Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, October 30, 2015

2014? And I'm Only hearing about this NOW?


April 23, 2014

"Spacetime is an Emerging Phenomenon" --Does It Violate Einstein's Special Relativity?

Blackholes_600 (2)

What if spacetime were a kind of fluid? This is the question tackled by theoretical physicists working on quantum gravity by creating models attempting to reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics. Some of these models predict that spacetime at the Planck scale (10-33cm) is no longer continuous – as held by classical physics – but discrete in nature. Just like the solids or fluids we come into contact with every day, which can be seen as made up of atoms and molecules when observed at sufficient resolution. A structure of this kind generally implies, at very high energies, violations of Einstein's special relativity (a integral part of general relativity).
In this theoretical framework, it has been suggested that spacetime should be treated as a fluid. In this sense, general relativity would be the analogue to fluid hydrodynamics, which describes the behaviour of fluids at a macroscopic level but tells us nothing about the atoms/molecules that compose them. Likewise, according to some models, general relativity says nothing about the "atoms" that make up spacetime but describes the dynamics of spacetime as if it were a "classical" object. Spacetime would therefore be a phenomenon "emerging" from more fundamental constituents, just as water is what we perceive of the mass of H2O molecules that form it. Stefano Liberati, professor at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, and Luca Maccione, a research scientist at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, have devised innovative ways of using the tolls of elementary particle physics and high energy astrophysics to describe the effects that should be observed if spacetime were a fluid. Liberati and Maccione also proposed the first observational tests of these phenomena. Their paper has just been published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Quantum mechanics is able to effectively explain three of the four fundamental forces of the Universe (electromagnetism, weak interaction and strong interaction). But it does not explain gravity, which is currently only accounted for by general relativity, a theory developed in the realm of classical physics. Identifying a plausible model of quantum gravity (that is, a description of gravity within a quantum physics framework) is therefore one of the major challenges physics is facing today. However, despite the many models proposed to date, none has proved satisfactory or, more importantly, amenable to empirical investigation. Studies like the one carried out by Liberati and Maccione provide new instruments for assessing the value of possible scenarios for quantum gravity.
In the past, models considering spacetime as emerging, like a fluid, from more fundamental entities assumed and studied effects that imply changes in the propagation of photons, which would travel at different speeds depending on their energy. But there's more to it: "If we follow up the analogy with fluids it doesn't make sense to expect these types of changes only" explains Liberati. "If spacetime is a kind of fluid, then we must also take into account its viscosity and other dissipative effects, which had never been considered in detail".
Liberati and Maccione catalogued these effects and showed that viscosity tends to rapidly dissipate photons and other particles along their path, "And yet we can see photons travelling from astrophysical objects located millions of light years away!" he continues. "If spacetime is a fluid, then according to our calculations it must necessarily be a superfluid. This means that its viscosity value is extremely low, close to zero".
"We also predicted other weaker dissipative effects, which we might be able to see with future astrophysical observations. Should this happen, we would have a strong clue to support the emergent models of spacetime", concludes Liberati. "With modern astrophysics technology the time has come to bring quantum gravity from a merely speculative view point to a more phenomenological one. One cannot imagine a more exciting time to be working on gravity".
The Daily Galaxy via International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)
Image credit:


