Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, October 29, 2012

Wendy Ciccetti, Astrologer Extraordinaire

FULL MOON IN TAURUS (7 degrees) Monday, October 29, 2012, 12:50 pm PDT and 3:50 pm EDT
The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. As solar flares and outer-planetary alignments intensify, as the Earth ascends in vibration, everything that has been held in the unconscious, everything that has been denied or pro- jected, surfaces for integration and transmutation. We can try to run, but cannot hide, from the evolutionary forces of change. This Full Moon shows us how far we have come and what we must deal with now. It spotlights the limits we need to respect and the limitations we must transcend.
Scorpio forces us to confront our fears or addictions, and release what we have outgrown - stifling jobs, relation- ships, lifestyles, institutions - whatever is oppressive and unsustainable. Letting go is not inherently painful; it's the holding on that causes suffering. What is dead or dying in your life and in the world? What is crying to be born? Taurus's spiritual task is to develop core values and live in alignment with them. This includes our self-worth and our attitudes toward money, security, and enjoyment. The global economic crisis, which began in 2008 when Pluto (the modern ruler of Scorpio) entered Capricorn, continues to galvanize worldwide movements for financial reform, as well as the creation of alternative currencies and collaborative consumption. The upside of the downturn has been an increase in creativity and connection; millions now use online communities such as,, and, which demonstrate that renting, sharing, and bartering are not only viable but can be superior options to single ownership. For more on this, visit You can also watch a wonderful video on money and how we can transition to an economy based on people sharing their gifts, as well as access Charles Eisenstein's revolutionary book, Sacred Economics, at
Saturn's conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio emphasizes that this is a time of reckoning, reconciliation, and restitution, of honoring our responsibilities and interdependence. Scorpio deals with shared resources and power. With Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception (each transiting the other's sign) for the next three years, plus Uranus and Pluto squaring each other through 2015, this Full Moon highlights where we have been duped and dominated, urging each of us to do our part by owning our power and thinking out of the box.
Venus in Libra opposes Uranus at 5° Aries and squares Pluto at 7° Capricorn from November 1 to 3, generating a potent cardinal t-square, which emphasizes the need for cooperation, ingenuity, and integrity. On November 3, the Moon enters Cancer and forms a dynamic cardinal grand cross with Venus, Uranus, and Pluto, further sparking radical insights and actions. On November 6, Mercury stations retrograde (4° Sagittarius), bringing its Trickster element to the fore; the only other time Mercury has stationed direct or retrograde on a U.S. presidential election day was in the 2000 Bush-Gore race, which was rife with contentions of miscounts, disenfranchisement of minority voters, and rigged voting machines.
Prior to 2000, there were very few elections which occurred during a Mercury retrograde. In this century, the most notorious was in 1960, at the time of the Nixon/Kennedy election. On November 8, 1960, Mercury was right in the middle of its retrograde period in Scorpio. This was the closest election in the 20th century according to popular vote, with Kennedy winning by only 1 percent. The difficulties on Election night itself were strikingly similar to 2000. Kennedy was projected to have won early on, but then later it became too close to call. Nixon delayed his official concession until noon the following day. Widespread issues of voter fraud were reported, which may have decided the outcome.
Now it's getting down to the real issues. This Full Moon reminds us: "Now is the time to not only hold your own power, but to help bring it out in every single person you touch. Every time you pass someone in the street, every time you say hello, shake a hand, give a hug, this is the time, dear ones. This is not a practice run." (The Group, channeled by Steve Rother)
Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.
A Full Moon symbolizes the fulfillment of the seeds planted at a previous New Moon or some earlier cycle. Each Full Moon reminds us of the seeds that may be coming to maturity, to their fullness, to fruition, to the place where the fruits or gifts are received. It may seem that fulfillment of our goals takes a long time. Some intentions may manifest within the two week phase prior to the next New or Full Moon. Some however, depending on their complexity, may take a much longer time. Just remember that our thoughts and emotions set Universal Action in motion and much work takes place behind the scenes as everything is orchestrated for fulfillment. Keep visualizing your goals as though you have already attained them and they will eventually manifest. Do not concern yourself with current conditions or worry about controlling it. The universe takes care of those details. Just keep seeing what you want and give no energy to what you don't want. Patience is required. 

PERSONAL MOON CEREMONY Find the time to have your own private Moon Ceremony. You have a three day window of energy in which to manifest your intentions. The day before, the day of, and the day after.

For the Full Moon, jot down two or three areas of your life you want to clean up. The Full Moon is the time to release or get rid of the things that no longer serve you, so by the next New Moon your slate is clean for new beginnings, or fertile for the planting of new seeds.

