Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Shaman Seminar in the UK

Powerful Transformation & Healing on All Levels
Tethatu Shamanic Healing Course 
Starting 19-20 September
Hi Nora
Here's an update on my upcoming events and recent articles.
  • Tethatu Shamanic Healing Course starts September
  • Miracles Beyond Your Imagination - my latest article
  • Healing Shame - The Hidden Root of Auto-immune Disease
  • Other articles related to shamanic healing 

Tethatu Shamanic Healing  - Shamanism Training

This is a ten weekend shamanism training which will give you confidence as a shamanic healer and show you that there is nothing that cannot be healed. This is more than just physical healing. By removing all blocks to money, love, happiness and anything you want, it makes all things possible. As a powerful Shaman, not only will you have confidence to heal anything, but will be the master of your life, confident also in fulfilling your dreams. Magickal flower essences are given to facilitate psychic opening.
This shamanic healing course is suitable for newcomers to shamanism and also for those with experience in shamanism.
Tethatu is probably the most powerful system of healing in existence. It is a magickal system taught by the Tuatha du Dannan (Children of Danu the Faerie Queen of Magick), from whom we receive the transmissions that make miracles possible. It involves developing a close communication with nature spirits to heal the body and soul and release deep-seated emotional blockages, traumas and beliefs. In this shamanic healing training we work with tree spirits that come with us in live-wood wands, with plant essences, channelled magickal energies and the power of unconditional love. There are also a few other powerful Shamanic attunements, from Norse, Hawaiian and Indonesian shamanic traditions.
Part One 
You will begin your shamanic healing training by learning to communicate with tree spirits and to channel runic energies, which correspond to different meridians. There are several attunements to open up your inner power: First, a Kahuna empowerment, that connects you to your higher self and greatly increases the absorption of prana with the breath. Then a Tenaga Dalam (inner strength) empowerment, to build the tan tieng centre and vital force, and a Candali attunement for greatly increasing healing power and raising kundalini. You will then be attuned to the rune system. You will also receive a transmission that will allow you to make chiropractic adjustments without touching, even from a distance. We then spend time in the forest, communicating with tree spirits for healing and empowerment.
Part Two
You will deepen your use of runic energies to cause emotional and mental transformation, and learn how to find the emotional cause of each health problem, locating the precise time and nature of past traumas and releasing them. You will also learn to cut live-wood wands with tree spirits that come with you to help you in your shamanic healing. The second level of Candali is given, opening the second tan tieng at the heart, allowing deep emotional healing.
Part Three
You will learn how beliefs are formed, and how to change them. You will also move beyond linear time to work with future causality, weeding and cultivating futures. This allows a very powerful healing of the chakras. You will also use flower essences, and through a combination of medicine ceremony and transmission, open to channel all the essences of nature. The third level of Candali is given, opening the brow centre, activating clairvoyance and increasing power 1000 times. You will then be able to make psychic diagnosis as part of your shamanic healing.
Part Four
We move beyond the emotional into deeper realms of the unconscious, to release the elemental energies of habits, instinctive reactions, and diseases, as well as spirit possessions, through underworld journeying. You will also be prepared to face your own death, which will free you of all resistance to entering the other world, making your shamanic journeying more powerful.
Part Five
You will go forward in time to experience your death, and beyond to the second death, giving you total freedom of the inner planes. In your shamanic journeying you will then move on to the causal plane, where you can manifest your desires, and to the angelic realm, where you gain greater spiritual help.
Part Six
You will journey to the divine essence to gain limitless healing potential as a shamanic healer. You will learn to direct powerful spiritual energies through sacred sound, to remove all blockages faster than ever and totally regenerate and recharge the subtle bodies.
Part Seven
We begin a shamanic type of point holding (Body Electronics) that releases memories from the genetic level, releasing not only your own memories, but memories and emotions of parents and ancestors that have been passed on. This heals hereditary diseases and weaknesses. You will begin to channel the dragon fire which is extremely transformative, and release much of your own conditioning, starting with unconsciousness or anaesthesia. This heals the gonads and restores sexual potency. The fourth level of Candali is given, increasing healing power 10,000 fold. We use iridology to witness the incredible changes in the body.
Part Eight
We continue with the bodywork, adding new transmissions to deepen the shamanic healing and remind the body of its divine blueprint, so that it regenerates completely. We heal the spleen of all apathy, failure patterns and death wishes, which are at the root of all terminal illnesses.
Part Nine
We will continue the shamanic healing by working on releasing grief, self-pity and fear, dissolving tumours and growths, and regenerating the pancreas, adrenal glands, thymus, and the immune system.
Part Ten
We complete the shamanic healing course by releasing anger and pain, healing arthritis and restoring nerve pathways to paralysed areas of the body. This heals the effects of operations, strokes, multiple sclerosis and motor neuron disease. We also heal the pineal gland, restoring enthusiasm, creative genius and powers of manifestation.
By the end of this course, you will confident in using this system on others, to heal anything.
Comments from Previous Students
Many Thanks for the most wonderful enlightening weekend! Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from part two of your Shamanic Healing course. Sue W
Many thanks again for the weekend, which was both exciting and enjoyable (and taxing!). You are very patient. I have also (yesterday) spent an hour or so in the pouring rain on Wimbledon common with a tree. The contact, once established, seems to flow very naturally and easily in images, impressions and inner voice. I also found myself regressing spontaneously, into childhood events. You have re-awakened a lot of old interests and helped cultivate disused and unknown circuits. I’m looking forward with eagerness (and a little awe) to part two. Hazel H
Last weekend was very special to me. I felt tremendous healing and opening up of intuition. I am very serious about my studies with you Peter. I will happily commute to be your student. Maria D
Cost £125 per weekend; food and accommodation extra 
You can pay for weekend training modules individually, so this makes it easy for you to try out the first weekend and see if you like it – you will! If for any reason you cannot attend the first modules, it is possible to join the training starting at modules 4 and 7 which are the start of new phases and don’t rely on your having participated in previous modules.
Part 1. 19th & 20th September 2015
Part 2. 17th & 18th October 2015
Part 3. 14th & 15th November 2015
Part 4. 12 & 13th December 2015
Part 5. 16th & 17th January 2016
Part 6. 13th & 14th February 2016
Part 7. 12th & 13th March 2016
Part 8. 9th & 10th April 2016
Part 9. 7th & 8th May 2016
Part 10. 4th & 5th June 2016
Buckland in the Moor Community Hall, Opp St Peter’s Church, Ashburton, Teignbridge, Devon TQ13 7EW
Accommodation: Please see here for suggestions.  
Please contact me for further information and to book your place at or call me on   + 44 (0)1364 643127
Miracles Beyond Your Imagination
Learn how to bring miracles into your life by reading my latest article here. We explore this further in my Tethatu Shamanic Healing Training described above.

Healing Shame - The Hidden Root of Auto-Immune Disease
My recent article on shame has been popular. It explores the connection with auto-immune disease and the devastating effects shame can have on relationships and behaviour. It looks at how shame can be passed from parent to child and how it can be healed. You can read it here.

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I would also very much appreciate if you could help introduce others to my work by Sharing my Facebook Posts, Videos, articles etc with your friends.  
Thanks in advance

1 comment:

  1. I' quite intrigued with your teachings and suggest a UK friend to check it out...Trevor Emdon, a psychiatric social worker and author
    I am a healer but quite broke (I blame Bush) but will rally into prosperity any minute now
    and thanks to you, I know I'm not just 'what I earn' but what I am.
    Nora Boyle