On the occasion of the publication of this article, please let me write some of my thoughts about the meaning of “space-time”.
Today many articles of physics, explaining gravity, referred to, using, or relying on the concept of “space-time”. But, are there examples that prove with some clarity, the physical meaning of the concept of “space-time”? This question, I've been doing for thirty years, but so far I have not gotten a convincing answer or an example explaining to me what “space-time” it is.
The reason I do the above question is because that, I have proven that the mathematical proof of the concept of “space-time”, based on the wrong axiom of the constant speed of light of the special theory of relativity and perhaps it is a concept that might to not exist.
With this concept, I think that there should to not be established “de facto”, so basic concepts, which are the foundations of a theory, when these concepts based on ambiguities.
"Space-Time" is irrelevant in an eternal Universe where everything is moving i cyclical and circuital motions of in- and outfolding patterns.
I wonder if this will help or hurt our attempts at warp speed travel?
Somewhere in a far corner of the GT (Grand Tensor) we may find time is linked to a metric, as yet undiscovered, by a relationship equivalent to Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic coupling. The energy to get there will be terribly high for macro scale considerations, but at Planck scale dimensions, energy densities might be sufficient to ‘travel' up and down the time metric. When we finally get to that sector of the 'GT', it will be interesting to see if and what ‘drops out’ as a constant analogous to the speed of light, ‘c’. (The speed’ of Time? Well, maybe so - time may prove to be variable.) And will Time have a field representation that decoheres upon measurement like a photon wave function? Will we find a 'Time-on’ vitual particle capable of penetrating universes? As for the ‘GT’ itself, current string theory, with its eleven or so dimensions, will probably be looked back on as a quaint underestimation of what’s really going on - there might be an infinite number of dimensions which are unreachable because there is not enough energy in this universe to do so.
Looks more like a gas because for example electrons can act like waves in it (also we don`t see the air but it`s here), it is compressible unlike liquids. I know it`s very hard to compress space, but it can be if you have enough power(mass). If space is as we presume, than it is made of very small particles that`s why it has close to no viscosity (very small particles don`t interfere much with atoms). Just saying.
Is it possible to get detection of gravitational waves? There is another fantasy of the physicists to make something so much desired as a reality, because “big bang” never happen!....Why ? Well, see Q&A USM But the gravitational waves exist and it has nothing to do with the hypothetical “big bang”. See the next: According to USM the galaxies in our space are atoms (nuclei) in the over space…why it is so and what really are this two spaces You can see on the site. So when we observe some extremely phenomenon in our space of galaxies, we need always to imagine the processes in our atoms space and that are quantum activation, collisions between atoms and nuclear particles, swallowing and radiation of waves, which have frequency in the over space in accordance with efficient of time connection between the spaces, see part II USM That is in force about the decision on the age of the galaxies which we observe from our position of observation the Sun and it is means that firstly we must to decide whether there are some energy stimulation in accordance with above and then to decide which galaxy is older and which is younger. So let calculate how will look like the frequency of some atom’s quantum stimulation in our space of atoms, transported into the over space where the galaxies in our space are the atoms (nuclei) in the over space. We need simply to multiplied this “our’ frequency by the time constant, which is 〖10〗^31 folds and if for example this frequency is 〖10〗^16 [hrz] then the equivalent “quantum stimulation” of some galaxy in the over space will run about 〖10〗^15 [s]→≈〖10〗^8 [years] i.e. almost 1 billion Earth’s years and this will be only one semi period of this gravitational wave. So obviously about what interference we can talk if there is necessary so long period to observe eventually interference between two such waves? G.Kanev
All bosons are even numbered super groups of fermions. Bosons are not elementary. A Cooper paring effect?

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Classical physics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The four major domains of modern physics
Classical physics refers to theories of physics that predate modern, more complete, or more widely applicable theories. If a currently accepted theory is considered to be "modern," and its introduction represented a major paradigm shift, then the previous theories, or new theories based on the older paradigm, will often be referred to as belonging to the realm of "classical" physics.
As such, the definition of a classical theory depends on context. Classical physical concepts are often used when modern theories are unnecessarily complex for a particular situation.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Give them something to remember

1. Make friends.
Regardless of your credentials, ideas, or the extensive research you may have done, if your audience doesn’t like you, they simply won’t connect with you or your message. It sounds harsh, but it’s true.

Exceptional speakers know that their first priority is to make friends with their audience.

How do you do that?

  • Smile
  • Make eye contact
  • Put yourself in their shoes
  • Show them the real you
  • Tell them stories
  • Make it about them, not you 
2. Use emotive language.
Most of us don’t need to read the wealth of available research to understand and believe what we’ve been told by neuroscientists for years, which is that most of the decisions we make are emotional, not logical.

We know it instinctively.

As you craft your presentation in the knowledge that people really do buy people first on an emotional level, there’s plenty you can do to make the connection.
  • Paint pictures with your words. “This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.” –Martin Luther King
  • Make them smile. Unless you are making people redundant or giving a eulogy, most presentations could benefit from a little humor.
  • Use metaphors that people can relate to. Bring your message to life. “Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home.” –Winston Churchill

3. v.
Give them something to remember
It’s a given that every presenter wants to ensure that their message is clear and completely understood. Exceptional presenters want to be remembered.
  • Get your audience involved; make it interactive
  • Dare to be different; open with impact and make them curious
  • Use stunning, compelling, and relevant visuals; kill the bullet points
  • Make it thought-provoking
  • Make it personal…to them
Great speakers and presenters aren’t born that way. They make themselves that way, and it’s within everyone’s gift. We believe everyone is able. The only question that remains is: Are you willing...

