Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, August 17, 2015

Four Winds Society, dedicated to the teachings of Carlos Casteneda

“The shamans believe that long ago, in the invisible world,
the blueprint of creation was drawn. Chaos was returned to order,
into the cosmos, through the actions of Earthkeepers who were
able to dream new worlds into being.”
—Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

Becoming Deep

Most who come to the Four Winds Light Body School to learn shamanic energy medicine were inspired and called to make a difference in the world.
Many have been able to help friends and family live healthy and joy-filled lives, and even started their own energy medicine practice.
All of you – in small ways, or big ways – have experienced profound transformative healing and continue to protect our Mother Earth as Earthkeepers.
It has been our great honor to mentor thousands of students who have taken this work out into the world. We hear your stories of personal and collective change and feel truly blessed!
You are the ones who raised your hand when Spirit called.
You are the ones who dream in a new vision for the world.
You hold the rites and initiations within you and continue to grow those seeds.
You have journeyed with us, prayed with us and dreamed with us. Your incredible enthusiasm has helped Alberto Villoldo’s book One Spirit Medicine become a bestseller on the Wall Street Journal’s Top 10 list!
Alberto tells us, and we are witnessing, that we are living in a time when the global scenario is increasingly disquieting, on every level – political, economic, social and environmental.
In One Spirit Medicine, Alberto explains:
“As you heal your brain and bring your health span in line with your life span, you can take an enlightened perspective into your community, to protect the land, clean up the waterways, and broker peaceful interaction.”

“When you detox and then power your brain with superfoods, the quest can be a face-to-face meeting with your destiny in which you discover your ability to co-create with Spirit.”

We are being called again, not just to stand firm and hold a different outcome for the world, but to take the valuable tools that we already have to a new level.
How do we do that?
If you are a student or a graduate, join us at the  Great Gathering  in October – come together as one tribe, deepen your skills with friends, mentors and with our lineage. We will be joined by Alberto’s good friend and colleague, Gregg Braden, as well as Compton Rom Bada, Kelley Alexander, Lynn Berryhill, and of course Alberto and Marcela.  We encourage you to join us as we discuss the importance of up-leveling your journey for the benefit of all beings.
If you’ve completed your training, refresh your practice and experience our new 300-hour  Shamanic Energy Medicine  course: it’s fast tracked, full-immersion, newly formatted and skillfully woven into a seamless tapestry that embraces shamanic practices, superfoods, and the neuroscience of enlightenment: One Spirit Medicine – all in one.  Do ask your Academic Advisor about the substantial discounts available.
If you haven’t started your training, read about our new curriculum  here . And then just listen – if it’s for you, you’ll hear the call.
We’ve raised the bar, and are poised to bring further healing to ourselves and our planet, so we may dream a different outcome for the earth, and all mankind.
Many blessings, The Four Winds Society

One Spirit Medicine is a Wall Street Journal Bestseller!  
Congratulations to Alberto Villoldo and big thanks to everyone who helped make One Spirit Medicine a Wall Street Journal Top 10 best-seller!
 Experience the journey of One Spirit Medicine and discover a brain and body that ages, heals and dies differently.

300 hour Energy Medicine Training  

“It takes a full moon cycle to change the architecture of the luminous body, awaken our deepest calling and gifts, and embark on your journey to grow a new body that ages, heals and dies differently.” Alberto Villoldo

Master the skills of One Spirit Medicine. The time has come to step forward and claim your destiny. During the 300 hour training you will acquire the basic skills for healing yourself and others along with the advanced tools for dreaming your world into being. Blending ancient knowledge with cutting edge science you will experience the alchemy of profound transformation. (Read More)

Part 1 (150 hours)
Energy Medicine Training
Everything in the Universe is Energy. Spend 2 weeks at the beautiful Eastover Retreat and begin your training to be an Energy Medicine Practitioner. This part 1 course includes specific healing practices, rites and ceremonies which give you the basic skills for healing yourself and others.  (Read More)

The Great Gathering 
Our annual gathering of students and graduates is just a few months away! This year we are so pleased to announce that Alberto’s good friend Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author and pioneer of the science-mind connection, will be joining us for a special keynote presentation! There are going to be fire ceremonies, despachos, intimate dialogues and so much more.  (Read More)

Respond to the Call… It is time to come to the fire.

Grow a New Body

How would you like to spend time in Chile enjoying daily yoga, gentle mountain hikes, massage, and energy medicine sessions with renowned shamans?  We have discovered that you can repair your brain and heal your body in as little as a week. (Read more)

Masters Classes

Deepen your work as you refresh and build on
your skills with one of these Masters Classes.

