Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Saturday, November 14, 2015


Realize that what happened in Paris is an attempt to start World War III. This is a reflection of a war happening in the upper realms. "As above, so below".
Avoid getting triggered by the projected drama. This is the Matrix. If there is no war going on in YOU, then it is impossible to see a war outside of you.
Things are about to get really interesting from now until Dec. 21, 2017 and the best thing you can do is get as CLEAR as possible and not emotionally energize fear.
I will be doing a webinar on this soon so you know the big picture and how to stay out of this drama.
Avoid watching the news and getting programmed by this.
Focus on putting the negative holodynes that are manifesting this in orbs and imagine golden liquid light infusing Paris.
With focused intent (prayer), we can transmute and heal anything.
Here's a command you can use to assist with the healing of what is manifesting.
First, get into a relaxed state and focus on unconditional love. With your intent, connect to the Earth's grids in France.  Then do the following command with as much heartfelt intent as possible.
"It is commanded in the name of Divine Love that the Healing Manifestation Code be used to clear the source of all chaotic thought forms and conflict in Paris and heal all trauma and restriction NOW.  Thah-A'Jha in'ta DO A"
Focus on your left hand and feel the energy move from your fingertips to under your palm.  Once you feel this happen, the clearing is complete.
I'll send you an email later with the webinar registration link where I will talk about the big planetary picture, the truth about Karma, and how to become immune to this.
Much love and respect,
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