Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Energy equals just what exactly?

  ENERGY - energy system of

the body - energy and law

of attraction - belief

system and unconscious mind

- quantum energy - energy


Using Quantum Physics in my

Life to Manifest what I


Quantum Physics,

Spirituality And Your Life

Experience : They're Not As

Different As You May

Currently Think And

Believe. Your Thoughts,

Beliefs and Emotions Shape

Your World.

Now You'll FINALLY

Understand Why!!

Comment; Dear reader this

article may appear a little

long – please take your

time to read it. Please

read it in conjunction with

the other material on the

website that appeals to

you. You will find it life

changing as to the

possibilities of life – if

you really get it, that is.

It is your choice. Thank

you Peter.

Quantum Physics Demystifies

the Process Of


What exactly is Quantum

Physics? Quantum physics is

simply a science that

studies and explains how

everything in our world

comes into existence

starting from the physical

aspect of the events,

conditions, and

circumstances of everything

in the Universe and

breaking them down into

their most basic form,

attempting to discover the

Source from where they are

derived from.

Whether or not you may

currently be aware, Quantum

Physics, Spirituality, your

thoughts, emotions, and

success or lack of success

in life are ALL closely

intertwined or

interconnected. In fact as

modern day quantum physics

has discovered, they're

much more interconnected

than you may realize.

Unless you have been

exposed to physics at some

point, just the mention of

Quantum Physics may seem a

bit overwhelming to many,

but it's really not as

intimidating or hard to

understand as you may

think. In fact, as you will

soon discover it is your

thoughts and beliefs

concerning Quantum Physics

that makes it easy or

difficult to understand. If

that statement seems a

little puzzling at this

point, rest assured, it

won't be once you've

finished reading this

article and develop a

deeper understanding of how

it is that Quantum Physics

more specifically Quantum

Mechanics determines the

outcomes in your life and

the world around you.

Although Quantum Physics

can appear to be a bit

complex on the surface, for

many, just developing a

basic understanding will

prove to solidify what is

already known at some level

of your awareness with

regard to how the various

events, conditions, and

circumstances of your day

to day life come into


Regardless of your current

religious preference (or

lack of) or level of

scientific knowledge, these

basics concerning Quantum

Physics will enable you to

construct the necessary

solid foundation of

"awareness" for beginning

to build and experience

your life consciously and

purposefully in a way that

you desire.

I can assure you from a

deep "inner knowing" that

each is intricately tied

together and developing an

understanding of all of

them will arm you with an

unshakable faith capable of

manifesting dramatic and in

many cases seemingly

miraculous life changes.

So in the simplest and most

down to earth way that I

can, with the hope that a

basic understanding of

Quantum Physics will assist

you in the same way, I'll

convey what Quantum Physics

has discovered, to you, in

a way that is easy to

understand and digest.

Through this newfound

understanding I hope that

you too can fully grasp and

develop the awareness of

the vitally important and

crucial role that

discoveries made as a

result of and through

Quantum Physics play in

relation to YOUR life

experience and the physical

outcomes that happen as a


Let's begin with....

The Basics of Quantum


Although it's not necessary

to have a deep

understanding of Quantum

Physics, a basic

understanding will assist

you greatly in establishing

the belief (faith) of how

your life unfolds and as a

result enable you to

further develop your

ability to quickly and

dramatically improve the

overall quality of your

life whether physically,

financially, relationally,

emotionally or spiritually.

At the conclusion of this

article you will have

developed a much deeper

understanding as to how

discoveries made through

Quantum Physics can and do

play an ENORMOUS role in

shaping each and every

event, condition and

circumstance that YOU

experience in YOUR personal

life, and what you can

begin to do immediately to

begin consciously and

purposefully use what you

discover to enhance your

own quality of life.

First, let's take a look at

what quantum physics is...

What Is Quantum Physics?

Quantum Physics is the

study of how, what and why

everything that makes up

the universe as well as

everything in it, both the

seen as well as the unseen,

is derived. It is a

detailed study of what is

known as Quantum Mechanics

which determines how

EVERYTHING in the cosmos

has come to exist beginning

at the atomic and sub-

atomic levels. More simply

put, it is an in depth

study of the building

blocks of the Universe.

