Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, May 24, 2013

I Sing the Body Electronic!

Just to let you know, I am starting to take bookings on my Ultimate Healing Course which I am running in July in Devon, UK. The first 6 days from 15-20 July will be the Body Electronics course which is followed after a break of one day by the 6 day Cranial course on 22-27 July. You are welcome to come for just the first 6 days but most people book for both weeks and several of my long term students come back year after year as they find it so beneficial.
This course is a powerful healing retreat which involves daily teachings, magickal transmissions and session exchanges with the other students. It is suitable for complete newcomers to healing work and shamanism and also for those who have many years experience. Although some people come on this course because they are facing physical health challenges, you must be fit enough to be able to give as well as receive sessions. The healing work and spiritual empowerments you receive during the course are designed to help you release your problems and limitations and to empower you to attract an abundant and fulfilled life.
The Ultimate Healing course is a synergy of Body Electronics, continually updated with the most powerful spiritual and magickal empowerments found all over the World.
Healing systems used in this course include:
Body Electronics
The Body Electronics (also known as point holding) method is easily learned, so by the end of the course you will be confident in healing all kinds of problems, and will have addressed and healed any major issues and problems from your own life. During the workshop, you will be working on each other every day, receiving the empowerments, and observing incredible changes. You will heal and release physical and emotional problems, mental blocks, limiting beliefs, and become empowered to attract abundance, love and manifest your desires.
There are many reasons for taking this course. Some people take it to improve the healing they give to others, some to heal themselves of difficult ailments,  some to accelerate their spiritual development, and others because they need a positive change in their lives. Some come back just for the wonderful boost it gives them on all levels.
Body Electronics is a powerful method of sustained point holding, developed by Dr John Whitman Ray, largely influenced by Kahuna (Hawaiian  shamanism) teaching. It is used to access memories stored in the body at the genetic level, and by releasing emotion and stored trauma, leads to the healing and regeneration of the body as well as inner transformation. The methods are based on a thorough scientific understanding of how thoughts and emotions are stored in the body,and how they affect our health and development.
The Science of Body Electronics
The body is like a three-dimensional hologram, where the patterns stored in the endocrine system are repeated in the DNA of every cell in the body. On the nucleus of each cell, the DNA spirals down into the nucleus seven times, then bends at 180 degrees and spirals back up seven times. This structure is known as a caducean coil. All sensory experiences pass through this coil. Because the coil acts in both directions at once, the resultant field has no direction, but information is stored as a scalar wave.
All suppressed experiences are stored in the caducean coils of every cell in the body, where the scalar wave will gather into it a melanin-protein complex to form a kind of organic computer chip. These crystals will constantly perpetuate their own pattern and distort other information passed through the coil, so that one no longer experiences reality but reacts automatically according to past experiences.
By beginning with correct nutrition we restore the minerals and enzymes which will clear the mucoprotein congestion and give access to the cellular level of memory. Then by applying enthusiasm to the emotional body, we access the mental body and find all its dualities. All suppressed experience begins with a judgement which means choosing between two sides of a duality, and we heal this by encompassing the duality without judgement.
Practically speaking, we face each emotion with enthusiasm. Many therapies reach the emotions, and yet wallow instead of transmuting them because they do not understand this law. When we intensify an emotion with enthusiasm we push it up the scale, so grief leads into fear, which leads into anger, then pain, etc. We handle each of these with the same enthusiasm, without resistance. When we do this, the scalar wave in the caducean coil can move out through the Corpus Collosum of the brain, which is in the form of a mobius strip. The wave then undergoes a 180 degree phase change and cancels out the wave that is stored in the coil. A hormone-like substance produced by the pineal gland during enthusiasm will then break down the melanin-protein complex. At this point the person will experience a burning in the body which can only be explained as a kundalini experience, which will totally regenerate any weakened areas of the body. Provided the body is nutritionally prepared, there is no limit to what the kundalini can heal.
In Body Electronics, we apply these principles through a powerful system of point holding and visualisation, after following through a nutritional program.
These are the levels we work through
1. The Glandular System
  • Gonads - unconsciousness, anesthesia, drugs, entities
  • Spleen - apathy, failure patterns, giving up, limited thinking, hopelessness
  • Adrenal, Solar Plexus, and Pancreas - grief, victim pattern
  • Thymus - fear, shame
  • Thyroid - anger, guilt, control issues
  • Pituitary - pain, separation issues
  • Pineal - enthusiasm, experience of oneness
2. The Spine
We will work down the spine, clearing each vertebra of calcifications, with its corresponding thought patterns and emotions, creating a free channel for the kundalini.
3. The Cranium
The sutures of the skull are decalcified, and the cranial bones move into their perfect configuration. The skull now acts as an amplifier, capable of amplifying one's thought projection up to 10,000 times. This work also releases the muscles of mastication, which are the bio-computers of neuro-muscular physiology, and store 47% of all anger and pain. Another effect of this work is the restructuring of the pterygoid hamulus, a tiny bone which can act as an antenna for picking up messages, thereby aiding psychic development.
Watch my video series ' Healing Interview' for a deeper understanding of the power of Body Electronics healing and read the Body Electronics course description on my website where you can also download my free Ultimate Healing Handbook which accompanies the course.
The combination of healing systems used in the Ultimate Healing Course produces an incredible tool for removing the blocks to anything you want, be it health, wealth, love, spiritual power etc. The synergy of these systems can remove all inner causes of problems, and totally heal physical conditions. Function is restored to organs, cysts and growths dissolve, and nerve pathways are restored to paralysed areas of the body. Furthermore, the inner transformation occurs at a very deep level, producing miraculous changes in the lives of participants.
Structure of the Course
The course is practised in a two-week intensive, every summer, involving one week of Body Electronics (focusing on the glandular system and the spine), then one week of Cranial.
Body Electronics is the primary technique which is taught and practiced daily by participants in small groups or pairs. In the first week we focus on releasing the emotional blockages held in the glandular system and then working on the spine - clearing each vertebra of calcifications and its corresponding thought patterns and emotions, creating a free channel for the kundalini energy to flow. In the second week we work on the cranium (skull).
Each day starts with a talk where I gradually introduce the different elements of the Body Electronics healing system and the nature of creation, experience and discreation. Details of this can be found in my Ultimate Healing Handbook Part 1 which you can download here free. Practical exercises and magickal transmissions to enhance the healing potential may also be given at this time.
At the beginning of the week I will give each participant an eye-reading (an integral part of Body Electronics) to ascertain the primary organs and issues needing healing and will put people together in groups for the bodywork sessions. The sessions involve holding specific points on the body (through clothes) to generate a powerful flow of healing kundalini (often experienced as a burning sensation in the fingertips of the giver) together with visualisation techniques and sometimes mantras. We will progressively work through the glandular system, clearing blocks and bringing healing to the organs and their associated emotions and issues.
This work is now more powerful than ever due to magickal healing transmissions given throughout the course which allow participants to channel spiritual energies that greatly speed up and ease the release of conditioning from all levels of their being.
Nutritional Preparation for the Course
Throughout the course we will be taking enzymes and minerals which greatly enhance the efficacy of the Body Electronics healing. We are using body electricity and for this to flow effectively there needs to be a good supply of ions (provided by the minerals). These ions are used up during the healing and need to be regularly replenished. Similarly enzyme supplements are used as catalysts for change in the body. You are also highly recommended to eat a substantially raw diet during the course.
Please Contact me for advice on suppliers of high quality mineral and enzyme supplements.
In order to obtain maximum benefit from this course, you are highly recommended to start a raw diet and take supplements for a month prior to the course. If this is not practical for you, please do for as long as you can - even a few days will be of benefit. During this time, please also stop or cut down on your consumption of sugar, refined foods, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Please also drink plenty of water.
Comments from previous participants:
I participated in the Ultimate Healing Course with Peter in the summer and I feel that great healing occurred on many levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
I stopped using my thyroid medication and I feel much better, powerful and restful. My hormonal system is much more in balance. My personal healing inspired me to organize for Peter to come to Holland so more people will benefit from the powerful workings of body electronics and of Peter.
Raka - Transformational Therapist/Personal Coach - Zandvoort, Holland