Possible phrasing: I now release______ from my life. I now release my destructive ________ patterns. I now let go of fear, jealousy, anger, envy, negative thinking, etc... Remember, think and envision as though you have already let go of what you have released. See yourself free and living your dreams. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts and visuals about yourself. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. What you think about grows!! "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.

 Astrological Counseling and Newsletter on Facebook
Schedule your yearly Astrology and transit reading. Solar returns and Transits are powerful tools Astrologers use to see how your natal chart is affected by current planetary conditions. This is an invaluable tool to identify major life shifts, upcoming challenges and blessings, beginnings, endings and new adventures. To schedule your appointment email.
GIFT CERTIFICATES are always available. Give a friend or family member a reading, or Aura-Soma.
Gift certificates can be customized and paid for here.

Readings - I am always available by phone for readings, mini or long. Many clients just need a quick check at times to make certain they are moving in the right direction. I am happy to schedule a quick mini reading. E-mail me for an appointment
With the Aura-Soma section of my website I am able to do Color consultations by phone. To schedule your reading email
Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed below and are a wonderful tool to maximize your efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies that the Moon showers upon the Earth, to our benefit, makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships (except when Venus is Retrograde), job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc.

I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. This information will help you stay ahead of the game. A complete list for the year is available. Check out the details on my website. OP'S
Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern. Mercury Goes retrograde on the 6th. Be cautious when using OP's. Read all contracts carefully.
  • Monday, October 29th, from 4:55 am through the rest of the day
  • Tuesday, the 30th, all day to 11:40 am on the 31st
  • Saturday, November 3rd, from 4:31 pm through the rest of the day
  • Sunday the 4th, all day to 11:39 am on the 5th
  • Tuesday the 6th (election day) from 4:36 pm through the rest of the day to 7:27 am on the 7th
  • Saturday, the 10th, from 2:33 pm through the rest of the day to 9:13 pm on the 11th
The PDF downloadable version of my book, Words of Love is now available on the website This book will change your perceptions of relationships and will empower you with successful and life-changing tools.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sorcerer's Flame Time Tripping

Who are you, really?

Be enlightened, not frightened…
And turn FEAR into POWER
If you are falling, believe you can fly
Because your dreams live way up high…
And if you are true, there is no lie


This is a book of wit and wisdom. It is written by the hand of spirit. If you find yourself lost or wandering, you might find some light within these pages. We are all seekers and there is no one path for all.

This guide shows the many facets of power. To Native Americans, power is everywhere, an infinite source that anyone could tap into. To most post modern Earthlings, power is something outside of themselves or something to fear.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Quote from “Who Are You?” Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles

From The Sorcerer’s Guide to Power: The Book of Wit and Wisdom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Seven Supernatural Powers

The most common psychic powers experienced by people.

Do You Have These 7 Supernatural Powers?

* Clairvoyance

* Precognition
* Telepathy
* Healing
* Astral projection
* Mediumship
* Channeling


Clairvoyance is a psychic flash, a vision, or a “feeling” about something that is not physically present and occurs in the mind’s eye. Often these are attributed to an overactive imagination until a coincidence occurs such as seeing someone in danger and then finding out it has happened. Clairvoyance has many forms including auditory or hearing a voice, and a gut feeling where the person “knows” something is wrong or has occurred.


Precognition is the same as clairvoyance but seeing something in advance. This often comes in the form of dreams, a vision, or a psychic flash. For example, people with this ability will experience high anxiety or extreme pain in advance of a catastrophic event much like birds do when the weather changes.


Telepathy is the ability to read minds or see into the minds of others. This is common among certain families and groups as their perceptions are open and receptive to the way people they know thinks and behave. The theory is that thoughts are electrical and can be transmitted.


Psychic healing or faith healing is the ability to channel the spirit or universal energies to heal oneself or another and often this is the foundation of many forms of prayer and meditation. There is also the laying on of the hands, where the healer transmits healing energies through their palms to direct healing to another’s body.

Astral Projection

Astral projection or astral traveling is the ability to leave the physical body and “fly” to another location by means of spirit. It is sometimes called mental traveling and can occur during dream states. It also occurs during traumatic events and near death experiences when the body is injured, as when someone says they have an out-of-body experience.


Psychic mediums are people who have the ability to communicate with spirits or the dead such as the characters portrayed on the television shows, The Ghost Whisperer, Medium, and the movie, Ghost. Mediums can receive messages from the dead or spirits that are teach or instruct receptive people who need guidance or healing.


