.e., attraction or repulsion). But if you don’t have this type of spatial ability, it will be difficult for you to do this.

If you are unable to “float above the situation or person” that you are responding to, don’t worry about it. The primary action required to engage the Triune Force is simply to stop your own process of self-identification so that you can sense new types of information about the situation or person.

To be human is to have attractions and repulsions. It is just part of the human-mammalian equation. All animals have an innate biological response that moves toward something (attraction) or away from it (repulsion). And the Hathors are not suggesting that we eliminate this type of biological response. They are simply saying that when we temporarily suspend our self-identification with those responses, doors open in consciousness (metaphorically speaking). New insights and understanding become accessible to us, and with that knowledge we can create and co-create with greater mastery.

If, however, we are caught up in the excitement of attraction or the fear of repulsion, then we often fail to see or sense “red flags” or other crucial information about the person or situation.

How many “negative” relationships and/or situations might we have all avoided had we been able to “see” those things we were blind to in the moment of intense attraction (or in some cases, repulsion)?

I think there is a personal discipline required to engage this method. And it necessitates that we avoid the emotional intoxication that takes place when we are really caught up in a strong attraction or repulsion.

And as with many aspects of our emotional lives, this is sometimes easier said than done.

But I think the emotional discipline is well worth the effort. If nothing else, it will lead us to deeper psychological insight, and this is a good thing.

In addition, however, engaging the Triune Force can help us as creators and co-creators by giving us access to higher levels of information regarding whom or what we might be contemplating a co-creation with.

I ended that last sentence, by the way, with a preposition on purpose. Prepositions establish relationships between words, just like the force of attraction or repulsion establishes a relationship between people. While some grammarians disagree about the correctness of ending a sentence with a preposition, others point out that it is sometimes necessary. Thus, it seems to me, along with many other lovers of language, that the preposition rule is actually a myth. Some myths are slow to die. In this regard, the preposition myth has been a tenacious one, guarded, as it has been, by the dogma of unyielding grammarians.

My comment here is not so much about grammar as it is about the syntax of our lives. By the syntax of our lives I mean the order and relationships of our experiences—as we hold them to be. When syntax (order) is altered in a sentence or in our lives, a gap in perception can occur and through that gap new meanings and new worlds of perception can be birthed.

Many of us have been held captive by another myth—the myth that we cannot and should not create (or re-create) our lives in the ways we desire them to be.

In this context, the Triune Force is fundamentally a method for altering the syntax (order) of both our perception and our mental/emotional lives. Through the gap (or portal) that appears when syntax is altered, we are more able to glimpse new possibilities. 

Tom Kenyon 

© 2012 Tom Kenyon  All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan, MOon Day July 20 2012




In the Quran
The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down - right guidance to mankind, and clear signs of guidance and distinction of truth from falsehood. Those among you who witness it, let him fast therein. Whoever is sick or on a journey, then a number of other days. God desires ease for you, and desires not hardship. Thus may you fulfill the number of days assigned, magnify God for having guided you, and perhaps you will be thankful.
Ayah 185, Sura 2 (Al-Baqara), translation by Tarif Khalidi See: [16]
Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection and worship. Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam and to avoid obscene and irreligious sights and sounds. Sexual intercourse among spouses is allowed after one has ended the daily fast. During fasting, intercourse is prohibited as well as eating and drinking, and resistance of all temptations is encouraged. Purity of both thoughts and actions is important. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the soul and free it from harmful impurities. Ramadan also teaches Muslims to practice self-discipline, self-control,[17] sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity and charity (Zakat).[18]
It becomes compulsory for Muslims to start fasting when they reach puberty, so long as they are healthy, sane and have no disabilities or illnesses. The elderly, the chronically ill, and the mentally ill are exempt from fasting, although the first two groups must endeavor to feed the poor in place of their missed fasting. Also exempt are pregnant women if they believe it would be harmful to them or the unborn baby, women during the period of their menstruation, and women nursing their newborns. A difference of opinion exists among Islamic scholars as to whether this last group must make up the days they miss at a later date, or feed poor people as a recompense for days missed.[19] While fasting is not considered compulsory in childhood, many children endeavour to complete as many fasts as possible as practice for later life. Fasting is not necessary for women going through menstrual bleeding.[20] Also, those traveling (musaafir) are exempt, but must make up the days they miss.[21] More specifically, Twelver ShÄ«‘ah define those who travel more than 14 mi (23 km) in a day are exempt.[18]

