Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Open the Channel of Pranic Tube and connect to the universe...

The Method

This method engages your pranic tube, which extends from the crown of your head down through the center of your body to your perineum, which is located midway between your anus and your genitals. This channel (i.e., the pranic tube) follows the central axis of your body’s magnetic field.

If you put your thumb and first or second finger together and form a circle, this is approximately the size of your pranic tube. This energy channel is a conduit for connecting celestial and terrestrial energies.

Another part of the method engages a platonic solid called the octahedron. An octahedron is an eight-sided solid that is essentially two square-based pyramids that are joined at their bases. 

Octahedrons naturally occur in many crystalline and molecular structures.   We have referred to octahedrons in previous messages especially when we discussed the Holon of Balance. At a subtle energy level octahedrons impart balance.

In this method you imagine an octahedron in the center of your head. It is about one inch (or two centimeters) in height. This imagined octahedron is in the center of your head, and interestingly this is also the location of your pineal gland. The octahedron and your pineal gland also sit within your pranic tube.

The method involves drawing subtle energies from Earth’s magnetic field into the pranic tube via your perineum, and then drawing this subtle energy upward into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. At the same time, subtle energies from the Sun’s magnetic field enter through the crown of your head and descend into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. When these two subtle energies meet within the octahedron, they create an alchemical reaction. Through the structure of the octahedron, the energy released is balancing in nature, and this balancing effect extends throughout your entire nervous system. It is a very simple yet highly effective and elegant method.

At first it may seem cumbersome but once you get the feel of it the method will be as natural as breathing. There are five steps to the method.

Step One: Get a sense of your pranic tube that runs from the crown at the top of your head through the center of your body down to your perineum. Then extend the tube into the Earth. Some of you may find it entering into the Earth just a few inches while some of you may find it descending to the very center of the Earth. It does not matter how far into the Earth your pranic tube descends so long as it makes contact with the Earth.

Step Two: You then extend the upper portion of your pranic tube past your crown to your BA point (a cosmic portal or stargate), which is located above your head in the region where your fingers would touch were you to raise your arms directly above your head. (Note: Raising your hands above your head is for reference purposes only. You do not keep your hands raised when engaging the method.)

Step Three: You imagine an octahedron, which is about one inch (or two centimeters) tall, in the center of your head. This will be the primary focus of your attention during the method.

Step Four: This action is done solely through intention. It may help to silently say this phrase, “Through my own volition I set my worlds in motion.” You then inhale naturally, allowing subtle energy from the Earth to move up your pranic tube into the octahedron while simultaneously allowing subtle energy to descend from the top of your pranic tube via the BA point into the octahedron. Understand that you are drawing in subtle energies related to Earth’s magnetic field and the Sun’s magnetic field.

Step Five: As these two energies meet in the octahedron, which is located in the center of your head, let yourself feel the pulse or the merging of these two subtle energies. When you exhale allow this combined energy to flow outward into your brain and into your nervous system according to its own nature. By this we mean it has an innate intelligence and will flow where it needs to go if you allow it.

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