Channeling or trancing is a form of mediumship where a person is inhabited by the spirit of either a dead person or a supernatural being but may not be fully conscious while doing so and is confused with possession. The theory is that humans are electromagnetic in nature and can receive and transmit through “channels” of energy. These people are also known as psychics or psychic sensitives, and are “open” to spiritual or universal energies.

Many people experience psychic phenomena on occasion and although it is classified as a pseudoscience by the scientific community, the common experiences shared by so many must have some validity which cannot be measured. Some notable people who believed they possessed these talents include Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Francis of Assisi.

Rulers are without fear....

"I have heard the term "uncertain times" used too frequently in the last year. When were times certain? "

This blurb from author, Laura Day...

And, she writes. "...There are always articles about businesses that illustrate successes coming from blind intuition. However, the reality is that in business it is rare that leaders let intuition have its way. Business is dictated by whatever means will lead to success. Sometimes what we think will get us there gets in the way of what we know and feel to be the best path (the latter of course, is what will actually lead to success). We always exalt "out of the box" thinkers, but in doing this, we still make "the box" the reference point...

...So how do we go beyond thinking beyond thinking "out of the box"? Yes, it is true that predicting the future is a useful skill, but nonetheless it is also not a flawless one. I make mistakes, just as anyone does. The companies I work for use the information and resources that they already have and then allow intuition to help view themselves, their decisions and their market from many different perspectives. Intuition is the clarity that accurately guides you to correct decision-making. Every success has an element of intuition involved, as we rarely have enough hard data or experience to make decisions correctly for future conditions that are unpredictable....

...I have heard the term "uncertain times" used too frequently in the last year. When were times certain? In business and life it is always essential to be pro-active, plastic, and prepared. We should never assume that things are "certain," because this will only set us up for a great fall. In business, and especially in an economic downturn, it is the intuitive company that thrives. Those actual "out of the box" ideas thrive in unsettled times. It's not worth waiting for miracles to happen, or things to get better. You must create the future on your own terms..."

Must Read

How to Rule the World from Your Couch by Laura Day

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 29 2012

To make the most of the full moon in Taurus, write out fake checks for all the things you imagine will make you safe and happy.  Make it like a game.  Acknowledge that part of you really believes that if only you had lots of money, new things, great wardrobe, etc… you would be happy.

Once you have a nice stack of checks written out for all that you WANT, burn them, and surrender your wants to the fire and back to the earth in the form of ash. When the ash is cool, annoint your third eye with the ash, acknowledging that even this body will someday be only ash. Make a prayer of gratitude for all you have and sit in silence for 5 minutes to complete the ritual.

By releasing your demand on the earth to give you these things, you surrender into the flow of true abundance.  And, ironically, your chances of manifesting those same things are increased.
Join the MyShaman program, and Mellissa will work with you to do special rituals at each for your specific intentions, supporting your abundance, growth, and expansion.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do Not Focus on What you Do Not Want


Abraham, a group of entities channeled by a radiant woman named Esther Hicks, offers teachings that absolutely harmonize with every morsel of Truth with which I have ever resonated in over 20 years of metaphysical study. And I am not alone in my response to the teachings of Abraham. An exponentially growing number of spiritual seekers are rapidly responding to these materials as they come to sense the familiar Knowing that it brings forth from them. And, as one might expect, the Truth FEELS GOOD.Abraham's remarkably clear words reach to the core of the listener. The teachings appeal to the heart because of the love with which they are imbued...and to the thinking mind due to the Supreme Intelligence with which the words are offered. The basic precepts for living life as a Conscious Creator, as offered by Abraham, can be applied in one's life with astounding ease and are a beautiful consolidation of the highest wisdom offered by the greatest mystical teachings humankind has ever known.
These basic principles are presented as:
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, THE LAW OF ALLOWING, and THE LAW OF DELIBERATE CREATION (which is basically a combination of the two).

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. The implications of this law are vast, and the law holds true for all known Universes. "That which is like unto itself is drawn." The thoughts we hold attract similar thoughts and become large masses of thought called thoughtforms. The general vibration that a person holds is representative of the balance of their thoughts. As we become aware or conscious of our thoughts, we can raise our vibration by setting forth thoughts that are more in harmony with our desires. When our thoughts are in harmony with our highest desires, we are filled with joy and ecstasy. When we learn to set forth our thoughts consciously, we are no longer a victims of our own outdated programming. We increasingly attract thought of a higher vibration and raise the level of thought at which we habitually vibrate.