(Learn more here)

Upcoming classes and events to begin
the journey and continue your education

The Three Masteries – Reading the Signs of Destiny, Working with the Sacred, Walking with Protection: Los Lobos Lodge, Chile;  August 31-September 11, 2015 
  Working intensely guided by Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Four Winds lead teachers you’ll learn to finely-tune your intuition and begin to seize the glorious opportunities that await as you learn to recognize the signs. Explore the ancient myths that guide your dreams. Learn to bring peace, balance and healing to every situation, and to walk with beauty in the world.  (Read More)

Light Body North: Germany; September 9-14, 2015  
Just as a hummingbird makes the seemingly impossible migration from Canada all the way to Brazil, we too can embark on the epic mythic journey when Spirit calls.  Although we don’t know where we’re going or how we’ll get there, we will learn how to follow the soul’s guidance to the sweetest nectar to sustain us on our way.  (Read More)

Working with the Sacred: Germany; September 15-20, 2015
You will learn what makes people “stuck” on the level of the soul.  By working in ceremony, you will acquire valuable tools which allow you to honor what shows up on the mythic level, including the seemingly “negative” elements, so that you can bring healing, transformation, and balance to every situation and every encounter.   (Read More)

Light Body West : Biltmore Campus, Miami, FL; September 20-25, 2015
Just as the jaguar has no predators in the jungle, learn to have no enemies in this world or beyond.  Leave behind the traditional archetype of the violent warrior and step into the shoes of the luminous warrior, who speaks only truth, walks truth, and calls truth. Break free from the grip of fear and prepare to journey beyond death.   (Read More)

150 HR Shamanic Energy Medicine:  Massachusetts; October 4-18, 2015
Join Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos M.A., and senior teachers for Part 1 of the 300 hour residential course. This course will be taught at the beautiful Eastover Retreat in Lenox, Massachusetts. During the training you will experience profound healing and transformation. You will enjoy an extraordinary detox diet, the gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, nutrient dense organic meals that will help you begin to grow a new and more vibrant body.  (Read More)

Light Body North:  Omega, NY ; October 4-9, 2015    
Just as a hummingbird makes the seemingly impossible migration from Canada all the way to Brazil, we too can embark on the epic mythic journey when Spirit calls.  Although we don’t know where we’re going or how we’ll get there, we will learn how to follow the soul’s guidance to the sweetest nectar to sustain us on our way.   (Read More)

Light Body West : Massachusetts; October 11, 2015

Just as the jaguar has no predators in the jungle, learn to have no enemies in this world or beyond.  Leave behind the traditional archetype of the violent warrior and step into the shoes of the luminous warrior, who speaks only truth, walks truth, and calls truth. Break free from the grip of fear and prepare to journey beyond death.   (Read More)    

Reading the Signs of Destiny: Omega, NY; October 11-16, 2015
Learn to recognize and align yourself with the signs provided by nature, randomness, and chance events. As you study the art of shamanic seeing and perceive the world of energy, you heed the cautions and seize the opportunities that Spirit offers you.  (Read More)

Mastery of Time: Omega, NY; October 11-16, 2015    
Mastery of Time has always been an advanced practice for the shamans of our lineage.  Now it is also one of our most popular master level trainings. In ancient Greece, Time was such a strong archetypal energy, that it was worshiped as the God of all Gods – Chronos.  Today, in the West, we are still very much in the grip of this powerful archetype...  (Read More)

Light Body East: Joshua Tree, CA; October 25-30, 2015
Take a giant leap of faith.  Come and be kicked out of the nest by Great Eagle so that you can spread your wings, soaring high above the world.  Forget the minute details of your life and your old identifications, and let yourself see everything from a greater perspective.  (Read More)

Working with the Sacred: Joshua Tree, CA; October 25-30, 2015
You will learn what makes people “stuck” on the level of the soul.  By working in ceremony, you will acquire valuable tools which allow you to honor what shows up on the mythic level, including the seemingly “negative” elements, so that you can bring healing, transformation, and balance to every situation and every encounter.  (Read More)

The Great Gathering: Joshua Tree, CA; October 30- November 1, 2015
Alberto Villoldo, Founder and Chairman of the Four Winds Society proudly invites students and graduates of the Light Body School to come together in joyous ceremony at the 2015 Great Gathering of Shamans where we will renew our collective power, vision and sense of belonging.  (Read More)