Increased prayer and recitation of the Quran

In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Quran. Some Muslims perform the recitation of the entire Quran by means of special prayers, called Tarawih, which are held in the mosques every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Quran (Juz', which is 1/30 of the Quran) is recited. Therefore the entire Quran would be completed at the end of the month. However it is not required to read the whole Quran in the Salatul Tarawih.
Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are to slow down from worldly affairs and focus on self-reformation, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment; this is to establish a link between themselves and God through prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and helping others. Since it is a festival of giving and sharing, Muslims prepare special foods and buy gifts for their family and friends and for giving to the poor and needy who cannot afford it; this can involve buying new clothes, shoes and other items of need. There is also a social aspect involving the preparation of special foods and inviting people for Iftar.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

From Emily Gems

Banish Bad Luck and Open The Way For Good Luck 

If you think bad luck is following you or you feel cursed, now is the time to blow all the bad luck out of your life. If you think you have been hexed or the evil eye has looked on you, March is the time to let the wind roar around you and chase all the bad luck away from you. By April you will feel as happy as a lamb kicking up his heels for joy.

This spell can be done any time of the year one week after any full moon, but it is strongest in March one week after the full moon.
On the night of the full moon place the two crystal quartz, two sodalite and one carnelian and three pinches of sea salt in the clear glass bowl and leave them in the light of the full moon. You can put them outside or on a windowsill (don't worry if there are clouds, the moon's ray will still energize the stones). In the morning put the bowl, with all the items still in it, in a safe and dark place (such as your closet). Leave the bowl and the items it contains for one week. 

Arrange a clean place for an altar where you will do your ritual. Put the white candle and black candle in holders and put the white one on the right and black one on the left of the altar with matches and the bag powered ginger between the two candles. One week after the full moon, anytime between the hours of 8PM and 11PM, take out the bowl with the gemstones and salt and put it in the middle your altar. Stir the contents of bowl three times with your right hand. Take the 2 sodalite to rub your body with them while in a shower or bath, after you have used soap to clean your skin and shampoo to wash your hair.

Hold one sodalite in your right hand and one in your left hand.
As you rub your clean body with the sodalite in your right hand (start at the top of your head and work down to the bottom of your feet) say and repeat until you have finished rubbing the bottom of your feet:
Negative vibrations,
Bad influences,
Things of evil and wickedness
Enter this stone and be held forever.
As you rub your clean body with the sodalite in your left hand (start at the bottom of your feet and work up to the top of your head) say and repeat until you have finished rubbing the top of your head:
This body flows with positive energy
This body flows with good influences
This body is pure and free of any evil
And wickedness cannot be here.
Dry yourself with a white bath towel. Dress in only a solid colored robe. Take your sodalite and place them in the middle of your altar.
Light the white candle and say:
This fire will burn negative vibrations,
This fire will burn bad influences,
This fire will burn evil and wickedness
From my home forever.
Light the black candle and say:
This fire will attract positive energy,
This fire will bring good influences,
This fire will turn my luck to good
And keep the bad from me.
Take both crystal quartz out of the bowl, one in each hand. Hold crystal quartz above the flame of each candle (far enough away from the flame so you will not burn yourself) and say:
Power of fire
Burn into these crystals
My declaration that banishes all bad
And brings only good to me and this house.
Place the crystal quartz in front of each candle.
Take the carnelian in you left hand and as you pass it above first the white candle and then the black candle say:
With this stone I am determined
That my proclaimed changes
Are now achieved.
Put the two sodalite and the carnelian back in the salt and pour the powered ginger over them. Stir the items in the bowl three times with your left hand as you say:
The pack is made,
The bad is gone,
Good luck is mine.
Both crystal quartz must now be buried north of your home. One sodalite will be buried west of your home and the other east of your home. The carnelian you will keep with you, either in your purse or in your left pocket. Take the ginger and sea salt mixture and pour it along the south of your home. (If you live in an apartment or place where you can't bury the stones, then take them to the said point, north, east and west and throw the stones as far as you can. Toss the ginger and sea salt mixture to the south.)
The change is now in place