Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hypnotize Thyself

Hypnosis is not sleep but a heightened state of awareness similar to day dream. In 1775 Franz Mesmer developed healing by animal magnetism which was later renamed hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of mind which has been experienced by everyone at one time or the other. In fact everyone goes into hypnosis everyday of their lives. The time you are day dreaming you are in a form of hypnosis. The ability to achieve hypnotic state are already within us. It is simply a question of unlocking the secret.

When you are hypnotized your left brain goes to sleep and your right brain opens up to receive helpful and beneficial suggestions. Hypnosis is not mind control or sleep. You cannot control someone's mind with the use of hypnosis. A hypnotized person still thinks logically, he or she can make decisions. The hypnotized person does not loose contact with reality altogether. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. To go into hypnosis you must believe, focus, concentrate and participate fully. You must direct your attention 100% on the process and your' will' to cooperate.

To learn self hypnosis takes only a few minutes. If the technique is taught correctly the learning is quick and easy because everything about hypnosis is fascinating. Any ordinary person can be taught how to hypnotize or to be hypnotized. There is a major difference between hypnosis and meditation. Hypnosis can help resolve unconscious problems which arise from the past. People learn hypnosis in order to achieve relaxation, relief from pain, anger, anxiety, panic, fear and obsessive thoughts whereas Meditation helps you to achieve relaxation and an inner mental tranquility.

By learning self hypnosis you can increase your self awareness, inner harmony, positive thinking, love and compassion. You can relax and concentrate better. It is the best medicine to heal your inner self.


Sit comfortably in a chair. The light should be dim. Fix your eyes on some point. Stare at the spot until you close your eyes. Say to yourself my eyes are becoming heavier and heavier. Now they become so heavy and they want to close. With every breath I inhale, my eyelids are becoming heavier and heavier. I am becoming very limp and relaxed. As I become limp and relaxed my eyes are getting heavier and heavier and they just want to close. I am becoming more and more relaxed and all I want to do is sleep and relax. Keep repeating this until your eyes are closed. Now start from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head and relax every portion of your body. As you relax say that I am becoming more and more relaxed and I am going into deeper and deeper sleep. Continue for 10 minutes. You can also use classical music in the background.

Once the whole process is over. Say to yourself I am going to count from 10 to 1. As I count from 10 to 1, with each number my sleep will become lighter and lighter and when I reach no 1, I shall be wide awake. And when I awaken I shall feel completely relaxed. Do this for 10 minutes before getting up and for 10 minutes before going to bed.

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