The Law of Allowing

The Law of Allowing states that there is a steady stream of pure energy that is ALL THAT IS. We either allow it or we disallow it. When we allow it, we feel pure positive energy. When we disallow it, we feel negative emotion. It is in the realm of the emotions that our INNER BEINGS communicate with us most effectively. Thoughts tend to get confusing but negative emotions and positive emotions are clear messages that we are either on or off track relative to our soul's highest purpose. Abraham states that we came here with clear intentions to vibrate in harmony with our soul's desire to do and be and have everything we want. Yet when we emerge in the physical, we are quickly bombarded with lackful thoughts of how there is good and there is bad, and that we need to veer away from harm and steer towards good. Abraham teaches that moving away from harm is futile, because in our attention to that which we are not wanting we are focusing on lack. The only way out of this seeming trap is to focus on the ONE PURE AND STEADY STREAM OF JOY that is coming forth to us at all times from our inner beings (IB). When we are not in a joyful state it is because our attention is temporarily removed from our natural state of PURE POSITIVE ENERGY.

The Law of Deliberate Creation

The Law of Deliberate Creation puts forth that by thinking thoughts that are in harmony with the original intentions of our inner being, we begin to again open the valve and allow ourselves to once more bask in the STREAM. The Stream is always there...but sometimes we simply forget to notice it. Due to the dynamics of the Law of Attraction, when we have one lackful thought, we attract more lackful thoughts and so on. As a result we begin spiraling downward. The way out of this spiral is to begin appreciating all that is good right NOW, for example, our comfortable homes, our beautifully functioning metabolisms, our wonderful friends, our delightful gardens.... this way we begin a spiral upward and back to our naturally joyous state of being. Joy is the reality; all else is illusory...and it is traceable to lackful thought. So much of our thought goes along the path of being analytical, critical and judgemental that we end up shooting ourselves in the foot: we bring ourselves down with our negative thoughts. By FEELING our way to thoughts that FEEL better, we gain a higher perspective, and bask in radiance and love. Integrating this material takes a bit of practice at first, but these Laws reflect the underlying principles of our Universe. By bringing these principles into our conscious awareness and learning to actively use them in our lives, we come to heightened levels of BEING in the physical realm... where the Warm Light of JOY is omnipresent... and ecstasy radiates endlessly from our hearts.

Paula Sirois is a holistic counselor and a writer on the subject of aligning with and maintaining a state of absolute well-being. Paula has a degree in Nutrition Education from Cornell but she credits her inner being for her best work.

Divine Thought

Every month during the period of the full moon the opportunity exists for a more direct approach to powerful spiritual centers of divine activity.  The method employed for these approaches is through the scientific and intelligent use of the science of Invocation and Evocation.  
The keynote of the new Aquarian religion is divine Approach; the truth behind all invocation work is based upon the power of thought.  The mind trained in meditation gives right direction and power to focus the unconscious appeal of the masses.  Potent and beneficent spiritual energies and forces can be invoked in group formation and circulated and distributed within the human center.  
The varying types of energies and forces are indicated each month by reviewing the astrological, rayological and psychological factors emanating from a particular Great Life indicated by the constellations in the turning of the zodiacal wheel.  The technique of divine approach governs all expansions of consciousness in all kingdoms, and leads to a greater fusion and interplay between the three major planetary centers:  Humanity, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa.  It is the keynote of the new Aquarian religion of the Spiritual Community of the Lord of Love and Will.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Kabalah Institute Karen Berg writes....

Don't Hold Back
Friday October 19, 2012
I’m sure you’ve all heard about Malala Yousufzai, the brave 14-year-old girl in Pakistan who was shot in the head by the Taliban because she refused to give in to their orders that young women should not attend school.

For the past few years, Malala had been writing a blog about the injustices she was experiencing as a girl in Pakistan, trying to awaken and inspire others to take a stand as well. Last November, her blog won her Pakistan's first National Peace Prize.

Malala is a girl with no fear, a girl who has never held back from pushing and striving and going the extra mile. She is someone who was not afraid to risk her life in order to plead for what she felt in her heart was right. Malala’s courage to take a stand and to believe that she could make a difference has touched people all over the world, and she is in our thoughts and prayers as she recovers now in a hospital in the UK.

We can learn a lot from Malala, especially as we head into the energy of the month of Scorpio, because the energy of Scorpio is an energy that can help us to manifest change.

The Bible says that Noah was considered a righteous person. But if Noah had lived at the time of Abraham, we wouldn't consider him righteous because Abraham's Light would have far outshone Noah’s. Why? Because Abraham was involved in helping people improve their lives.