"I can freely say that the Ultimate Healing Course with Peter was the most powerful course I ever did!!! Far beyond the highest and most optimistic expectations I had!!! It was enormous healing on all levels; a big big trigger for spiritual progress that I wanted for many years..."
Vladan, Italy
"At a time when so many workshops on offer prove to be
insubstantial 'fluff', for me, the Ultimate Healing Course actually
delivered even more than it promised, both in terms of healing
therapy and new understanding.
Pretty well all of us are carrying some sort of negative emotional issue - often unknowingly and sometimes larger than we had thought - originating from the ordinary rough and tumble of life, inherited genetically, or from past life events. For those on a spiritual path, there comes a point where a considerable amount
of purification and 'Knowing Thyself' is crucial in order to proceed
to the higher or deeper levels of our magical or therapeutic practice effectively and safely.

The Ultimate Healing Course system provided me with this, helping to both identify and transmute the roots of negative emotional patterns which were potentially harmful, as well as providing new perceptions into the workings of human consciousness and the inner worlds."

Susan from Bournemouth, Dorset

"The summer Ultimate Healing course was the first time I met Peter. I had been wanting to continue my shamanic studies for some time and had been hearing rave reviews about Peter and his work. As we all sat round listening to Peter's introduction, I found myself crying with gratitude to have met such an amazing, powerful and compassionate healer. I also felt huge relief that my close friend who had just been given a terminal diagnosis would be joining us the next day.

The course surpassed my wildest expectations and prompted me to continue my studies with Peter for the next 3 years. My friend also found the work hugely beneficial and credits Peter and his work as having a major influence on her complete healing."

S.P. Bristol, UK

Body Electronics Intensive for 2013
Body Electronics Intensive: 15-20 July

Cranial Intensive:  22-27 July
(Body Electronics Intensive is a prerequisite)
£275 per week or early bird £250 paid before 15 June 2013
If you bring a friend with you (who has not worked with me before) you can get a single discount of £50
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, money order, bank transfer of Paypal - see Payments for Workshops & Sessions.
Both workshops will be held at
The Barn
Lower Cobberton
Devon TQ9 6DS

There is accommodation available at the barn; either B&B, camping, or a yurt. To book B&B, phone 01803 866983
There is also a youth hostel down the road.

What to bring - camping mattress & blanket, cushion or meditation chair if you wish.
For more information and to book, please contact me at or call me on +44 (0)1364 643127
Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested or you could share the event from my Facebook Page.
Thanks in advance
P.S. Read my latest blog post Truth and Healing vs.Deception and Corporate Profit (very relevant if you've been reading the news lately.)

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