Three Pointers to Help You to Present Like a Pro By: Maurice De Castro

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Famous Witches in History

There were many famous witches through are just a few.
There were many famous witches through are just a few.

Famous Witches in History - What is a Witch?

Before we take a look at some of the most famous witches in history, let's examine the real definition of a "witch". The general and misunderstood definition of the term witch (according to is: A woman thought to have evil magic powers. Witches are popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat, and flying on a broomstick. Though this is the general population's image and idea of what a witch is, it is incorrect and utterly misconstrued. While the true translation of the word witch varies and has been debated by many, it can simply be exposed to mean "wise woman".
In this hub, I don't plan on introducing accused famous "witches" in the idea of women who were accused of the ill-conceived idea of a witch as one who flew on a broomstick and consorted with the devil. I actually plan on sharing some historical and modern day accounts of wise women who, in reality, can be called famous witches by the true meaning of the word "witch".

Famous Witches - Pictures

Morgan Le Fey
Morgan Le Fey
Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn
Marie Laveau - Voodoo Priestess/Queen
Marie Laveau - Voodoo Priestess/Queen
According to the oral tradition of Witches, we were once the priests and priestesses of a peasant Pagan religion. Members of this secret sect met at night beneath the full moon, for these were the "misfits" and "outcasts" who did not fit into mainstream society. Little has changed over the centuries and the Witchcraft community still embraces individuals frequently rejected in mainstream society. These include gays, lesbians, transgendered individuals, and other people with the courage to live their lives authentically in accord with who they are inside their hearts, minds, and spirits.
RAVEN GRIMASSI, Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition

Famous Witches in History - Before the 20th Century

Morgan Le Fey is a famous witch in history and has been depicted as an evil nemesis to King Arthur of Camelot; however, this depiction has been widely misconstrued, like many other famous witches' stories. While Morgan Le Fey's existence cannot be proven, those who believe in King Arthur's legend as a true story believe in the existence of Morgan Le Fey, as well as the Merlin. Morgan Le Fey, also called Morgaine by modern-day novelists like Marion Zimmer Bradley, was said to be King Arthur's half-sister and would eventually unknowingly bear King Arthur a son. She became a famous witch in history because of her direct association with the Isle of Avalon and with England's ancient Pagans known as the Druids. Much of the stories of this famous witch denounce her allegiance to her brother and her people, making her into an evil, vengeful witch who wants nothing more than to destroy and/or rule her brother's kingdom of Camelot; however, the true legend before the twisting occurred was that Morgan Le Fey actually aided King Arthur in his dying hour by leading him through the mists to the Isle of Avalon to be healed. We will probably never know the real story, or if it truly happened, but witches to this day do believe in Morgan Le Fey...and that she was indeed a famous witch in history who should not be feared but studied and revered.
Anne Boleyn was the second wife of the infamous King Henry VIII of England in the sixteenth century, and she is also one of the most famous witches in history. There are many scholars and non-believers who say that Anne Boleyn was not a witch, but if we are talking about whether Anne Boleyn was a famous witch in history because of her wisdom...well then, I have to disagree with the non-believers. Throughout her years as a queen of England, Anne Boleyn became a very educated, extremely intelligent woman and consort to the country of England. Despite the rumors and her later accusations of treason, adultery, incest, and eventually witchcraft which led to her beheading, Anne Boleyn has now become known as one of the most influential queens of England in history. Was Anne Boleyn a witch or wasn't she? That is the question. I call her a famous witch in history because of her incredible strength and wisdom during her life and her desire to appease her husband and country, others may call her a famous witch in history because they focus on the lies and accusations...either way, Anne Boleyn is a famous witch in history worthy of respect and study, too.
Aradia is a famous witch in history whose story originates in the country of Italy. Aradia is the main character in the book written by Charles Leland in the late nineteenth century, "Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches". The authenticity of this book is debated to this day, but the book has actually aided in the resurgence of Paganism in the twentieth century. Supposedly, Charles Leland was handed a book by a woman who lived in the Tuscany region of Italy named Maddelena and it was with this book that the Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches was composed. If one is to look at Aradia as she is presented in Charles Leland's Gospel of the Witches, one would believe in Aradia as a goddess of witches, of sorts. The actual basis of Aradia's story in Leland's book is based upon her birth to the goddess Diana and the god Lucifer. The followers of Aradia were supposedly a group of witches that have survived since the 12th century by using Aradia's knowledge of witchcraft to fend off the Roman Catholic church's advances to wipe out Paganism from the Tuscany region of Italy. Was Aradia a goddess of Italian witches or merely a powerful famous witch from the fourteenth century, according to the modern author Raven Grimassi? You must do the research on your own, as the story of the famous witch in history Aradia can be convincing either way. For me, I believe she was a famous witch who has had a strong following since her life in the fourteenth century, but others still believe Aradia was more of a goddess and much more than a mere famous witch.
The most famous Voodoo Queen of all time is Marie Laveau. Marie was born a free black woman in New Orleans in the mid-1700s and became the most well-known voodoo priestess in eighteenth and nineteenth century Louisiana. White and black folks alike would come to Marie Laveau for ailments in the areas of healing and love. It was said that Marie Laveau was a devout Catholic and would attend mass religiously; however, she was also an advocate for the Voodoo religion, believing and practicing Voodoo with the aid of the loas and being well-versed in the arts of intuition and seership. All three classes of New Orleans society would call on Marie Laveau, the famous witch, in order to acquire unknown information or will into being some desire such as health or beauty. Marie Laveau lived to be in her nineties, though some claim she died earlier than this. Her supposed grave in New Orleans' Saint Louis Cemetery #1 gets more visitors on Halloween than Elvis Presley's grave. This famous witch in history may have been a voodoo queen or priestess, but she was a wise woman and knew her craft well.