Basically what Quantum

Physics consists of is

analyzing things that are

experienced in life in

various forms and tracing

them back to where they

originated and were derived

from which as you will soon

discover is energy.

As most everyone discovered

in elementary school,

everything that you can see

in the physical world is

made up of molecules.

Quantum Physics goes a few

steps beyond molecules and

has taken these tiny little

wonders and broken them

down even further and

developed the ability to

study the various things

that make them up which are

known as sub-atomic


Here's a simple breakdown

beginning with


The next step down from a

molecule is an atom. The

next step down from an atom

are subatomic particles

which consist of Photons,

Leptons, Electrons,

Neutrons, Quarks, etc.

At this point, this is as

far as Quantum Physics has

been able to go, to the

subatomic level. Although

there is much more to

discover, you'll soon find

that what has been

discovered to this point is

all that you'll need to

know to begin making

dramatic changes in

relation to your life

experience, and through

correct application of what

you are about to discover

can enable you to achieve

levels of LIMITLESS

success, fulfilment and

harmony in your life that

so many have come to

"believe" to be out of


For the sake of not turning

this into a Quantum Physics

lecture, let's get into the

REALLY GOOD stuff.....

First let's look at what a

few of the pioneers of what

would come to be known as

Quantum Physics


Three Men, Three Amazing

Discoveries That Raised The

Awareness Of The World

Concerning Their Individual

Ability To Consciously And

Purposefully Create Their

Life Experience

In 1925 An Incredible

Discovery Was Made.


A huge and amazing

discovery which took place

in 1925 and has become well

known today as E=MC2 was

discovered by a scientist

named Albert Einstein. This

new discovery would

dramatically change the

views of the scientific

community and what was

previously believed to be

true in relation to what it

is that makes up our world

and to that point how

mankind believed that all

things came to be. This

previous understanding was

called Newtonian Physics.

Based on Newtonian physics

it was believed that all

things just happened as a

result of gravity.

Newtonian Physics basically

was Issac Newton's theory

based on the late 17th

century belief that the

Universe was made up of

what was believed at the

time to be solid objects

(atoms) which were

attracted towards each

other by Gravity. This

theory was extended in the

19th century to include the

structures of atoms as

being the fundamental

building blocks of nature.

According to Newtonian

Physics it was believed

that atoms were of a solid

nature. In other words the

electrons, protons, etc.

that each atom consisted of

a solid mass or solid

physical object.

What Einstein's world

changing discover would

prove was that these atoms,

could be broken down and

analyzed further and that

the subatomic particles

which formed the atoms were

pure energy. At that time

Einstein believed that this

energy he had discovered

was in the form of

particles, in other words

they had an "appearance" of

being solid. Although he

was "partially" correct his

theory would soon be

challenged by another great

quantum physicist, Neils

Bohr, who we'll get to in a


Everything which exists in

the entire cosmos, which is

experienced with the five

physical senses or

otherwise, from the

infinitely large to the

infinitely small, from the

macroscopic to the

microscopic went far beyond

just the theory of

trillions of solid atoms

being attracted together by

way of gravity. Einstein’s

discovery took the

Newtonian Physics theory a

step further and determined

that these atoms and

everything that they joined

together to form, consisted

of sub-atomic particles

which at their core are

comprised of this pure


Without getting into all

the specifics of how

Einstein came up with this

formula which would soon

prove to change the course

of history, here is a

visual display of what the

formula E=MC2 looks like

and how it breaks down from

the infinitely large to the

infinitely small.


Cosmos --> Universe -->

Galaxy --> Earth -->

Individuals --> Organ

Systems --> Cells -->

Molecules --> Atoms -->

Subatomic Particles =


The bottom line is,

Einstein's discovery proved

that ALL things broken down

to their most basic form

consist of the same stuff.

What is this stuff? Pure

Energy and that it is this

One Energy which makes up

ALL things. ALL THINGS!!

It's interesting that with

the amazing and potentially

life changing discoveries

made as a result of Quantum

Physics, which in many of

the public school systems

of today, the long outdated

theory of Newtonian Physics

is still taught.