Advanced Divination : Joshua Tree, CA; November 1-6, 2015 
Deepen your divination skills and align yourself even further with the signs presented by nature, randomness and chance events.   Master the art of tracking, shamanic seeing, and creating maps on the level of the soul for individuals and for the entire world.   (Read More)

Mesa and Ceremony: Joshua Tree, CA; November 1-6, 2015
The mesa or altar is a collection of power objects that represents the shaman’s journey through the Medicine Path. As one travels the Medicine Wheel receiving the rites of passage, the shaman’s mesa begins to grow and connect to all of creation.   (Read More)

Light Body West :  Joshua Tree, CA; November 1-6, 2015
Just as the jaguar has no predators in the jungle, learn to have no enemies in this world or beyond.  Leave behind the traditional archetype of the violent warrior and step into the shoes of the luminous warrior, who speaks only truth, walks truth, and calls truth. Break free from the grip of fear and prepare to journey beyond death.   (Read More)

Grow a New Body Intensive: Los Lobos Lodge, Chile; January 2-9, 2016
Experience daily yoga, gentle mountain hikes, massage, and energy medicine sessions with renowned shamans. Most importantly, you will sample the brain foods and nutrients that repair the brain, regulate cellular energy production, and reverse the damage done by free radicals and oxidative stress.  (Read More)

Grow a New Body: Los Lobos Lodge, Chile; January 11-18, 2016
Experience daily yoga, gentle mountain hikes, massage, and energy medicine sessions with renowned shamans. Most importantly, you will sample the brain foods and nutrients that repair the brain, regulate cellular energy production, and reverse the damage done by free radicals and oxidative stress.  (Read More)

Light Body East: Germany; January 24-29, 2016
Take a giant leap of faith.  Come and be kicked out of the nest by Great Eagle so that you can spread your wings, soaring high above the world.  Forget the minute details of your life and your old identifications, and let yourself see everything from a greater perspective.  (Read More)

300 HR Shamanic Energy Medicine: Los Lobos Lodge, Chile; February 1-28, 2016
Master the skills of One Spirit Medicine. The time has come to step forward and claim your destiny. During the 300 hour training you will acquire the basic skills for healing yourself and others along with the advanced tools for dreaming your world into being. Blending ancient knowledge with cutting edge science you will experience the alchemy of profound transformation.  (Read More)


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Four Winds Society - the world's leading school of energy medicine.

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Our mailing address is:
The Four Winds Society
P.O. Box 330397
Miami, FL 33233

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Sunday, August 16, 2015


Synthetic Biology

Modified yeast produce opiates from sugar

Move over, poppies. In one of the most elaborate feats of synthetic bio logy to date, a research team has engineered yeast with a medley of plant, bacterial, and rodent genes to turn sugar into thebaine, the key opiate precursor to morphine and other powerful painkilling drugs that have been harvested for thousands of years from poppy plants. The team also showed that with further tweaks, the yeast could make hydrocodone, a widely used painkiller that is now made chemically from thebaine.
“This is a major milestone,” says Jens Nielsen, a synthetic biologist at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden. The work, he adds, demonstrates synthetic biology's increasing sophistication at transferring complex metabolic pathways into microbes.
By tweaking the yeast pathways, medicinal chemists may be able to produce more effective, less addictive versions of opiate painkillers. But some biopolicy experts worry that morphinemaking yeast strains could also allow illicit drugmakers to brew heroin as easily as beer enthusiasts home brew today—the drug is a simple chemical conversion from morphine. That concern is one reason the research team, led by Christina Smolke, a synthetic biologist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, stopped short of making a yeast strain with the complete morphine pathway; medicinal drug makers also primarily use thebaine to make new compounds.
Synthetic biologists had previously engineered yeast to produce artemisinin, an antimalarial compound, but that required inserting just a handful of plant genes. To get yeast to make thebaine, Smolke's team coaxed the cells to express 21 genes in total, including many added from a diverse set of species (see graphic); making hydrocodone took 23 genes.
Their success, reported online this week in Science, caps a race to install the complex opioid pathway in yeast. Last year, Smolke's team reported engineering yeast to carry out the tail end of the process, going from thebaine to morphine. In April, Vincent Martin, a microbiologist at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, and his colleagues said they had created yeast that could go from an earlier intermediate compound called R-reticuline to morphine. A few weeks later, John Dueber, a synthetic biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, and colleagues announced yeast that carries out most of the first half of the pathway, going from glucose to another intermediate compound, S-reticuline. Finally, two groups reported in late June that they had identified the long-sought enzyme needed to carry out the chemical transformation in the middle, S-reticuline to R-reticuline.
Even so, many predicted it would take years to put all the pieces together. As it turns out, back in May, Smolke and her colleagues had already largely finished the task. “It shows this field is really moving fast,” says Kenneth Oye, a biotechnology policy expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.
The most important challenge, Smolke says, was increasing the efficiency of each step so losses wouldn't build up. In one step, for example, a plant enzyme called SalSyn was doing a poor job of converting R-reticuline to another compound called salutaridine. Eventually, Smolke's team discovered that the yeast made the enzyme incorrectly, attaching the wrong sugars to it. The researchers fixed the problem by reengineering the inserted plant gene.
Smolke plans to go on tinkering. The microbes need to increase output of thebaine by a factor of 100,000 for drug companies to be interested in using them to make medicines. That won't be easy. But Martin notes that researchers boosted the output of the artemisininmaking yeast by a similar amount. “It will happen,” he says. “The only question is how fast.” Smolke recently formed a company called Antheia, based in Palo Alto, that aims to push that pace.
To keep up with the yeast engineers, Oye says policy experts need to develop rules to limit the risk of unintended uses of engineered microbes. In the case of opiatemaking yeast, such rules might forbid developing strains to produce illicit drugs, such as heroin, and require scientists to build in genes that prevent the microbes from living outside of a controlled laboratory environment.
Not everyone is worried about home-brewed opiates. Andrew Ellington, a synthetic biologist at the University of Texas, Austin, calls such fears “overblown.” The idea that producing vanishingly small quantities of opiates through fermentation is somehow going dwarf the problem of illegal drugs made from poppies is “laughable,” he says. But Martin disagrees. “Poppy fields are not readily available to someone in Chicago, whereas yeast can be made available to anyone.”

