Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wendy Ciccetti and the SuperMoon Alert July 23!

FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS - SUPER MOON - (1 degree) Monday, July 22nd, 11:17 AM PDT and 02:33 PM EDT.
The astrological wheel turns, the evolutionary race quick- ens, the Aquarian Age dawns. The Sun has just moved into the sign of Leo, symbolizing the readiness to express one’s personal power and creativity, while the Moon is at the very beginning of Aquarius, indicating budding alliances and col- laborations. Leo learns sovereignty; Aquarius learns solidarity. Leo is the film star; Aquarius, the film crew. This Full Moon highlights our individual hopes and our shared dreams. What do you love? What do you want to change? What fears do you need to face?
Saturn in Scorpio squares the Sun and Moon, revealing where we are forced to redefine our priorities, be fully accountable, and make some tough choices. Saturn’s ongo- ing trine to Neptune is now amplified by Mars and Jupiter conjoining just before the peak of this Full Moon, generating a supercharged grand trine that fuels our courage and enthusiasm, inspiring confidence and bold moves. Combined with Saturn’s practical focus and Neptune’s ideals, this Mars–Jupiter pairing offers a wonderful tailwind for linking up with like-minded souls and sharing ideas, talents, and resources for social change. It reminds us that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that together we are ex-ponentially more powerful than individually.
Reality checks come on July 27, when the Sun forms an exact square to Saturn, and on July 28, when the Sun reaches 6° Leo, squaring the degree of the previous lunar eclipse (April 25 at 6° Scorpio–Taurus). Squares mark turning points and times to make a change. From July 27 to 31, Mars in Cancer forms a volatile t-square at 10°–12° with Pluto (Capricorn) and Uranus (Aries), bringing long-standing issues to a head. Beware of power struggles and jumping to conclusions; identify what needs are not being met, and work for the win–win. This is the third of three SuperMoons in a row, greatly intensifying the lunation’s gravitational and electromagnetic effects on the Earth and all its inhabitants. Mercury just ended its second retrograde of the year on July 20, in a water sign, adding to the cosmic message for each of us to take a big step forward, creativly and spiritually. For more information about how water energy is effecting the planet in 2013 click here.
The choices we make now will have lasting effects. This Full Moon reminds us that “the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’” (Carter Chambers, in the movie The Bucket List)
Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.
A Full Moon symbolizes the fulfillment of the seeds planted at a previous New Moon or some earlier cycle. Each Full Moon reminds us of the seeds that may be coming to maturity, to their fullness, to fruition, to the place where the fruits or gifts are received. It may seem that fulfillment of our goals takes a long time. Some intentions may manifest within the two week phase prior to the next New or Full Moon. Some however, depending on their complexity, may take a much longer time. Just remember that our thoughts and emotions set Universal Action in motion and much work takes place behind the scenes as everything is orchestrated for fulfillment. Keep visualizing your goals as though you have already attained them and they will eventually manifest. Do not concern yourself with current conditions or worry about controlling it. The universe takes care of those details. Just keep seeing what you want, and move in that direction with your actions, and give no energy to what you don't want. Patience is required.
PERSONAL MOON CEREMONY Find the time to have your own private Moon Ceremony. You have a three day window of energy in which to manifest your intentions. The day before, the day of, and the day after.
For the Full Moon, jot down two or three areas of your life you want to clean up. The Full Moon is the time to release or get rid of the things that no longer serve you, so by the next New Moon your slate is clean for new beginnings, or fertile for the planting of new seeds.
Possible phrasing: I now release______ from my life. I now release my destructive ________ patterns. I now let go of fear, jealousy, anger, envy, negative thinking, etc... Remember, think and envision as though you have already let go of what you have released. See yourself free and living your dreams. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts and visuals about yourself. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. What you think about grows!! "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.

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Schedule your yearly Astrology and transit reading. Solar Returns and Transits are powerful tools Astrologers use to see how your natal chart is affected by current planetary conditions. This is an invaluable tool to identify major life shifts, upcoming challenges and blessings, beginnings, endings and new adventures. To schedule your appointment email.
GIFT CERTIFICATES are always available. Give a friend or family member a reading, or Aura-Soma.
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Readings - I am always available by phone for readings, mini or long. Many clients just need a quick check at times to make certain they are moving in the right direction. I am happy to schedule a quick mini reading. E-mail me for an appointment
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Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed here
  the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern. Mercury went direct on the 20th, but continue to use caution as it remains in its storm phase through the 25th.
  • Wednesday, July 24th, from 7:44 pm thorough the rest of the day
  • Thursday, the 25th, all day to 2:29 pm on the 26th
  • Monday, the 29th, from 10:43 am through the rest of the day
  • Tuesday, the 30th, all day to 8:42 am on the 31st
  • Sunday, August 4th, from 3:05 am through the day to 9:58 am on the 5th

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