Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Diamond Grrl

We are now familiar with the terms: Indigo child, Crystal child, and Rainbow child.  But not many have heard the term "Diamond Child", or "Diamond Children".  This is because, unlike their predecessors, a diamond child is not here to change things.  A diamond child will rarely bring attention to him or herself, and will often move through life undetected.
So why are they here?  Lets look at where the name comes from. A Diamond is a great conductor of light and energy.  Unlike Crystal, which is similar but extremely delicate and can shatter easily, Diamond is one of the hardest and most difficult to destroy natural rocks on Earth.  Yet in the dark, it is invisible.
Diamond children are the same.  While in the dark, they are as invisible as anyone else on Earth. But once they start conducting, or channeling, light and energy, you will never meet a brighter, more pure light on Earth.
Diamond children will often be A++ students. They will be talented at any subject, task or hobby they care to pursue, and thus will often end up doing nothing of consequence because their energy is spread too thinly among too many subjects. And they are avid learners, which they do out of interest and not to take sides or be knowledgeable.
Often, but not always, born to extremely difficult situations or families, these children will ride the events without getting caught up in the drama. They will not use their misfortune to become addicted to substances, to become abusers, to become depressed or to stop them living their lives to the full.  Very rarely one of them will fall by the wayside and try a path of destruction, to see what it is like.  Even then, after years of pain and suffering, they will reemerge as bright as ever.
Diamond children know they are right 99% of the time on just about everything. Often this will translate to others as arrogance because they don't even try to argue their side.  They will just nod and smile at you and your argument, then, when you least expect it, will slowly teach you an opposite viewpoint.
Sometimes they will get into arguments simply to win.  They do it for fun and they do always win. No matter what side of the argument they take, and they really don't care, they will prove your side to be erroneous.  This is because they see the bigger picture. They see both sides of every argument and do not judge either.
Diamond children shy away from leadership.  This is because, unlike Indigo or Rainbow, they do not come with predefined colors, and the concept of "group" we have here on Earth is offensive to them.  A group, after all, means there is an "us vrs them" mentality within the group as well as an agreed upon reality that excludes other realities.
If you are wondering where they come from, the answer is from everywhere and nowhere. They don't identify with one particular planet, reality or universe.  They come directly from Oneness.  If you are in any way psychic or sensitive, you will see their shape change to your most advanced perception.  So, say you can perceive alien species, this is what you will see, if you can perceive energy/light creatures, this is what you will see. If you can perceive Oneness, this is what you will see.  Often you will see them changing from one to another shape, until they settle to the shape you most identify with.  So, for example, if you identify with Dragons, you will think they too are a Dragon. Or if you are an Earth Angel, you will see wings on them.
If you suspect your child to be a Diamond Child, the best you can do for him or her is to narrow his or her interests and encourage the child to stick to one, or at most two subjects. One creative, such as art or music, and one intellectual, such as science or letters.  It is going to be a difficult task, but this will help them survive on Earth and become independent much better than if you take them to ten activities per week... which they will be more than willing to do.
Apart from that, keep their diet additive free, pure and fresh and make sure they drink plenty of water.  They will take care of the rest.  Diamond children really are low maintenance.
Often a Rainbow Child will think, or want, or be mistaken, for a Diamond Child. The main difference between the two is that the first is very much into religion, groups and "making things right". While the second simply lives life and is here purely to bring in Divine Light into our reality. The color, or colors, the light takes once on Earth is irrelevant to the Diamond Child, who will never judge you or your beliefs as wrong, nor will he or she ever try to save you, lead you or teach you "the right way".
A Diamond Child will pop up into your life when you most need them, in other words, when you need Divine Light, then disappear just as quickly.
They will lead long, uncomplicated lives.
They are extremely powerful. If they so wished, they could make you do their bidding, they can change the weather, they can shift the vibration of an entire area.  They can manifest with easy and will work out a solution, or answer, to any problem you present them with.  When a person becomes truly aware of the Diamond Child's power, the person will become fearful and perhaps think it is wrong for someone to have so much power.   However, it is very rare indeed for a Diamond Child to use any of his or her powers.  They have an inbuilt resistance to do so.
As to their numbers, there are very few presently incarnated on Earth, but their numbers will increase in the next two decades, although not by much.  Their power is such that not many are needed at any one time.  You are one if after reading this article, you feel a big "I knew that", and then move onto the next subject, which I hope is Ascension.
If you feel a huge need to be a Diamond Child, then you are probably a Rainbow Child... and if you felt insulted at the suggestion that you are "a lesser being", you definitely are a Rainbow Child.

AscensionAscension: movement in an upward direction. But unlike a movement up in a hierarchical sense, it is much more like one of two musical notes, one with a higher pitch than the other. Neither note is superior in any way to the other. They simply sound different.
Oneness: The state on non division. Perception of reality as one consciousness, one Being.

This blog is mostly concerned with Ascending into a state of Oneness. That place where Divine is All that there is. Experiencing life in this state is one of bliss, ecstasy and wholeness.

But are we all interested in this goal? No.

Therefore, reaching our personal state of ascension is when we stop moving "upward" in the vibrational scale because we have reached a place where we are happy, content and want to stay in for the next day, life, million years or forever. Is the state reached "Oneness"? Not necessarily. Is it a lesser state? No. There are no hierarchies in Oneness, that would be a contradiction in terms. And, the truth is that each one of us is already in Oneness. We just can't perceive it, or have life from that viewpoint automatically when we enter Earth.

We are here to play games, to have experiences and to BE in Present Time.

Ascension, then, means that a person moves from depression to a place of contentment. From enlightenment to a place of Oneness. From contentment to utter happiness. Is one superior to the other? No.

Why bother with ascension? Because we chose to. As the person ascends to higher vibrational awareness, their ability to do (power) increases. The game become more interesting.

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