Without a basic

understanding of Quantum

Physics you might think

that their are different

forms of energy such as

energy that powers your

home, energy that makes you

get out of bed in the

morning and keeps you going

throughout the day, energy

that fuels your car, etc.

Although they appear from a

physical sense to be

varying types of energy at

this level, due to varying

structures and amounts of

sub-atomic particles which

comprise them, when

analyzed by Quantum

Physicists and broken down

into their purest form they

too, at their core are all

made up of this "One


Bear with me now, we're

almost there....

Everything that exists

whether nature, sound,

colours, oxygen, the wind,

thoughts, emotions, the

chair your sitting in, your

house, your car, your

physical body, the stars,

your dog, your ability to

see, hear, smell, etc.

etc., exists only as a

result of this very same


Ok, now along comes another

brilliant scientist, Neil’s

Bohr, who was the Nobel

Prize winner in 1922 with a

new twist to Einstein’s

theory. Unlike Einstein,

Neil’s Bohr based on work

he had done with some other

scientists which is known

as the "Copenhagen

interpretation", claimed

that these subatomic

particles weren't particles

at all but rather consisted

of waves. In fact Einstein

and Bohr debated over this

quite often.

Later, to Einstein and

another great scientist of

that day, Max Planck's

dismay as it turned out it

was absolutely correct!!

Energy begins as a wave and

as observed transmutes into

a particle and joins with

additional particles that

harmonize with it's


To put it another way,


which exists in the entire

cosmos, when broken down

and analyzed into it's

purest and most basic form

utilizing sophisticated

scientific tools and

instruments, is merely a

vibrating frequency of

energy which joins together

with energies of the same

harmonious frequency to

form what we "perceive" and

as a result experience in

the physical world.

With that being the case

why haven't you become

aware of it until now? If

Quantum Physics has existed

and these facts known for

that long of a period why

wouldn't you already know

about it? Unless you have

taken a college course in

quantum physics you

couldn't know about it.

Why? Simply because you

have been inundated with

many "partial truths" and

in many cases totally false

beliefs since you were a

child. In fact as mentioned

above, most public

education systems today in

many parts of the world

still teach the long since

outdated Newtonian Physics

theory in their schools.



Now think about the

implications here for just

a minute. If ALL things in

existence at their core are

comprised of this same

vibrating mass of pure

energy, and I do mean ALL

things, both the seen as

well as the unseen, that

means that what the most

enlightened teachers in the

history of the world have

taught and which spiritual

texts have shown for

thousands of years, we

"Really Are ONE!!" To make

it a little easier to grasp

and comprehend think of ALL

things, including YOU as a

vibrating mass of pure

energy that is intricately

interconnected to

everything else.

Now if that has you feeling

a little doubtful and

uncomfortable at this point

I fully understand. But

stay with me for a few more

paragraphs and it will all

begin to make perfect

sense. This isn't something

that I've concocted out of

thin air, this is PROVEN

and well documented science

and the truth concerning it

has been around for well

OVER 80 years.

I still recall being

approached with this "We

Are One" concept many years

ago as a young teen and

upon hearing it at the

time, due to a lack of

awareness and deeper

understanding based on the

flawed traditional teaching

that I had received, and a

complete unawareness of

Quantum Physics, believed

that the person doing the

sharing must have had one

to many encounters with

some hallucinogenic

substance. That perception,

as I have long since

discovered was made and

based on a lack of

awareness on my part as to

how things TRULY work. That

lack of awareness happened

as a result of NOT being

taught concerning it in the

public schools that I

attended and not taking the

initiative to discover it

for myself.

What HAS BEEN discovered,

as a result of many years

of extensive independent

research by various people,

years of in depth study of

both science and various

religions and their texts,

and much trial and error

through personal

experience, is that whoever

it was that initially

shared this with me was

absolutely 100% correct!!

My hope is that by sharing

what I discovered during

this time with you, that

you will develop a deeper

awareness based on research

and experiences and as a

result not have to go

through many of the "growth

lessons" that I and so many

others have experienced.

