Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, May 24, 2013

Super Moon May 25 2013

May 25, 2013


How opinionated are you? Does your ego, your belief system, and self-esteem require that you always be right? The World is experiencing increasing polarization. This accentuates mass feelings of hatred and anger perpetuating war mentality. It is time to truly listen to one another with open minds and hearts. We are all living under the same God and I believe that God (no matter what that word represents to each individual) does not play favorites. The same rules of love, compassion, charity and turn the other cheek apply to all.

Below is a quote from Pema Chodren that strikes at the heart of this situation:

"I try to practice what I preach; I'm not always that good at it, but I really do try. The other night, I was getting hard-hearted, closed-minded, and fundamentalist about somebody else, and I remembered this expression that you can never hate somebody if you stand in their shoes. I was angry at him because he was holding such a rigid view. In that instant I was able to put myself in his shoes and I realized, "I'm just as riled up, and self-righteous and closed-minded about this as he is. We're in exactly the same place!" And I saw that the more I held on to my view, the more polarized we would become, and the more we'd be just mirror images of one another-two people with closed minds and hard hearts who both think they're right, screaming at each other. It changed for me when I saw it from his side, and I was able to see my own aggression and ridiculousness."

Tune in to source, stay positive, be fearless and spread your light and love.

Wendy Cicchetti

I have introduced a free video on Saturn transits, (very important for all Scorpios), and a video on Compatibility at I have also included a radio program with Dr. Tanya Jones on Astrology, Sexuality and Intimacy. Just sign in and watch. Enjoy the videos and feel free to share with friends.

My blog articles Global Chaos – Uranus Square Pluto, and Water Energy Dominates 2013, can be read at Wendy's Commentary at

My blog article entitled Your Gemini Child is now available.

To sign up to receive my free Celestial Updates click here . Get your free copy of my Gratitude Formula here

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS (4 degrees) Friday, May 24, 09:26 pm PDT and 12:26 am on the 25th EDT.

Several factors combine to make this one of the most potent Full Moons of 2013, offering opportunities for big breakthroughs and shifts in consciousness. Uranus and Pluto formed their third of seven exact squares on May 20 (11°14' Aries–Capricorn), which greatly amplifies drives for freedom and reform. This is also a lunar eclipse, the third of three eclipses in a row, as well as a SuperMoon, where the Moon is both at perigee (closest to the Earth) and at syzygy (in a straight line with the Sun and Earth), intensifying grav- itational and electromagnetic shifts, affecting tides, tectonic plates, and our perceptions of reality. The eclipse’s tight t-square (forming 2 squares) with Neptune further underscores the theme of this Full Moon in Gemini–Sagittarius — the power of the mind and the power of belief.

In Bruce Lipton’s groundbreaking book, The Biology of Belief, he describes how our forebrain, the center of reasoning and logic, processes information much more slowly than the reflex activity controlled by our hindbrain. Our subconscious mind takes in about 20,000,000 environmental stimuli per second, but our conscious mind interprets only about 40 stimuli per second. This is the reason that “the hand is quicker than the eye.” Our subconscious mind monitors both external and internal cues and instantly applies learned behaviors. When we are stressed, afraid, or worried, we perceive and act from a much more primitive, limited part of our brain; our fight-or-flight reptilian complex supersedes our rational neocortex. The higher mind responds; the lower brain reacts. As Lipton puts it, “The simple truth is, when you are frightened, you’re dumber.”

From birth to two years of age, the human brain operates predominately in Delta waves (1–4 Hz). From ages 2 to 6, we spend more time in Theta (4–8 Hz), low-frequency brainwaves that put us in a more suggestible, programmable state. Young children observe and download everything into their subconscious minds. As we get older, our brainwave frequencies increase to Alpha (8–13 Hz) and Beta (13–40 Hz), making us less impressionable. Hypnotherapy and many other kinds of healing modalities induce Theta states, where memories and beliefs are stored and more easily reprogrammed. Music, shamanic drumming, meditation, communing with Nature, being with animals, and long-distance driving can also move us into Theta states, greatly facilitating our access to creativity, intuition, and higher truths.

