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Sunday, October 25, 2015


Famous Witches in History

There were many famous witches through are just a few.
There were many famous witches through are just a few.

Famous Witches in History - What is a Witch?

Before we take a look at some of the most famous witches in history, let's examine the real definition of a "witch". The general and misunderstood definition of the term witch (according to is: A woman thought to have evil magic powers. Witches are popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat, and flying on a broomstick. Though this is the general population's image and idea of what a witch is, it is incorrect and utterly misconstrued. While the true translation of the word witch varies and has been debated by many, it can simply be exposed to mean "wise woman".
In this hub, I don't plan on introducing accused famous "witches" in the idea of women who were accused of the ill-conceived idea of a witch as one who flew on a broomstick and consorted with the devil. I actually plan on sharing some historical and modern day accounts of wise women who, in reality, can be called famous witches by the true meaning of the word "witch".

Famous Witches - Pictures

Morgan Le Fey
Morgan Le Fey
Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn
Marie Laveau - Voodoo Priestess/Queen
Marie Laveau - Voodoo Priestess/Queen
According to the oral tradition of Witches, we were once the priests and priestesses of a peasant Pagan religion. Members of this secret sect met at night beneath the full moon, for these were the "misfits" and "outcasts" who did not fit into mainstream society. Little has changed over the centuries and the Witchcraft community still embraces individuals frequently rejected in mainstream society. These include gays, lesbians, transgendered individuals, and other people with the courage to live their lives authentically in accord with who they are inside their hearts, minds, and spirits.
RAVEN GRIMASSI, Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition

Famous Witches in History - Before the 20th Century

Morgan Le Fey is a famous witch in history and has been depicted as an evil nemesis to King Arthur of Camelot; however, this depiction has been widely misconstrued, like many other famous witches' stories. While Morgan Le Fey's existence cannot be proven, those who believe in King Arthur's legend as a true story believe in the existence of Morgan Le Fey, as well as the Merlin. Morgan Le Fey, also called Morgaine by modern-day novelists like Marion Zimmer Bradley, was said to be King Arthur's half-sister and would eventually unknowingly bear King Arthur a son. She became a famous witch in history because of her direct association with the Isle of Avalon and with England's ancient Pagans known as the Druids. Much of the stories of this famous witch denounce her allegiance to her brother and her people, making her into an evil, vengeful witch who wants nothing more than to destroy and/or rule her brother's kingdom of Camelot; however, the true legend before the twisting occurred was that Morgan Le Fey actually aided King Arthur in his dying hour by leading him through the mists to the Isle of Avalon to be healed. We will probably never know the real story, or if it truly happened, but witches to this day do believe in Morgan Le Fey...and that she was indeed a famous witch in history who should not be feared but studied and revered.
Anne Boleyn was the second wife of the infamous King Henry VIII of England in the sixteenth century, and she is also one of the most famous witches in history. There are many scholars and non-believers who say that Anne Boleyn was not a witch, but if we are talking about whether Anne Boleyn was a famous witch in history because of her wisdom...well then, I have to disagree with the non-believers. Throughout her years as a queen of England, Anne Boleyn became a very educated, extremely intelligent woman and consort to the country of England. Despite the rumors and her later accusations of treason, adultery, incest, and eventually witchcraft which led to her beheading, Anne Boleyn has now become known as one of the most influential queens of England in history. Was Anne Boleyn a witch or wasn't she? That is the question. I call her a famous witch in history because of her incredible strength and wisdom during her life and her desire to appease her husband and country, others may call her a famous witch in history because they focus on the lies and accusations...either way, Anne Boleyn is a famous witch in history worthy of respect and study, too.
Aradia is a famous witch in history whose story originates in the country of Italy. Aradia is the main character in the book written by Charles Leland in the late nineteenth century, "Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches". The authenticity of this book is debated to this day, but the book has actually aided in the resurgence of Paganism in the twentieth century. Supposedly, Charles Leland was handed a book by a woman who lived in the Tuscany region of Italy named Maddelena and it was with this book that the Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches was composed. If one is to look at Aradia as she is presented in Charles Leland's Gospel of the Witches, one would believe in Aradia as a goddess of witches, of sorts. The actual basis of Aradia's story in Leland's book is based upon her birth to the goddess Diana and the god Lucifer. The followers of Aradia were supposedly a group of witches that have survived since the 12th century by using Aradia's knowledge of witchcraft to fend off the Roman Catholic church's advances to wipe out Paganism from the Tuscany region of Italy. Was Aradia a goddess of Italian witches or merely a powerful famous witch from the fourteenth century, according to the modern author Raven Grimassi? You must do the research on your own, as the story of the famous witch in history Aradia can be convincing either way. For me, I believe she was a famous witch who has had a strong following since her life in the fourteenth century, but others still believe Aradia was more of a goddess and much more than a mere famous witch.
The most famous Voodoo Queen of all time is Marie Laveau. Marie was born a free black woman in New Orleans in the mid-1700s and became the most well-known voodoo priestess in eighteenth and nineteenth century Louisiana. White and black folks alike would come to Marie Laveau for ailments in the areas of healing and love. It was said that Marie Laveau was a devout Catholic and would attend mass religiously; however, she was also an advocate for the Voodoo religion, believing and practicing Voodoo with the aid of the loas and being well-versed in the arts of intuition and seership. All three classes of New Orleans society would call on Marie Laveau, the famous witch, in order to acquire unknown information or will into being some desire such as health or beauty. Marie Laveau lived to be in her nineties, though some claim she died earlier than this. Her supposed grave in New Orleans' Saint Louis Cemetery #1 gets more visitors on Halloween than Elvis Presley's grave. This famous witch in history may have been a voodoo queen or priestess, but she was a wise woman and knew her craft well.

Read More about Famous Witches in History

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