Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Monday, March 11, 2013

New Moon 2013

PISCES NEW MOON, March 11, 2013 at 12:52 pm PDT and 3:52 pm EDT at 22 degrees.
This New Moon offers an exceptional opportunity for profound insights, deep healing, and major shifts in con- sciousness. Neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, the Sun and Moon, and Mars are all in Pisces, forming a huge celestial doorway into higher dimensional realms. 

As the final New Moon of the astrological year, this is a powerful time to review how far we have come and where we want to go next. The Pisces invitation directs us to turn inward into the hidden realms. Explore the personal universe within. Rest, reflect, and remember your divine origins and your divine mission. 

Pisces, the twelfth and last sign in the zodiac, represents the return to the Source. Each sign has its set of lessons, and Pisces’ primary challenge is having to unlearn most of what it has been taught. Pisces takes us into transpersonal territory, far beyond logic and the limits of the mind, into the depths and mysteries of the heart. In Pisces, we realize that we are multidimensional beings and that the gateway to higher dimensions is unconditional love. Just as a television or radio has different channels and programs, we too can attune to different frequencies. Science reports we currently use only 10% of our brain and that 90% of our DNA is inactive. The vast majority of our universe (96%) lies beyond our five senses and most sophisticated instrumentation. Pisces takes us into our sixth sense, where mysticism and quantum physics meet, where nothing is solid and everything is connected. Every culture and religion has its name for this greater reality — the Great Spirit, the Tao, the Force, Buddha, Brahman, Sofia, Allah, God, Source, and many others. 

In psychological terms, Pisces represents the collective unconscious, the archetypal and primordial realms, as well as the dreamworld, imagination, and the gamut of human emotions, from madness to ecstasy. Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces and the mythic God of the Sea, provides instructive metaphors for this fluid and ethereal territory. Like a drop of water, we eternally emerge and dissolve, momentarily an individual expression of the Oneness but never truly separate. Water, like emotions, can be calm, stormy, and everything in between. Feelings ebb and flow. Grief comes in waves. We are sometimes misty, swamped, lost at sea. When the fog rolls in, we have to use our sixth sense, intuiting our way.
Modern Western civilization has focused much more on the Piscean fish that swims sideways than the fish heading for heaven. Denying the sacred and deifying the secular can lead to addictions and escapism of all kinds; we become victims, looking for someone or something to save us, or rescuers, playing god instead of recognizing that everyone is God. Deluded, distracted, and exhausted by the overstimulation of modern life, we thirst for the divine, unable to see that we are swimming in an ocean of unconditional love.
So, how do we explore and navigate this mysterious realm in safe and healthy ways? Through meditation, prayer, contemplation, reading sacred texts, dreamwork, art, music, dance, collage, journaling, gardening, healing work, divination tools, being in nature, being in silence, being in gratitude, doing things we love. Follow your intuition. Give yourself as much soul time as possible around this New Moon — and every day. Do a media fast and focus on what is good and positive.
This New Moon at 22° Pisces tells us that it’s time to bring the sacred into every area of our life. Listen deeply to your heart and soul. Remember: “In order to find new lands, you have to lose sight of the shore for a long time. The truth is immense and it’s not anywhere else. It’s being with what is. The kingdom of heaven is within you.” (Taj Inayat Khan)
Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.
PLAN YOUR OWN NEW MOON CEREMONY. Give yourself some quiet time in meditation to see where you need to seed new ways of becoming. List these areas within your life you want to change. What areas do you want to break free from the norm and become more productive and discerning? The NEW MOON is the time to manifest the personal attributes you want to cultivate as well as the tangible things you want to bring to you. Possible phrasing: I now manifest ____ into my life. I am now _______ . Remember, think, envision and feel with as much emotion as possible, as though you already have what you want. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts, visuals and emotions. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. "If you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.

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Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed below and are a wonderful tool to maximize your efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies that the Moon showers upon the Earth, to our benefit, makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships (except when Venus is Retrograde), job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc.

I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. This information will help you stay ahead of the game. A complete list for the year is available. Check out the details on my website. OP'S
Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern. Remember, Mercury is retrograde from the 19th through March 16th. Be cautious and pay attention to details even in during OP's.
  • Friday the 15th from 10:12 am through the rest of the day
  • Saturday the 16th all day to 2:09 am on the 17th
  • Wednesday the 20th from 11:02 am through the rest of the day to 11:50 pm on the 21st
The PDF, downloadable version of my book, Words of Love is now available on the website. This book will change your perceptions of relationships and will empower you with successful and life-changing tools.

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