Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Regrow Your Cellbody

Regrow Your Cellbody
Growing New Bodies
Biologists sometimes compare the aging process of cells to the making a copy of a copy of a photocopy. By the ninety-ninth copy, the image grows fuzzy around the edges. Every seven days more or less our skin cells divide, making copies from the previous generation. Sometime around our late thirties the crow’s feet around our eyes become more pronounced, our skin loses some of its elasticity, and age lines begin to appear. If only we could find the original image and duplicate it… My experience with luminous healing has shown me that we can copy from the first image, we can inform who we are today from that original source that informs all of life. The same source that informs the redwood trees and the spiral arms of the Milky Way is available to inform us. But to achieve this, we must be connected to this source, to be in communion with all life. I know such people. They have been my greatest teachers.

As an anthropologist I was trained to study ‘primitive’ cultures. The native peoples I worked with had no toasters, televisions, or coal fired power plants that spew millions of pounds of pollutants into the atmosphere every year.  People often assume that because a culture lacks technology, its view of life is misinformed, or primitive. For a long time I believed this myself, even though I would admit it to no one. When I first visited the pueblos in the American Southwest or villages in the Amazon I carried with me the arrogance of a western anthropologist studying people that I was taught were almost smart, like us. That is, until I met Antonio.

He was the descendant of the builders of Machu Picchu, of a people who built cities in the clouds, a nation that forged one of the greatest civilizations in the Americas. He was poor, he had no toaster or television, did not even have electricity, even though his neighbors did. But he had tasted infinity.

How did I know? You know when you meet someone who is not stalked by death as the rest of us are. You know by their radiance, by the serenity that accompanies them, by their fearlessness, by how they walk with beauty on the Earth. What he said made sense. His words touched me beyond my intellectual understanding. This old Indian, and countless other medicine peoples throughout the Amazon, the Andes, North and South America, would share with me over the years a luminous healing practice founded on the experience of our infinity, and of our interconnectedness with all of life.

Alberto Villoldo

Coming Events

Alberto Villoldo Workshop - Shamans: Neuroscientists of Enlightenment - Open Center, NY - April 26, 2013
Shamans perceive a luminous energy field enveloping the physical body that holds a record of all our past traumas and future possibilities. Shamanic healing usually involves working with this energy field ... (Read More)

Alberto Villoldo Workshop -  Illumination: The Shaman’s Way of Healing  - Open Center, NY - April 27, 2013
The experience of shamanic illumination can heal the emotional wounds that keep us locked in cycles of self-inflicted suffering and help us recover all the passion and life-force we have squandered in anger, lust ... (Read More)

Reading the Signs of Destiny – Omega, Rhinebeck, NY - May 5, 2013
Awaken your dormant seer within. Fling open the doors of your own perception and gifted intuition to discover the luminous world of energy and spirit that surrounds you and is in constant communication with you. (Read More)

Walking with  Protection – Park City, UT - May 12, 2013
In today’s changing times, it’s more important than ever to step away from feelings of powerlessness and limiting beliefs. While the masses of humanity might be caught up in fear, resentment or indecision, you have the ability to step confidently into your destiny. (Read More)

Working With The Sacred – Park City, UT - May 18, 2013
In our Working With the Sacred course, you will explore the ancient myths, archetypes and forces that guide your dreams and your journey through life.  As the shaman, step fearlessly into this mythic realm, where mortals fear to tread. (Read More)

An Exploration Of The Near-Death Experience - Rhinebeck, NY - July 26, 2013
Do you believe in life after death? Have you ever had or wondered about near-death experiences? When scientists, skeptics, believers, and seekers alike have the rare opportunity to ... (Read More)

South (Illumination) – Park City, UT, July 29, 2013
Whether you enroll in the Four Winds “South” class for personal reasons or as a practitioner to better work with your clients and patients, the “South” class reminds us that there is a more effective option for healing emotionally ... (Read More)

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