Mercury, the traditional ruler of Gemini and the planet most associated with the mind, conjoins Venus at the peak of this Full Moon; this facilitates linking head with heart, thinking with feeling, logic with intuition. Even though the majority of all communication is nonverbal, we tend to discount or ignore the vast amount of information we receive from our senses. Jupiter’s conjunctions with Mercury (May 27) and Venus (May 28) support our ability to perceive that sound and light encode even more information than words, and that more data does not necessarily equate with more knowledge. Neptune closely squares this eclipse and exactly squares the Sun on May 26, awakening our “sixth sense,” our capacity to intuitively know what is truth and what is spin. The t-square between the Sun, Moon, and Neptune also shows us that being “plugged in” is not the same as being truly connected with each other.

These are radical times. Taking a bit of time to sit with choices before taking action, and then incorporating a poised and wise approach, based on clear perception, will be most helpful during these times. Trust what feels right. Think with your heart. Look for what’s true now, because “The truth shall upset you free.” (Swami Beyondananda)

Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.

A Full Moon symbolizes the fulfillment of the seeds planted at a previous New Moon or some earlier cycle. Each Full Moon reminds us of the seeds that may be coming to maturity, to their fullness, to fruition, to the place where the fruits or gifts are received. It may seem that fulfillment of our goals takes a long time. Some intentions may manifest within the two week phase prior to the next New or Full Moon. Some however, depending on their complexity, may take a much longer time. Just remember that our thoughts and emotions set Universal Action in motion and much work takes place behind the scenes as everything is orchestrated for fulfillment. Keep visualizing your goals as though you have already attained them and they will eventually manifest. Do not concern yourself with current conditions or worry about controlling it. The universe takes care of those details. Just keep seeing what you want, and move in that direction with your actions, and give no energy to what you don't want. Patience is required.

PERSONAL MOON CEREMONY Find the time to have your own private Moon Ceremony. You have a three day window of energy in which to manifest your intentions. The day before, the day of, and the day after.

For the Full Moon, jot down two or three areas of your life you want to clean up. The Full Moon is the time to release or get rid of the things that no longer serve you, so by the next New Moon your slate is clean for new beginnings, or fertile for the planting of new seeds.

Possible phrasing: I now release______ from my life. I now release my destructive ________ patterns. I now let go of fear, jealousy, anger, envy, negative thinking, etc... Remember, think and envision as though you have already let go of what you have released. See yourself free and living your dreams. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts and visuals about yourself. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. What you think about grows!! "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.
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Schedule your yearly Astrology and transit reading. Solar Returns and Transits are powerful tools Astrologers use to see how your natal chart is affected by current planetary conditions. This is an invaluable tool to identify major life shifts, upcoming challenges and blessings, beginnings, endings and new adventures. To schedule your appointment email.

GIFT CERTIFICATES are always available. Give a friend or family member a reading, or Aura-Soma.
Gift certificates can be customized and paid for here.

Readings - I am always available by phone for readings, mini or long. Many clients just need a quick check at times to make certain they are moving in the right direction. I am happy to schedule a quick mini reading. E-mail me for an appointment

With the Aura-Soma section of my website I am able to do Color consultations by phone. To schedule your reading email

Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed below and are a wonderful tool to maximize your efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies that the Moon showers upon the Earth, to our benefit, makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships (except when Venus is Retrograde), job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc.

I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. This information will help you stay ahead of the game. A complete list for the year is available. Check out the details on my website. OP'S

Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern.

    Saturday, May 25, from 9:01 am through the rest of the day to 2:28 pm on the 26th
    Monday, the 27th, from 8:50 am through the rest of the day to 11:40 am on the 28th
    Sunday, June 2nd, from 9:39 pm through the rest of the day to 11:09 pm on the 3rd
    Tuesday, the 4th, from 8:03 pm through the rest of the day
    Wednesday, the 5th, all day to 8:32 pm on the 6th

The PDF downloadable version of my book, Words of Love is now available on the website This book will change your perceptions of relationships and will empower you with successful and life-changing tools.

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