It doesn't matter which

avenue you choose to study,

whether spirituality,

quantum physics, the human

physiology or through the

simple observation of

nature, ALL avenues will

lead you to the very same


EVERYTHING at it's core

consists of pure energy and


interconnected with

EVERYTHING else both the

seen (physical) and the

unseen. (metaphysical)

Anyway, back to Einsteins

discovery of E=MC2......


without religion is lame,

religion without science is


- Albert Einstein

Although Einstein's history

making discover was amazing

enough in and of itself, it

wouldn't be long before

another even more amazing

discovery was made. When

Einstein first discovered

this truth concerning

energy, he came to the

conclusion that even though

all things were derived as

a result of this energy,

which at that time he

interpreted as being

particles or as mentioned,

these vibrating frequencies

of energy, that everything

which happened as a result

of them, did so randomly

without any outside

interference or

participation. In other

words he concluded that the

events, conditions and

circumstances which

happened in the universe

happened as a result of

some unchangeable and

immutable force. He

believed that things just

"were the way they were"

and that no one other than

God, or whatever you

perceive the Source to be,

could change them.

As further scientific

research and studies

continued, differences of

opinion arose among the

quantum physicists of that

day. One of these

differences came from a man

name Neils Bohr who

believed that although

Einstein’s discover was

"partially" correct, there

was more to what Einstein

had discovered which hadn't

yet been revealed.

Bohr felt that this energy

wasn't particles at all but

rather existed as a wave


How right he was!!

Prior to this soon to be

discovery by Bohr, it was

believed, based on

Einsteins discovery that

energy existed as

particles. With Bohr's

discovery believing that

energy travelled in a wave

form, the scientific world

remained divided. As

technology advanced, more

equipment became available

that enabled scientists to

analyze and experiment with

these wave/particles more

closely and what was

discovered as a result of

this research is that this

energy, these subatomic

particles DID consist of

waves which behaved and

turned into particles based

on the individual thoughts

and beliefs of the

scientist that was doing

the observing. It wasn't

until then that it was

discovered that these

subatomic particles/waves,

(energy) which make up

everything that we can see

and experience would

literally take form into

whatever the scientist who

was studying it perceived

and THOUGHT it to be!!!

Because This Is SO

Significant I REPEAT....

The subatomic particles

(waves) being studied by

the scientists responded

to, transmuted and appeared

as particles (solid

objects) based on the

individual thought of the

scientist who was studying

it. In other words it was

the scientists mode of

THINKING that determined

what it would be!!

In other words the energy

being studied began taking

form immediately based on

the thoughts and beliefs of

the scientist who was

observing it!! This will

become very relevant in a

short while – just read on.


mean REALLY getting it?

Now dear reader – I wish

you to read this in

conjunction with the

article on this web site

“The Energetic’s and

process of the

subconscious” together with

the Universal Laws

published on this website.

You can now see how

important it is to undo

your old belief systems /

thinking patterns and

replace them with new ones

that serve you.

It's no wonder that Newton

came up with his

conclusion. Since he was

the only one studying these

atoms, and his "belief" at

the time was in alignment

with them being solid, they

DID appear solid based on

his "Belief" concerning

what they were.

When Einstein, Planck, and

a few other scientists

joined together with

varying opinions to come to

a conclusion as to the

truth concerning these

atoms something even more

amazing was discovered.

If a scientist studied this

energy with the expectation

(thought or belief) of

seeing particles, particles

were observed. If another

scientist studied them with

the expectation of seeing

waves then waves were

observed. If they were

studied with the

expectation of first being

seen as waves and then

changing to particles or

vice versa that is EXACTLY

what happened!! The

conclusion then was that

this energy, these

subatomic particles acted

and responded in exact

proportion to the

"thoughts" and "beliefs"

that the scientist who was

studying them had at that


This discovery further

proved to the scientists

that anything and

everything that exists in

our world once existed as a

wave (spiritual) and

through individual

observation and expectation

was transformed into a

particle (made physical)

based only on what they


would appear as!!

The obvious conclusion from

this amazing sequence of

events thanks to quantum

physics is that YOUR

thoughts are also creative.

