Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Divine Thought

Every month during the period of the full moon the opportunity exists for a more direct approach to powerful spiritual centers of divine activity.  The method employed for these approaches is through the scientific and intelligent use of the science of Invocation and Evocation.  
The keynote of the new Aquarian religion is divine Approach; the truth behind all invocation work is based upon the power of thought.  The mind trained in meditation gives right direction and power to focus the unconscious appeal of the masses.  Potent and beneficent spiritual energies and forces can be invoked in group formation and circulated and distributed within the human center.  
The varying types of energies and forces are indicated each month by reviewing the astrological, rayological and psychological factors emanating from a particular Great Life indicated by the constellations in the turning of the zodiacal wheel.  The technique of divine approach governs all expansions of consciousness in all kingdoms, and leads to a greater fusion and interplay between the three major planetary centers:  Humanity, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa.  It is the keynote of the new Aquarian religion of the Spiritual Community of the Lord of Love and Will.

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