Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, August 13, 2012

Remember Carlos Casteneda?

Here are his followers and their workshops based on the shamanic teachings of
Carlos Casteneda and his shaman

August 2012
Dear Dreamers with Wolves:
The ‘call of the wild’ is real; it’s in our bones, our blood, our roots! The sun, the moon, the stars, the wind, the land, the water – all speak to us and call us as our event at The Wolf Connection Conservancy approaches!
To help you with the practical details of our very easy-level camping experience at The Wolf Connection Conservancy we have posted on our web some “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions/ Some Helpful Practical Information About this Event”. Please read this, and if other questions come to mind you may email them to us so that we may answer them here for the benefit of all.
Additionally, a short Pre-Assignment for this workshop is now ready to be explored and enjoyed by all who register. Please register with enough time in advance to give yourself time to complete.
Looking forward to sharing this amazing workshop with you!
The Instructors of Tensegrity


A Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity® Workshop

Dreaming with Wolves*

At The Wolf Connection Conservancy
Acton, California

August 31 to September 2 – Full Moon Weekend
September 14 to September 16 – New Moon Weekend*

Scientists consider wolves among the most successful ‘social animals.’ The seers of don Juan’s lineage, which originates in ancient Mexico, suggest we would do well to consider ourselves social animals too.
Once in trees, our hominid ancestors lived in close bands, and when they ‘came down’ from their arboreal lairs and evolved into the bipedal humans we are today, the desire for and efficiency of operating in a group was nurtured along.
At times, however, within some of our own social gatherings, feelings of security, connectedness and contentment are mixed with feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and disenchantment. We suffer silently with thoughts of not being appreciated for our contributions; we find fault with the methods of others hoping to rank ourselves above them; we want what others have because we neither relish nor develop gifts of our own.
Wolves operate differently within their social groups, or ‘packs.’ From pups they learn a purpose greater than themselves that also serves their individual needs – and that their best chance for survival is to be a responsible member of a well-functioning and cooperative team. Resultantly, not every member of a pack seems to want to be boss; positions of hunter, scout, and puppy-sitter are just as important as others. And positions within such a pack can change, because they are determined by which wolf displays the most talent and energy for a particular task at a particular time.
The seers of the lineage of Mexico make a point; we would do well to return to nature – the elements; the earth, moon and stars; the wolves – and retrieve from our energetic core what we once knew about our own gifts and how to use them in service with others.
From this weekend of Tensegrity® at The Wolf Connection Conservancy, this is what each of you will have the opportunity to do:
Go on hikes, designed for the light to mature walker, throughout the conservancy, with the intent of focusing attention, becoming more conscious and ‘slowing down;’
Uncover, through self-inquiry exercises, your likelihood to currently experience groups the same as your early family group – replaying roles related to sibling birth-order, scapegoating and blame...
Practice movements of Tensegrity® to open up channels in your physical form, allowing your energetic core to shine through...
Explore and gather new ways of being from experiences with the elements – air, water, fire and earth – and from frequent visitations with the wolves;
Sleep at night in tents arranged in a dreaming circle to enhance dreams;
Rise with the sun; eat out of doors; assemble in a native teepee; partake in a fire-pit storytelling event and give away the habits you want to release; recapture how your ancestors, in alignment with the surrounding natural energies, once walked in harmony with other beings upon this earth.

Here is an introduction given by Teo Alfero, Tensegrity Faciltitator and Founder-Director of Wolf Connection:
Wolves Video Music: R. Carlos Nakai, Canyon Records

Click here for an inspiring example of the
Teamwork of Wolves
* * *
This workshop experience is open to newcomers and seasoned practitioners of Tensegrity® alike.
The content of this workshop is considered Tensegrity® Facilitator-in-Training material; it will be offered again in different settings - urban or elemental, in various locations in 2013; the experience of exploring the content in the context and setting of The Wolf Connection Conservancy is a unique event!
* * *
Schedule for either weekend:
*Friday 2:30 pm: Arrive at Cleargreen Studio, Culver City, for registration and Cleargreen-provided transportation to conservancy.
Friday evening to Sunday 4:00 pm Tensegrity® workshop activities
Sunday 4:30 pm Cleargreen-provided transportation from site back to Cleargreen Studio, Culver City, arriving at 6:30 pm.
Sunday 4:00 pm to Monday 4:00 pm Enjoy the conservancy more on your own or by participating in ranch activities such as exercising and tending to the wolves.
Monday 4:30pm Cleargreen-provided transportation from site back to Cleargreen Studio, Culver City, arriving at 6:30 pm.

* (Each weekend invites 40 practitioners; a third weekend can be added upon popular demand.)
Contribution includes:
Transportation to and from site; all lectures, workshop activities and hikes; all meals from Friday lunch to Sunday lunch; healthy snacks and water available at all times; a cot and tent that sleeps four (of single gender) under the stars; portable hygienic facilities; light morning or evening solar shower.
$610 Full Moon Weekend – Friday, August 31 – Sunday, September 2
$610 New Moon Weekend – Friday, September 14 – Sunday, September 16
Contribution for Optional includes:
Transportation from site; all meals from Sunday dinner to Monday lunch; healthy snacks and water available at all times; a cot and tent that sleeps four (of single gender) under the stars; portable hygienic facilities; light morning or evening solar shower.
$115 Optional time at Conservancy – Sunday, September 2 – Monday, September 3
$115 Optional time at Conservancy – Sunday, September 16 – Monday, September 17
Payment plan: If you are registering with a credit card and wish to pay ½ registration price before the workshop + 3 equal payments after – please contact the Cleargreen offices directly. Tel. (310) 839-7150 (9 am to 5 pm PDT);

You must provide:
Sleeping bag and walking ‘kit’ (containing day backpack, stainless steel or aluminum water bottle, flashlight, hat and t-shirt) or register below for either to be delivered to you once you reach the site; you must register by August 15 in order to reserve and receive these items.
$45 Sleeping Bag
$85 Walking Kit
$130 Sleeping Bag + Walking Kit
To be mindful of our carbon footprint, plastic water bottles will not be available; hence the requested steel or aluminum water bottle. Similarly, no disposable plates or utensils will be used; you will be asked to wash those given to you after each meal.
* * *
Translation: This workshop will be given in English with translation into other languages available in small groups.
We look forward to seeing you at this unique event!
The Dreamer-Stalkers' Continuum

The purpose of this subscription is to help carry the intent of what is practiced in the workshop beyond the time of the workshop itself and into our day-to-day life on an ongoing basis. In it, Tensegrity® instructors will:
  • share with you findings of your fellow workshop participants
  • provide ongoing guidelines - in response to these findings - for tracking energy in your day-to-day encounters.
The yearly subscription is valid until July 31, 2013 and includes at least three issues sent via e-mail. The prorated subscription fee is 25 USD. The publication is available to registered workshop participants, seasoned and new.

Workshop Cancellation Policy:
Before the start of the event: Refunds or credits will be available less a $50 administration fee. After the start of event, no refunds or credits available. Exception: Anyone attending a Cleargreen-sponsored event for the first time may receive a refund, less a $50 administration fee if they notify the registration supervisor in person during or immediately after the first session of the wo

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