Read More about Famous Witches in History

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ultra culture...a chaosphere

How to get started on the actual practice of magick

OK. If you've been following this e-mail list so far, you've got a lot of tools. Starting with the e-book, you've got the sigil technique. You've got a basic philosophical overview of what magick is, and what magick practice actually looks like. And finally, you got the basic tools you need to set up a space to do magick within.
Now let's get down to the laying the foundation for actually starting practice.
1. Take your magical journal. (You can get one here if you don't have one yet.) In the first few pages, write a short summary of your life. It doesn't have to be complex: Bulletpoints will do. But get down the details of who you are, who your parents were, the details of your birth, and how you got from being born to here, with all the major turning points noted. 
2. Next, write out your magical goals. What do you want out of this practice? Who do you hope to become through magick? What service do you wish to bring to the world? Write these goals out in as much detail as you can manage. Get them solid. Work out every vague or uncertain statement: Get as specific as you can. 
3. Keep it next to your bed while sleeping. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, immediately write down your dreams. Don't do anything else first. Just get your dreams down as quickly as you can, in as much detail as you can.
4. Every day, preferably at the same time—like after writing your dreams down—sit on your  meditation  seat. First, visualize a bubble of force radiating out from yourself and filling the space, banishing any negativity or outside influence. Now, proceed to meditate for five minutes by focusing your attention at the point between your eyes, slightly above the space between your eyebrows. You may begin to feel some slight pressure here. That's normal—as is not feeling it. From now on, add five minutes to your meditation per week until you're meditating 30 minutes a day, 6-7 days a week. Every time you complete such a session, take your record and write down the times you meditated, your environment, your physical and emotional condition, what you felt and experienced. If you like, note the current phase of the moon as well. But get it down. Not having access to your meditation seat is not an excuse for not meditating: If needed, improvise by meditating somewhere in a quiet space at work, school, in your car or in a public spot.
These apparently simple practices form the Alpha and Omega of the Work; the Fundamentals. From this simple practice all more complex practices will grow—but for now, get these basics down.

As always, you can skip ahead if you like by checking out our courses at—after getting these basics down, you'll be ready to take our Introduction to Chaos Magick course.

Learn More at

The Star

Rider Waite Tarot
The Star

A great, radiant star of eight rays, surrounded by seven lesser stars--also of eight rays. The female figure in the foreground is entirely naked. Her left knee is on the land and her right foot upon the water. She pours Water of Life from two great ewers, irrigating sea and land. Behind her is rising ground and on the right a shrub or tree, whereon a bird alights. The figure expresses eternal youth and beauty. The star is l'étoile flamboyante, which appears in Masonic symbolism, but has been confused therein. That which the figure communicates to the living scene is the substance of the heavens and the elements. It has been said truly that the mottoes of this card are "Waters of Life freely" and "Gifts of the Spirit." The summary of several tawdry explanations says that it is a card of hope. On other planes it has been certified as immortality and interior light. For the majority of prepared minds, the figure will appear as the type of Truth unveiled, glorious in undying beauty, pouring on the waters of the soul some part and measure of her priceless possession. But she is in reality the Great Mother in the Kabalistic Sephira Binah, which is supernal Understanding, who communicates to the Sephiroth that are below in the measure that they can receive her influx.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nine of Wands of tarot

The steeling of the will to stand or fall. A line drawn in the sand

The nine of wands is a trump card, or a card that shows where you are as seen above,
so below

The steeling of the will to stand or fall. A line drawn in the sand

In an email from Sealfit, the author stated that one should PREPARE to WiN

and so you shall.