In other words this energy,

these subatomic particles

are directly effected and

TAKE FORM based on the

thoughts and beliefs of the

person thinking them. As

discovered in the

laboratories, this energy,

when observed acts in exact

proportion to the way that

it is "believed" that it

will act and will provide a

physical appearance based

on the "perception" of the


Now Dear reader - couple

this with the article on

this website on the

subconscious (“The

energetic’s and process of

the subconscious”) about

how your subconscious

camera placed your

perceptions into your

mental body. See how these

are connected?

Is the hair on the back or

your neck standing up yet??

Now to take it even a step

further, if that isn't

amazing (and almost eerie)

enough, something even more

amazing was discovered by

Max Planck which has since

been named Quantum

Entanglement. Don't worry,

it's much simpler than it

sounds. What scientists

discovered as a result is

that these sub-atomic

particles of energy when

broken in half (separated)

in a laboratory setting

have the ability to

communicate with each other

and that communication is

received immediately from

one to the other, with ZERO

regard to space and time as

we know it, regardless of

how far apart they may be.

Unlike our voices when we

communicate, the sound of

which takes time to travel,

this communication,

(vibration) was received by

one from the other at

precisely the same time

regardless of how far away

they are from each other.

In other words.....

This communication is NOT

subject to time and


In my process work with

clients, this is a

principle that I use to

dissolve many perceptions /

belief systems / issues

even what some like to call

past life issues.

This totally blows away the

"old" physics theory that

nothing can travel faster

than the speed of light.

Energy doesn't NEED to's

interconnected with all

other energy.

So what does this mean? It

means that EVERYTHING in

the entire cosmos is

nothing but a huge

vibrating ball of

interconnected infinite

energy, which has the

ability to communicate into

infinity with no regard to

space and time, and that

what this energy joins

together to form is based

only on individual


Now that you have a little

deeper understanding of

Quantum Physics, you are

probably wondering what

does all this have to do

with you and what can you

hope to gain from it that

will enable you to begin

using it to experience

abundance, happiness and

success in your own life?

Just as the subatomic

particles took whatever

form the scientist studying

them expected them to take

based on their thoughts,

the events, conditions, and

circumstances that make up

YOUR reality take shape as

you expect and believe they

will!! To make it more

personal and bring it

closer to home, as Quantum

Physics has shown, YOUR


concerning any and every

event, condition, illness

or circumstance determine

how your life experience

willunfold in the physical


Let me put it another


(Please read this in

conjunction with the

article “The energetic’s

and process of the

subconscious” on this


Your thoughts, (which are

also energy) which are

determined by your beliefs,

are broadcast outward into

the infinite field of

"wave" energy much like a

radio frequency,

transformed from waves

(spiritual realm) to

particles (matter) and join

together with additional

energies which vibrate at a

harmonious frequency and

join together to shape what

you come to see as your

life experience in the

physical world. YOUR

physical world. You quite

literally have the ability

to mould and shape the

various areas of your life,

based on how you think,

believe and feel!!

That is how our world was

created to operate.

Regardless of what you may

currently believe to be

true, you ARE NOT the

victim of some capricious

set of circumstances. You

are quite literally the

creator of your reality!!

You are the artist that

paints the picture. You are

the producer and director

of your movie. If you want

to change the scene on the

canvas of your life you

only need to think

differently and believe it.

If you don't like the

scenes that are being

played out in your movie

you only need change the

script which is responsible

for creating them. Remember

you are the one that placed

them there in the first

place. See article on “The

energetic’s and process of

the subconscious” on this

website. If you desire to

change the events,

conditions, and

circumstances in your life

you only need change the

thoughts, beliefs and

emotions that are

responsible for bringing

them into and making them

your reality.

In a nutshell.....

Whatever you think about

and believe to be true

regardless if those beliefs

are based on "real truth"

or "perceived truth" are

what determines how your

life will unfold.

Quantum physics tells us

that it is the act of

observing an object

(events, conditions and

circumstances) that causes

it to be there and the

outcome is based only on

how we observe it. An

object cannot and does not

exist independently of its


The Quantum Field is an

"Infinite" field of

potential. Anything and

everything that has, does

or will exist, begins as a

wave in this field and is

transformed into the

physical realm, limited

only by what can be

conceived as truth by the


Who is this observer? YOU!!