The editors suggest the following Related Resources on Science sites

In Science Magazine

Energy of Choice if Energy equals Emotion and Emotion equals Vibration and you might be a HATER

Energy from the perspective of your soul is very different than energy from the perspective of your five senses. Spiritual growth requires understanding the differences between these two perspectives.

From the perspective of the five senses, energy is the ability to do work, to get things done. The more energy you have, the more things you can accomplish. The important questions from this perspective are: How much energy do you have? Are you getting enough sleep? Worrying too much? Do you need more vitamins? Are your mitochondria healthy? People who worry about these things go to physicians, nutritionists and psychologists to get more energy. They don't want to be sleepy or tired. The problem is physical or psychological. The cure is medicine or psychotherapy.

From the perspective of your soul, the important question is not how much energy you have, but what kind of energy you have. There are only two kinds of energy. Of course, anger, jealousy, resentment, stress, cravings, addictions and compulsions feel like different energies. Each creates its own kind of physical sensations in your body (they hurt) and acting on each creates a particular kind of consequence (destructive and painful). They appear to be different energies, but they are actually different experiences of one kind of energy: fear.

The other kind of energy is love. Different experiences of love can also feel like different energies, for example, appreciation, gratitude, patience, awe of Life and contentment. Each of these also comes with its own physical sensations in your body (they feel good) and acting on each creates a particular kind of consequence (health and joyfulness). So, even though these experiences feel like different energies, they are actually different experiences of one kind of energy: love

Now the story becomes even more interesting. Some experiences of fear can appear to be experiences of love. For example, romantic love. You long for someone (painful), try to influence this person (painful) and, at last, attract him or her into your life (feels wonderful), but intense pain follows immediately when he or she leaves, dies or falls in love with someone else. The entire drama is created by fear appearing to you as love. This drama is painful and destructive because none of it is love. Love cannot produce pain or destruction.

There are many examples of fear appearing as love. Chaplains, clergy, hospice workers, medical-care professionals and numerous others may appear to be loving, and yet not act consistently from love. Some may act in order to feel better about themselves—to create a desirable self-image, for example, as a caring, patient, philanthropic or altruistic person. When their efforts are not appreciated or are rejected, they feel disappointed (pain), unappreciated (pain) or abused (pain), then resentment (pain) grows until it becomes anger (pain).

When the bottom-line, bedrock, can't-go-any-deeper reason for an action is to benefit another, the energy beneath your action is love. When the bottom-line, bedrock, can't-go-any-deeper reason for action is to benefit yourself, the energy beneath your action is fear. Only you can know your real intention, and you may not know it unless you have the courage and commitment to look for it and find it.

