Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trump dissected


When I look at a person like Donald Trump, I look at them from Soul level, and I look at their energetic blueprint and energy signature.

Once I know who they ARE at Soul level, I look to see how MUCH of that Divinity they are EMBODYING, percentage-wise, and THEN what are the blocks, restrictions, and negative PROGRAMS running that are PREVENTING them from embodying their true potential.

So for example, if Donald Trump hired me to help him, here's what I would tell him.

"First of all, at Soul level you have the gifts of being a massive creator and are drawn to creating things that LAST, like buildings, brands, and businesses.
You are drawn to learning about and studying EVERYTHING having to do with WEALTH.

This is not coming from your ego, it is coming from Soul level, it is who you truly ARE.

You are very much focused on EMBODYING your TRUTH and are very BLUNT in your communication which can get you into TROUBLE.

At Soul level you are a spiritual warrior, however that energy has become somewhat UNBALANCED, and so now instead of focusing on Divine Truth, you are more focused on BEING RIGHT, which is the shadow side of this.

It is like when a preacher or evangelist with Divine Truth gets FANATICAL and sees only black and white (I'm RIGHT and everyone ELSE is wrong).

Also there are some negative programs running that are preventing you from fully embodying your Divinity.

The first one is the Terrorist Persona (personas are manifestations of reverse fire letter sequences in the DNA that create the Shadow self, the part of a person that is running in REVERSE, energetically).

The terrorist will override morality, ethics or any thought of the “greater good” beyond their own needs.

The terrorist tends to feel continually embattled, and thus everything is perceived as a sleight, a threat or a challenge to be confronted.

Addictions: Achievement, success, (externalized); Goal: “Winning”; Fear: Weakness (Losing to win); Issue: Kill it or comfort it; Response: Fight for what matters most; Virtues: Courage, conviction & discipline.

This persona can be CLEARED energetically and this is a PRIORITY as it will self-sabotage your campaign (and your LIFE, eventually).

The 2nd one is the Greater Tyrant:

This Persona tends to banish all who threaten their control, at the expense of all creative expression if necessary, and at any price.

Often this is seen amongst those who have acquired some degree of AUTHORITY whilst being UNAWARE, or ignoring, the RESPONSIBILITY implicit in such positions of POWER.

This behavior generates sterility and stagnant environments in which fear, loneliness and misery is likely to abound.

Contraction rather than expansion is the usual outcome, until the “Tyrant” (Victimizer) is tipped from the self appointed throne, usually by his / her own hand. (This WILL happen if this is not cleared).

Addictions: Control, power, co-dependencies; Goal: Order; Fear: Chaos; Issue: Find constructive use of power; Response: Take full responsibility for your life; Virtue: Responsibility and discipline.

The third one is the Warden persona:

The ultimate reflection of the Shadow self will climax in terms of the acquisition of external power and authority, and familiarity with its destructive uses, on every level of existence – personal relationships, families, communities, work places, government and all the way through Universal structure.

Or, otherwise, the development of inner strength and responsibility and, thus, the realization of creative potentials way beyond contemporary forms of self adulation, “rightness” and ultimately, corruption of the essence of associative being.

When this persona overwhelms the self it can be seen through tendencies toward UNFEELING JUDGEMENT, in COLDNESS, reliance on rational, linear, logic, HEARTLESSNESS, dogmatism and POMPOSITY.

"We‟, the inferior in-mates, are always being evaluated by "them‟, being policed, regulated, chastised, limited or punished because there is something that we are not doing that is considered "RIGHT‟.

The person's essence, the Soul, will always choose higher love, together with the freedom and responsibility that that implies.

The Warden archetype is intimidated by such potential expansion and “imprisons” this impulse.

Addictions: “Rightness”, superior judgment, tranquilizers; Goal: Control of “truth”, Fear: Superior deception; Issue: transcending root fears; Response: Find enlightenment; Virtues: Wisdom in non-attachment.

Without these 3 personas and all of the ids associated with them being CLEARED, they will inhibit your ability to embody your BIG mission here and be the spiritual warrior that you ARE.

Keep in mind the Personas and negative programs are not who you ARE, they are things you have CREATED through past free will choice NOT in line with Divine Right Order.

Since they are energy configurations, they can be electrically dis-engaged by specific directed energy techniques and protocols, and that's what I do in my sessions.

Once you peel back the onion and all of these layers, you get back to who you truly ARE at Soul level, and there are no HINDRANCES in you accomplishing your ULTRA-IMPORTANT mission here.

Imagine how different you would BE if you were CLEAR of these negative blocks and restrictions.

You would be the ULTIMATE President and there would be NO DOUBT that you are THE ONE to change the "Fragmented States" back to the UNITED STATES.

End of reading
If you would like to receive a reading like this for YOU or one of your children, you can SIGN UP HERE

As soon as you sign up, I'll send you a link to join the session and I'll do a LIVE reading and comprehensive CLEARING of all negative programs, blocks, and restrictions.  

Looking forward to assisting you with this.

Much love and respect,
Toby Alexander

P.S. - if you have any questions about this, hit me up on Skype: shivananda.brahmananda
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