Let's look at it in a more

personal way...

If you believe / think /

feel at some level, whether

consciously or

subconsciously, that money

is difficult to come by,

the energy emitted and

broadcast will harmonize

with energy of a harmonious

frequency and your life

will reflect that of money

being difficult to come by.

By the same token if you

believe that money flows to

you effortlessly and

maintain the conscious and

subconscious beliefs

regarding that, you will

find that money becomes

easy to acquire.

Taken a step further, if

you can conceive and

believe in the

materialization of your

BIGGEST hopes dreams and

desires, they already exist

as a wave in the quantum

field (which is INFINITE in

nature) as a probability of

existence only awaiting YOU

to make them real. Is this

not cool!! Just think of

the possibilities.

As Quantum Physics has

proven it is YOU who is

responsible for WHATEVER is

occurring / experiencing in

your life right now. This

includes your partner, your

work, what ever difficult

situation you have around

you, this difficulty is

reflecting what you have

put there !!! IF YOU DON’T


It REALLY IS That Simple!!

Text Box: 'All matter

originates and exists only

by virtue of a force... We

must assume behind this

force the existence of a

conscious and intelligent

Mind. This Mind is the

matrix of all matter.' -

Max Planck

Ok, we've covered a lot of

ground and although your

head may be spinning and

emotions running high, I

encourage you to do your

own due diligence and

attempt to dis-prove what

we have covered here. I

don't expect you to, want

you to, and hope that you

won't, believe a single

thing I say. I would much

rather that you find out

for yourself through your

own due diligence and then

put what you find to work

and begin changing the life

experience that you have

had to this point if you

should choose to do so.

Now, understanding the

basics of Quantum Physics

and Quantum Mechanics, all

that you need to do to

implement it into your life

is to, first of all,

develop the belief that

it's true (and based on my

understanding and

experiences thus far it is)

and second begin to

"consciously" put it to

work in your own life and

you will become empowered

to change those events,

conditions and

circumstances that you

currently find to be

unpleasant. See the

counselling / coaching page

in this website of how we

do it.

Regardless of how deeply

you may search you will

find that it is 100%

accurate 100% 0f the time

WITHOUT FAIL, and that your

life experiences happen as

a result of how you think

and believe they will

whether at a conscious or

subconscious level.

Modern day Quantum Physics

fully explains beyond any

doubt that your thoughts

are the things that group

together and collapse

energy packets, change

those thoughts from a

probability into physical

matter in a given place and

time and create your life

experience physically,

financially, relationally,

emotionally and


Put another

way...Everything in your the entire world

in fact is the result of

"Your Consciousness as it

stands now." Your life will

unfold perfectly and

precisely just as you

"believe" that it will – in

fact your life is as it is

now because of what you

believe about yourself and

what you think of

yourself!!. That is – place

a new set of belief systems

in place within you and

watch how the world changes

around you.

For those that may have any

religious background

whatsoever you will

discover if you choose to

delve deeply enough that

what has been discovered by

modern day science is

precisely what the great

spiritual teachers of the

world have shared and

attempted to get their

followers to understand for

thousands upon thousands of


The conclusions that have

been arrived at thus far

through the study of

Quantum Physics as well as

more recent discoveries

relating to "cellular

memories", aligns perfectly

with what ALL the major

religions of the world have

always taught in some form.

"As a man thinketh, so is

he." If you “think”

(negative belief systems)

about yourself you will

manifest illness in your

body in such a way that

will reflect exactly what

it is you believe about

life. This is profound. !!!

Think about it. It can

change the course of your


As you "believe" so shall

you receive."

"Now faith is the substance

of things "hoped for" the

evidence of things "not


"Whatsoever ye desire when

ye pray "believe" that ye

receive and it shall be

given to you."

The bottom line is this...

You have been provided the

inalienable right of free

will and given the ability

to choose what you will do

or not do in EVERY aspect

of your life. You can

choose to investigate

Quantum Physics, delve more

deeply into what has been

shared here and discover it

as truth for yourself or

continue to create your

life unconsciously or put

another way – it will run

your life for you until you

decide to change it. You

can choose to remain as the

vast majority do, fully

believing you are a victim

or creature of circumstance

or consciously align and

harmonize your actions

(thoughts and beliefs) with

the greatest creative Force

in the Universe and become

a conscious creator of

those circumstances.

