Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Super New Moon

SCORPIO SOLAR ECLIPSE NEW MOON, November 13, 2012 at 02:09 pm PDT and 05:09 pm EDT at 22 degrees.
As light encodes information, every second, our Sun beams three billion megawatts of ultraviolet, X-ray, and other forms of electromagnetic intelligent energy to Earth. Twice a year, our Moon blocks that constant stream of solar radiation. During those few moments, the energetic grids supporting creation are reconfigured and rebooted. Old programs are erased; new templates emerge. Solar eclipses thus function as extra-powerful New Moons, signaling a time of major endings and beginnings. They occur close to the same degree every 19 years. On November 13, 1993, there was a partial solar eclipse at 21°32' Scorpio. What was important in your life then? Where in your life are you ready to go to the next level? In what house does this eclipse fall in your personal chart? This information can give you clues as to what area of your life is singled out for transformation.
This is also a SuperMoon, when the Moon is at both perigee (closest to the Earth) and syzygy (in line with the Sun and Earth), intensifying gravitational pulls on tides, tectonic plates, and our psyches as well. Only those of us who are in Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific will witness this as a four-minute total eclipse, but all of us will receive its transformative download.
If we are unable to move forward, we must seek out what is holding us back. We need to bring light to the dark, to what is still hidden in the unconscious. Our shadow contains not only our less admirable qualities, but also anything that has been repressed or denied — our power, our truth, our light. This New Moon solar eclipse has the potential to expose our deepest desires, worst fears, and cosmic destiny. Stay tuned into your deepest self today and tomorrow for downloads of helpful information. Many are getting bits and pieces over time of an emerging picture of their future. Be sure and journal all that you receive.
At the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy lies a supermassive Black Hole, millions of times larger than our Sun, which both absorbs and transmits enormous amounts of electromagnetic energy. The Maya called this Hunab Ku, the Sun behind the Sun. Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, is closely conjunct the Galactic Center during this solar eclipse, intensifying the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the galactic core and supporting the release of old beliefs and presumptions, as well as the remembrance of who we are and our life's mission.
Our readiness to take big spiritual steps forward is signaled by Neptune and Chiron, both in Pisces, ending their five-month retrograde phases (on November 10 and 14, respectively). When any celestial body stations retrograde or direct, its energies are intensified, as it hovers around one particular degree for weeks. Neptune stationed retrograde on June 4; Chiron stationed retrograde on June 11. What has changed for you since then? What are you drawn to do now? Saturn in Scorpio continues to form a grand trine in water with Neptune, Chiron, and Ceres, instructing us to pay close attention to our feelings, heal old trauma, and follow our heart. Saturn’s quincunx to Uranus (exact on November 15 at 4°56' Scorpio–Aries) pressures us to change what we can, and let go of what we can’t.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse at 22° Scorpio cautions us to be mindful of our motivation and use our power wisely. Bring your love and wisdom to whatever situation is calling for healing and transformation. It further reminds us that we always have power, we always have a choice, and we all have something important to offer. The prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, spoken centuries ago, is very appropriate for these times: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.
PLAN YOUR OWN NEW MOON CEREMONY. Give yourself some quiet time in meditation to see where you need to seed new ways of becoming. List these areas within your life you want to change. What areas do you want to break free from the norm and become more productive and discerning? The NEW MOON is the time to manifest the personal attributes you want to cultivate as well as the tangible things you want to bring to you. Possible phrasing: I now manifest ____ into my life. I am now _______ . Remember, think, envision and feel with as much emotion as possible, as though you already have what you want. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts, visuals and emotions. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. "If you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.

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Schedule your yearly Astrology and transit reading. Solar returns and Transits are powerful tools Astrologers use to see how your natal chart is affected by current planetary conditions. This is an invaluable tool to identify major life shifts, upcoming challenges and blessings, beginnings, endings and new adventures. To schedule your appointment email.
GIFT CERTIFICATES are always available. Give a friend or family member a reading, or Aura-Soma.
Gift certificates can be customized and paid for here.

Readings - I am always available by phone for readings, mini or long. Many clients just need a quick check at times to make certain they are moving in the right direction. I am happy to schedule a quick mini reading. E-mail me for an appointment
With the Aura-Soma section of my website I am able to do Color consultations by phone. To schedule your reading call 760-639-5255 or email
Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed below and are a wonderful tool to maximize your efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies that the Moon showers upon the Earth, to our benefit, makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships (except when Venus is Retrograde), job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc.
I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. This information will help you stay ahead of the game. A complete list for the year is available. Check out the details on my website. OP'S
Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern. Remember that Mercury is Retrograde until the 26th, so use caution and try to avoid signing contracts during this period.
  • Wednesday, November 21, from 8:34 am through the rest of the day to 5:12pm on the 22nd (Thanksgiving Day)
  • Friday, the 23rd, from 8:47 am to 5:34 pm
  • Sunday, the 25th, from 4:30 pm through the rest of the day
  • Tuesday, the 27th, all day to 4:58 pm on the 27th
The PDF downloadable version of my book, Words of Love is now available on the website This book will change your perceptions of relationships and will empower you with successful and life-changing tools.
OUR BOOK, Words of Love for Men, "Secret" Formulas for Mastering Intimate Relationships, is available for $12.95 plus shipping. Using many of the Principles of The Secret and Laws of Attraction, this valuable publication offers concrete tools and solutions for improving and nurturing relationships. These formulas can be used by men, women, parents and for all significant relationships including children. Words of Love For Men is highly recommended by marriage counselors and therapists. By using these empowering tools as outlined, new levels of joy and satisfaction are experienced as all personal relationships improve. Go to to order your copy.

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