Do not oppress others nor subjugate them into slavery or your service, only help them along their path with encouragement, inspiration, and money, even,,,,pay them to go away,
now pay me.
Nora Boyle
aka Selena...tarot reader and psychic.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Card of the day

He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars, but they are not those of the Temple which is guarded by the High Priestess. In his left hand he holds a scepter terminating in the triple cross, and with his right hand he gives the well-known ecclesiastical sign which is called that of esotericism, distinguishing between the manifest and concealed part of doctrine. It is noticeable in this connection that the High Priestess makes no sign. At his feet are the crossed keys, and two priestly ministers in albs kneel before him. He has been usually called the Pope, which is a particular application of the more general office that he symbolizes. He is the ruling power of external religion, as the High Priestess is the prevailing genius of the esoteric, withdrawn power. The proper meanings of this card have suffered woeful admixture from nearly all hands. Grand Orient says truly that the Hierophant is the power of the keys, exoteric orthodox doctrine, and the outer side of the life which leads to the doctrine; but he is certainly not the prince of occult doctrine, as another commentator has suggested.
He is rather the summa totius theologiæ, when it has passed into the utmost rigidity of expression; but he symbolizes also all things that are righteous and sacred on the manifest side. As such, he is the channel of grace belonging to the world of institution as distinct from that of Nature, and he is the leader of salvation for the human race at large. He is the order and the head of the recognized hierarchy, which is the reflection of another and greater hierarchic order; but it may so happen that the pontiff forgets the significance of this his symbolic state and acts as if he contained within his proper measures all that his sign signifies or his symbol seeks to show forth. He is not, as it has been thought, philosophy-except on the theological side; he is not inspiration; and he is not religion, although he is a mode of its expression.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Mind over Money

5 Ways to Increase Your Mind Power Over Money

1.) Saturate your mind with new ways in which money could possibly enter your mind. Your reality is directly linked with what you would allow into your mind. If you cannot imagine a possible experience in your mind it won’t happen in reality. Just by allowing yourself to imagine the possibility of manifesting money in new ways will open the channel for it to happen.
2.) Eliminate the fear and anxiety that you have with money. Feelings of fear, doubt and anxiety create mental and psychic blocks between what you really want. If you have fear and anxiety about money that would mean that the images you are holding in your mind do not support the story of having money. Feelings of fear and anxiety are an indication that you have saturated your mind with lack of money, loss of money, poverty and all the things what would assure that you never manifest money again. Learn to let go of the fear and anxiety associated with money.
3.) Be ok with not having money. It is a mental trick that you have to master. The moment you can release your attachment to money the quicker you allow the spiritual flow to happen. Let your goal to manifest money became like a game of Monopoly. Have fun but do not let money control you.
4.) Reprogram your mind about money. Your mind is like a computer. You can achieve to the degree what is first programmed into your mind. The person who is able to manifest five thousand dollars ever month is able to do so because like a computer that person’s mind is programmed for that amount.
5.) Examine your money truth. Before you can manifest money you have to examine and expose your own money program. What has your relationship with money been? How do you feel about manifesting more money? Does this make you feel excited or anxious? How determined are you to achieve your goal and what are you willing to do to achieve it? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you can move forward. Once you tackle these five essential keys, you are then ready to open your mind to new levels and techniques that will skyrocket your manifesting success.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Magick of chaos

Here’s four classic techniques for consciousness change from Discordian Pope Robert Anton Wilson.