That is a choice only you

can make. You and you alone

are responsible for the

events, conditions and

circumstances that make up

your life. Whether or not

you choose to discover and

accept it is also your


We have ALL been provided

the inalienable right of

free will to think and

believe as WE choose.

Discover it, understand it,

"believe" it, and discover

how to "consciously

implement" that

understanding and your life

will transform into

whatever you "believe" that

it can.

Whatever choices you choose

to make both today as well

as in the future, it is my

sincere and heartfelt hope

for you that those choices

might lead you one step

closer to a life experience

of Joy, Fulfilment, Inner

Peace and Limitless

Prosperity in each and

every area of your life.

What we choose to refer to

as Abundance and Happiness.

If you want to change your

life and want to find out

HOW – here is what you do.


Please read the counselling

/coaching page on this

website to see how a

typical counselling /

coaching session work’s

with me and how quickly

life can change for you. It

has happened many times. It

can for you too.!!!

About the Author:

Peter has particular

effective techniques in

identifying what is going

on within oneself, why is

your life like this, what

is going on, what is your

thinking pattern and belief

systems. Once identified,

we then decide what it is

that you want to do about

your life situation. This

is where you take control,

take personal

responsibility and choose

to change what ever it is

you want to, you then

replace them with something

substantially better. Peter

has seen many clients’

lives change completely

within weeks of a

consultation. You can also

do it.

Peter’s sessions are

powerful, quick to

resolution and bring about

long term healing. Peter

does not believe in long

term therapy and in most

cases between 5 to 10 hours

of process work can sort

out most problems be they

business, personal or


Peter is a Business

Consultant, Life Coach,

Healer, Teacher as well as

a Business & Personal

Coach. He is an expert in

the areas of Leadership,

Self Empowerment, Healing

and Personal Development

and in integrating these

several, seemingly

different, disciplines,

Peter is successful at this

as the result of personal

experience - a solid

business background

combined with a passion,

and gift, for personal

development and helping


To find out how Peter can

help you to move your

business and your life

forward, check out his

website at

/index.html, and contact

him directly.


An article, which was sent

to me some time ago, which

formed the outline of this

piece. It has been added to

extensively through my own

research and experience. I

don’t know who the original

author is but I am most

grateful for his input. It

made writing the article

much easier for me. For

this I am truly grateful.

If the original owner

recognises some of this

being his work – please

contact me and I will place

acknowledgement in this

article. Thank you.

For the more technical

readers, can I suggest that

you read this in

conjunction with the

Rudolph Steiner’s Books

namely, Esoteric Science,

Knowledge of the Higher

Worlds, Psychology of Body

Mind and Spirit and

Theosophy. Bearing in mind,

he did not have a naming

convention then, for this,

but how through his own

deduction process was able

to tap into the very

essence of “Quantum

Physics” without knowing

it. This is remarkable and

a wonderful tribute to the

man’s genius.


I Empower Self has been

revamped to facilitate

easier access to

information for you, our

valued client. It is split

into the main categories

below with the sub

components within in each.

Please BOOKMARK US so that

you can find your way back

easily. In our bid to

contribute towards

combating SEXUAL ABUSE in

our society we created an

educational web site to

assist those survivors.

Please visit us.

In a hurry, Go here for a

quick tour of our site.


Why use Creative

Opportunity 4 U - What you

will gain and learn - About

the program - Fees and

Training Policies -

Registration - Consulting

over the net

COACHING - Is life coaching

4 me - benefits - how to

choose - life coaching

questionnaire - coaching

process - Coaching using

the internet (skype) -

individual - business

/entrepreneur - independent

/professional - executive

/leadership - emotional

intelligence - life purpose

- gratitude - client

success stories - fees and


COUNSELING - topics -

Counseling using the

internet (skype) -

successful relationships -

empowerment -what is

empowerment - boundaries -

sexual abuse, molestation,

rape- life purpose -

gratitude - client success

stories - fees and policies


of illness - ADD and ADHD -

blood disorder ailments -

bones and joints ailments -

cholesterol - diabetes

Psychology - diabetes

overcoming - cancer -

depression - immune system

ailments - kidneys -

migraines and headaches -

menopause - obesity - skin

disorders - respiratory

ailments - throat and

stomach ailments


control - law of accident -

law of cause and effect -

law of belief systems - law

of expectation - law of

attraction - law of


ENERGY - energy system of

the body - energy and law

of attraction - belief

system and unconscious mind

- quantum energy - energy


The Law of Accident

To contact Peter for an

appointment click here. To

email click here.

