Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, January 11, 2013

New Moon

CAPRICORN NEW MOON, January 11, 2013 at 11:44 am PST and 02:44 pm EST at 22 degrees.
New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle and represent an opportunity for us to spiral to the next level. Capricorn, the third earth sign, is concerned with the physical realities of time and space, responsibility, and resources. This New Moon offers an extra potent message, since it involves not only the Sun and Moon, but also Mercury, Pluto, and Venus — all in Capricorn. This powerful lineup continues energetic support for redefining the solar feminine encoded in the previous New and Full Moons, as well as transforming our perceptions of physical reality.
Both Capricorn and its traditional ruling planet, Saturn, trace their mythological roots back to the divine feminine. Goats and horns were symbols of the Moon priestesses who lived in mountain shrines, and Saturn, an ancient fertility figure, is a derivative form of the Great Goddess. Vesta, the firstborn child of Saturn, was the Olympian goddess most associated with Capricorn, and the mythologies of Amalthea, the goat–nymph foster mother of Zeus, along with her goat-horned brother, Pan, are also closely linked with this sign. This New Moon emphasizes the need to redefine our relationship with the feminine, nature, and spirituality.
Just as our concepts of the true nature and power of the feminine are changing, our experiences of time and space are radically shifting as well. Capricorn and Saturn have often been associated with the “real” world, that which is visible and measurable via our five senses. Pluto’s long sojourn through Capricorn (2008–24) and its ongoing square to Uranus (2012–15) draw us into realities far beyond the laws of classical physics, into quantum realms where nothing is stationary, solid, nor separate. When we transcend limited, three-dimensional perception, time is not experienced as a one-way, linear process but as an eternal Now, wholly dependent on our focus and level of consciousness. Time appears as an illusion; our past is as changeable as our future. The ancient Greeks had two distinct words for time: cairos, designating spiritual or cyclic time, and chronos, signifying mundane, sequential time. Synchronicities (from syn, “united,” and chronos, “time”) confirm that we are aligned with our divine essence and “soul time.” For fascinating information about time, science, and spiritual evolution, read The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock.

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