Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Step 1. Breathing White Light Into The Third Eye
A little known secret (although it’s very well known in Occult systems of East as well as West), is that the energy of the Third Eye, and all other centers are directly related to Prana, a vital force which we intake along with oxygen when we breathe. It is emitted naturally from the Earth, Stars, other human beings (i.e. Shaktipat Seer), and especially from the Sun. This Prana sustains and nourishes our mind, body, and spirit, and it is this which causes the flower-like chakras to open and bloom. In fact chakras are made OF breath energy, coursing in a wheel type pattern.
  • Step 2. The White Light Becomes Five Lights
    Coming from an ancient Tibetan Text, this method of activation of the dormant Third Eye has been passed down carefully from master to disciple and kept in tact for a very long time. All of the methods can’t be revealed here, but we have disclosed some hint of it in the video preview shown above.
  • Step 3. Vibrating the Sacred Shabda Brahman
    In this step, one’s life force is completely invigorated by Prana (energy), and the channels of your etheric body will clear and give way to a powerful blissful energy. This Energy will allow your etheric body to allow the flow of breath energy from the Third Eye to connect to the universal flow of energy which is embodied in the sacred Shabda Brahman (Sound of God) sound.
  • Step 4. Om Becomes Om Ah Hum Svaha
    Once again the pure light of consciousness in all living things of the universe is invoked, and transmitted from Shaktipat Seer, in such a way as to harmonize the four brain quadrants which are symbolized by the visualization in this video. Each of the Four Buddhas of the colors Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, represent opposing, but complimentary, polarities of the One Light (OM), which is embodied by the White Buddha in the center and also symbolizes the Pineal Gland at the center of the brain.
  • Step 6. Prana Transmission To The Third Eye With Seed Syllables
    As is known to Tantra as well as Tibetan and ancient Vedic science upon which the Tibetan one is mostly based, Consciousness, Light, and Language are all very closely intertwined. It’s language that allows us to rise above animal life and develop an understanding in our minds. The Sanskrit Seed Syllables employed in this video initiation are transmission of the Superconscious Third Eye state in order to awaken these same dormant potentials which will cause your Third Eye to become its own dynamo of psychic energy (Prana & Kundalini).
  • Step 7. The Third Eye Nectar Mantra
    This special mantra is given from ancient Vedic sources as the essence of the Nectar of the Third Eye Chakra. In this final transmission of psychic energy, Shaktipat Seer will supercharge your Chakra and consummate the catalyzation process. After this, there are included two extra .mp3 files containing Shaktipat Seer’s popular “Pineal Gland Frequency” audio recordings. Continue the process by using these until your Third Eye becomes strong enough on its own that you don’t need them.

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