There is more energy in love than in fear. You might say it is the highest-octane fuel available. (Not love for this person or that person—love for everyone; love for Life; love for the Earth school and everything in it.) Ram Dass once told me, smiling happily, "I love you. I love her. I love this table. I love the floor. I am in an ocean of love." Most of us, on the other hand, live in an ocean of fear.

Love is tireless, healing and inexhaustible. It brings people together. It is powerful beyond measure. It is the Great Compassion that Buddhists speak about. It is the "love that surpasses all understanding" that Christians talk about.

Have you thought about energy this way? Have you ever looked at the things you do and say and asked yourself, "Am I doing this from love, or am I doing this from fear?" This is the most important question you can ask yourself because it brings you to the most important choice you can make: the choice between love an fear. Not only is this choice possible, it is the choice you were born to make each moment. Choosing to act with love no matter what is happening inside you (such as painful experiences of fear) and around you (such as a national or international crisis) is creating authentic power. Creating authentic power depends on your choice. Choosing fear almost always happens unconsciously. Choosing love always happens consciously.

What is your energy of choice?

Energy from the perspective of your soul is very different than energy from the perspective of your five senses. Spiritual growth requires understanding the differences between these two perspectives.

From the perspective of the five senses, energy is the ability to do work, to get things done. The more energy you have, the more things you can accomplish. The important questions from this perspective are: How much energy do you have? Are you getting enough sleep? Worrying too much? Do you need more vitamins? Are your mitochondria healthy? People who worry about these things go to physicians, nutritionists and psychologists to get more energy. They don't want to be sleepy or tired. The problem is physical or psychological. The cure is medicine or psychotherapy.

From the perspective of your soul, the important question is not how much energy you have, but what kind of energy you have. There are only two kinds of energy. Of course, anger, jealousy, resentment, stress, cravings, addictions and compulsions feel like different energies. Each creates its own kind of physical sensations in your body (they hurt) and acting on each creates a particular kind of consequence (destructive and painful). They appear to be different energies, but they are actually different experiences of one kind of energy: fear.

The other kind of energy is love. Different experiences of love can also feel like different energies, for example, appreciation, gratitude, patience, awe of Life and contentment. Each of these also comes with its own physical sensations in your body (they feel good) and acting on each creates a particular kind of consequence (health and joyfulness). So, even though these experiences feel like different energies, they are actually different experiences of one kind of energy: love

Now the story becomes even more interesting. Some experiences of fear can appear to be experiences of love. For example, romantic love. You long for someone (painful), try to influence this person (painful) and, at last, attract him or her into your life (feels wonderful), but intense pain follows immediately when he or she leaves, dies or falls in love with someone else. The entire drama is created by fear appearing to you as love. This drama is painful and destructive because none of it is love. Love cannot produce pain or destruction.

There are many examples of fear appearing as love. Chaplains, clergy, hospice workers, medical-care professionals and numerous others may appear to be loving, and yet not act consistently from love. Some may act in order to feel better about themselves—to create a desirable self-image, for example, as a caring, patient, philanthropic or altruistic person. When their efforts are not appreciated or are rejected, they feel disappointed (pain), unappreciated (pain) or abused (pain), then resentment (pain) grows until it becomes anger (pain).

When the bottom-line, bedrock, can't-go-any-deeper reason for an action is to benefit another, the energy beneath your action is love. When the bottom-line, bedrock, can't-go-any-deeper reason for action is to benefit yourself, the energy beneath your action is fear. Only you can know your real intention, and you may not know it unless you have the courage and commitment to look for it and find it.

There is more energy in love than in fear. You might say it is the highest-octane fuel available. (Not love for this person or that person—love for everyone; love for Life; love for the Earth school and everything in it.) Ram Dass once told me, smiling happily, "I love you. I love her. I love this table. I love the floor. I am in an ocean of love." Most of us, on the other hand, live in an ocean of fear.

Love is tireless, healing and inexhaustible. It brings people together. It is powerful beyond measure. It is the Great Compassion that Buddhists speak about. It is the "love that surpasses all understanding" that Christians talk about.

Have you thought about energy this way? Have you ever looked at the things you do and say and asked yourself, "Am I doing this from love, or am I doing this from fear?" This is the most important question you can ask yourself because it brings you to the most important choice you can make: the choice between love an fear. Not only is this choice possible, it is the choice you were born to make each moment. Choosing to act with love no matter what is happening inside you (such as painful experiences of fear) and around you (such as a national or international crisis) is creating authentic power. Creating authentic power depends on your choice. Choosing fear almost always happens unconsciously. Choosing love always happens consciously.

What is your energy of choice?