The Universe is an orderly

and perfect place, governed

by a set of unbreakable

laws. As is true with the

physical laws of nature

(gravity, action / reaction

etc.), Universal Laws apply

to everyone and everything,

at all times – there are no

exceptions – whether you

know about them or not. In

fact, there are more than

one hundred and fifty of

these laws, but there are

seven core laws from which

all the others originate.

In this article, we will

focus on the second of the

LawAccident2core seven laws

– the Law of Accident. All

seven are on the web site.

The Law of Accident is the

inverse of the Law of

Control, and states that an

individual will have low

levels of self-esteem and

feel negative about

themselves, to the degree

that they feel they are not

in control of their destiny

and decisions. Individuals,

who do not live by the Law

of Control, must then by

definition live by the Law

of Accident.

Put another way – this law

is fundamentally about

choice. Do you want to

start creating for yourself

– start taking charge of

your life rather than

wonder around and say the

world is against me. It is

your choice – choose.

We know that high self-

esteem is a key ingredient

to achievement and success

in life. Living life by the

Law of Accident, and the

resulting low levels of

self worth, must then

dictate diminished success,

personal hardship, feelings

of emptiness and worst of

all, victim-hood.

Those who live by the Law

of Accident tend to be

habitually negative in

their outlook on life and


They have an uncanny

ability to take a very

positive situation and put

a very negative spin on it

– in other words, they look

for the dark cloud

surrounding every silver



They are reactive rather

than proactive – they wait

for something to happen and

then must react, rather

than taking steps in

advance to avert potential

problems. They feel they

are victims of circumstance

and are quick to assess

blame and make excuses when

things go wrong. They have

no sense of personal

responsibility because in

their minds, it is always

somebody else’s fault.

All of this can be

distilled down to one

crucial fact – whether one

lives by the Law of Control

or the Law of Accident, is

all a function of awareness

level. People who are very

self-aware and who think

for themselves are the

people that live by the Law

of Control. They are

personally responsible, and

are therefore response-able

(able to choose their

responses). Those that are

unaware by contrast, live

life by the Law of

Accident. They are unaware

and do not choose their

responses to any situation

– rather they react out of

habit with conditioned

responses that have been

learned over a lifetime.

We are all familiar with

individuals as described

above - in fact, you may

even fall into the trap

yourself! If you do, you

are not alone; the reason

being that fully 95% of

society today lives by the

Law of Accident. This is a

staggering number, but is

also sadly true. Simply

take a look around and you

will see the evidence

everywhere – poor

performers in the

workplace, road rage,

escalating crime rates,

full prisons, liability

litigation etc. are all

signs of a very unaware

society that absolutely

lives by the Law of


If you want more out of

life then take control by

choosing to change. Take

the first step today -

accept the fact that you

are responsible for

everything that has

happened in your life to

this point. It does not

matter how you got there.

The point is you can choose

to change it now. Make

positive, thoughtful

choices which will move you

closer to your desires.

Become aware of your

thinking. When negative

thoughts attempt to

infiltrate your mind, push

them back – replace them

with positive images and


Determine what it is that

you want in life, build

plans to achieve your

desires and then focus

exclusively on what it is

that you want. Adopt the

attitude that it’s not what

happens to you that counts

– it’s how you react that

makes the difference.

Science shows us that it

takes 21 days to break or

create a habit. By

following the above-

mentioned steps, you will

be on the path to creating

positive habits, taking

control of your life and

ultimately, overcoming the

Law of Accident.

All contents under copy

right 2008 - 2015 by Self

Empowerment and Development

Centre. Unless otherwise


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