Robert Anton Wilson should need no introduction. Alternately dubbed a “stand-up philosopher” or a “sit-down comic,” Wilson favored an unorthodox approach to thinking (and doing). He traversed many different fields of thought and systems of belief—ranging from General Semantics and quantum physics to Sufism and Aleister Crowley’s Thelema—and synthesized them all into a structure of mutable reality. To many of his faithful readers, his books are like the driver’s manual for the universe.
But it doesn’t stop there. Once you start doing the exercises in books like Prometheus Rising, you realize that you’re not just reading a driver’s manual of the universe—you’re also behind the driver’s seat! Most of the consciousness changing exercises in Wilson’s books take little effort but can produce lasting change in perception. All they require are commitment, patience, and practice.
Wilson possessed an uncanny ability to introduce his readers to their own mental projections of themselves and the universe—and thoroughly distort the boundaries between the two. His thoughts and ideas remain ever relevant well after they were published some 3o-odd years ago, and will only continue to gain relevance well into the 21st century. Ultraculture’s Jason Louv even wrote a piece at Boing Boing recently on the dawning future that Wilson predicted in Cosmic Trigger.
Below are four classic techniques for consciousness change taken from Wilson’s classic Prometheus Rising.

1. The Quarter Experiment

Vividly visualize a quarter (or a pound or euro, etc.), and imagine vividly that you will find that quarter in the street. Look for that quarter in the street every time you are out while still continuing to visualize it, and see how long it takes you to find it.
Next, explain the experiment using “selective attention” hypothesis—that is, of the bounty of lost quarters everywhere in the street, you were bound to find one sooner or later discover one. Then explain the experiment using the “mystical” hypothesis. In other words, you believe that you made the quarter manifest into this universe.
Now go looking for a second quarter. Compare the time it takes to find it using the “selective attention” hypothesis with the time it takes you to find it using the “mystical” hypothesis.
This experiment is designed to help the reader understand the role of thought and belief in structuring the universe. Whatever it is that you think, your mind will immediately set about proving—the existence of God, the sovereignty of the American President, or any number of conspiracy theories. Your mind will find proofs of those things everywhere.

2. Right Where You Are Sitting Now

Sit in a space where you will not be disturbed for half an hour. Begin thinking, “I am sitting here doing this exercise because…” and continue to list as many causes of performing this exercise as you can.
For example, you’re doing this exercise because you read about it on Ultraculture. But why do you read Ultraculture? How did you find it? Did somebody share a link with you? How did you meet that person? If you just happened across it on social media, what were you doing on social media that day? Was it in a particular group or forum?
Why do you belong to groups on that topic—be it magick, spirituality, consciousness? How did you get interested in those topics? Did someone influence you? What factors of your background and upbringing inclined to an interest in those topics?
Why are you sitting where you are and not somewhere else? How did your parents meet and why are you here at all? Why is this planet capable of supporting life, and why the kind of life that conceives of these types of experiments?
Repeat a few days later trying to answer questions you did not the first time around. Avoid metaphysical explanations—the exercise is mind blowing enough without bringing karma or reincarnation into the mix.
This experiment will help you understand the difference between software and hardware—or mind and matter, consciousness and brain. Hardware can only exist at one place locally (i.e., iPhone) but software is nonlocal and exists outside the hardware (i.e., Facebook profile).

3. Learn to Meditate

Take up a meditation practice. You can take a class or try to learn from a book. Practice for two fifteen-minute sessions every day for a month. Afterwards, visit someone who always manages to upset you or put you on the defensive. Can they still still press your buttons in the same way as before?
(You can also take courses on meditation at Ultraculture University.

4. Alternative News Sources

If you are a progressive, spend a week reading nothing but conservative or libertarian news sources like The Drudge Report, The Blaze or Reason. If you are a conservative, spend a week reading nothing but progressive or socialist websites like Think Progress, The Daily Kos, or Jacobin. If you are a spiritual person, read nothing but the skeptic and atheist subreddits. If you are a free thought rationalist, follow the /r/psychonaut subreddit—or read Ultraculture’s Consciousness archives, or even take a class on Chaos Magick.
Do your best to convince yourself and your friends that you sincerely hold these alternate beliefs. This exercise will help you break your reality tunnel—Wilson’s oft-used term that means a worldview conditioned in the individual through biological programming and socioeconomic factors. We are all trapped in reality tunnels, and every single one seems totally crazy except for our own.
These exercises are designed to allow you to see beyond your reality tunnel and take an active role in collectively shaping the universe. For more, read Robert Anton Wilson’s Sex, Drugs and Magick, Prometheus Rising or Quantum Psychology.
You can read about Wilson’s work with Timothy Leary’s 8-circuit model of consciousness here.
In the interview below, Wilson discusses further techniques for consciousness change.