Although Noah listened to the Creator, he didn't go the extra mile on behalf of others. He heard the decree that doomed the world to perish in a massive flood, but he didn't try to do anything to change the Creator’s plan. He didn't plead with the Creator not to go through with His plan, as Abraham had done when the Creator wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. In fact, Noah didn't even see that he could have because Noah simply followed orders. And this is a powerful lesson for us.

This month, let's take the opportunity to see where and how we are holding back from speaking up or from making a change simply because we are afraid. Our self-examination may take us out of our comfort zone, but making a change is often not comfortable—or safe. So let’s ask ourselves what in our lives makes us consider that we are too insignificant to make a difference? What in our lives makes us fearful and holds us back from taking action? How can we expand ourselves to be greater beings of sharing? If we can ask and answer these questions and then go on to take some actions this month, then we will really be able to use this Scorpio energy to take us to our next level.

Scorpio is a time for a parting from things that are not real and a time to reunite with the strength that flows through things that are. Most importantly, Scorpio is a month in which we can choose, like Malala and like Abraham, to let go of our fears and to go the extra mile to accomplish those things that bring us closer to the energy of unity, of sharing, of human dignity—and of the spark of Light that resides within each one of us.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Get the Vibe

Your government is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. A war is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

IS Astral Projection phenomena or technique?

The Rope Technique is one of the most effective and easy-to-use
methods for astral projecting.
Of course, not everybody gets it on the first try and often 
times further mental blocks need to be broken down before a 
successful attempt.
But let's start with this exercise. Every adventure begins with 
one step :-)
Now the Rope Technique was pioneered by the Monroe 
Institute and works with your creative visualization skills to 
will your astral self out. 
Step 1. Relax your mind and body. You may choose to 
meditate or perform a series of very deep breaths. In and out, 
always very slowly. Make sure you inhale deeply and that 
your breaths are not shallow. If you know a good body 
relaxation meditation, use it. If not, you can tense your 
muscles and release them one at a time. Work from your toes 
to the top of your head.
Step 2. After you feel fully relaxed, you need to enter a 
hypnotic state where your mind is at the edge of sleep and no 
further. Now lie down and focus on an object. Stare at it until 
you can visualize it perfectly even with your eyes closed.
Step 3. Now it's time to enter a deeper state of 
relaxation. Your eyes are still closed and you are still 
visualizing your chosen object. But now you look around you 
with your eyes closed. Gaze into the darkness. After a while 
you may see light patterns dance across your eyes. Just 
ignore them and they will go away. Once they disappear 
you've entered a deeper state of relaxation. You will be so 
relaxed that you are no longer aware of your physical body. 
Once you reach this level, it's time for step 4.
Step 4. This is the most vital step and it's when you enter into 
a state of Vibration. This state may take longer if you are new 
to this. When you do begin to feel the vibrations, your astral 
body has begun to leave your physical body. Just 
acknowledge and feel the vibrations.
Step 5. Focus on the vibrations as they travel throughout your 
body. Using your willpower, control them with your mind. As 
you feel them, try to control the frequency of the waves as 
well as stopping and starting them. Once you master 
changing the frequency and you are sure that you can induce 
them when needed, you're ready for step 6.
Step 6. Here is where you will exert your control and 
willpower. Imagining that there is a long rope hanging right 
above you. Without opening your eyes or moving your 
physical body, visualize yourself reaching up towards the 
rope. Once you grab a hold of the rope, bring your hand back 
into your physical body, slow down the vibrations, and end the 
After you become fully alert and awakened, move on to step 7.
Step 7. Now that you've done a partial separation you're ready 
to try the whole body. Repeat the previous 6 steps but this 
time, don't stop at just one hand. Imagine your other hand 
coming out of your physical body and reaching for the rope. 
Slowly place hand over hand on the rope as if you were 
pulling yourself up. 
You may feel a little dizzy at this point and the vibrations will 
buzz at a higher frequency. Often people here feel paralyzed 
or shrink back into their physical bodies. But concentrate on 
climbing the rope. Don't stop until you feel your entire self 
separating from your body. Finally you're free! You will find 
yourself hovering over your body at this point.
Congratulations, you just astral projected :-)
Now this is just the tip of the iceberg. There's lots more to it, 
such as astral travel or visiting the different planes. There are 
also other techniques to make projection easier such as 
spiritual cleansing or astral protection.  
But I'll talk about all that in the upcoming event on October 4th
6 PM (PST). Until then keep stating the positive affirmations I 
sent you in the last email and keep practicing the Rope 
Talk soon,