April 25, 2013, 12:58 pm PDT and 03:58 pm EDT.
We spiral through space, immersed in an ever-changing flow of frequencies. Twice
a year, the Sun,
and Earth align precisely enough to form an eclipse,
interrupting the billions of watts of solar radiation streaming onto our planet
every second. During an eclipse, energy matrices dissolve, new codes are downloaded,
and consciousness is reconfigured. Eclipses are thus extra-potent New
and Full Moons, signaling major endings and beginnings. This spring,
we have three eclipses in a row, which, along with the ongoing Uranus–Pluto
provide exceptionally strong tailwinds for transformation.
occur in relation to the lunar nodes, the points in space where the Moon’s
orbit intersects the Earth’s path around the Sun. The North Node, where the
Moon ascends as it crosses the ecliptic, points toward the future, identifying
what will help us to evolve into greater consciousness and connection. The South
Node, where the Moon descends across the ecliptic, denotes the past, signifying
the patterns and beliefs holding us back. When the Sun is close to the South Node
(as is the case for the three eclipses this spring), we experience greater pressure
to release long-standing patterns, personally and collectively.
Full Moons bring light to the dark, to what is now ripe to be seen and transformed.
This one highlights the archetypes of Taurus
and Scorpio,
the polarities of security and evolution, self-sufficiency and sharing, acquiring
and relinquishing. As the first earth sign, Taurus seeks to develop a healthy
relationship to the physical world — to one’s body, senses, and resources
— and to live in alignment with one’s own values. Ruled by Venus,
Taurus also represents the development of self-esteem. Not only is the Sun in
Taurus, but Mars,
Venus, and the South Node as well, calling us back to our senses, to what feeds
our hearts and souls. As in the Aries
New Moon, Mars is again close to the Sun, spurring us to take action. Venus is
continuing the previous New Moon’s theme of greater balance between the feminine
and masculine.
In Taurus, we discover what we must have; in Scorpio, what we must leave behind.
Change is exciting and scary as we go into the dark, the unknown; the fear of
loss makes it difficult to remember that something else will come in place of
what we lose. Fear aborts the expansion of consciousness faster and more effectively
than anything else. Fear makes us myopic; it constricts our vision so that we
stay with what is familiar, even when it is unsatisfying and unsustainable. Mars
is the traditional ruler of both Aries and Scorpio, signifying the courage required
to move forward. The Moon’s proximity to Saturn
and the North Node in Scorpio necessitates that we take a realistic look at our
lives and release what we have outgrown — a job, a relationship, a place,
a way of life — anything out of balance and out of integrity. Boundaries,
commitments, and goals are clarified when Saturn is opposed
by the Sun on April 28 and then by Mars on April 30. Tune into your feelings and
intuition for answers; a grand water
trine between the Moon,
and Ceres helps us to get in touch with what we need now.
is time to explore alternatives that were not available before. It is time to
bridge the gap of separateness through group-cooperation, and to cultivate a passionate
search for new values, which at any level, promises a more abundant life for all.
This lunar eclipse asks us to reevaluate how we live, how we do business, and
how we relate to each other. “Try not to resist the
changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry
that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used
to is better than the one to come?” (Rumi)
excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.
Moon symbolizes the fulfillment of the seeds planted at a previous
New Moon or some earlier cycle. Each Full Moon reminds us of the seeds that may
be coming to maturity, to their fullness, to fruition, to the place where the
fruits or gifts are received. It may seem that fulfillment of our goals takes
a long time. Some intentions may manifest within the two week phase prior to the
next New or Full Moon. Some however, depending on their complexity, may take a
much longer time. Just remember that our thoughts and emotions set Universal Action
in motion and much work takes place behind the scenes as everything is orchestrated
for fulfillment. Keep visualizing your goals as though you have already attained
them and they will eventually manifest. Do not concern yourself with current conditions
or worry about controlling it. The universe takes care of those details. Just
keep seeing what you want, and move in that direction with your actions, and give
no energy to what you don't want. Patience is required.
MOON CEREMONY Find the time to have your own private Moon Ceremony. You have
a three day window of energy in which to manifest your intentions. The day before,
the day of, and the day after.
the Full Moon, jot down two or three areas of your life you want to clean up.
The Full
Moon is the time to release or get rid of the things that no longer
serve you, so by the next New
Moon your slate is clean for new beginnings, or fertile for the planting
of new seeds.
Possible phrasing: I now release______ from my life. I now release my destructive
________ patterns. I now let go of fear, jealousy, anger, envy, negative thinking,
etc... Remember, think and envision as though you have already let go of what
you have released. See yourself free and living your dreams. Thoughts are things
and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts and visuals
about yourself. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total
of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change
our thoughts.
What you think about grows!! "If you always do what
you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got."
Neptune in Pisces until 2026
Saturn in Scorpio until 2015
Jupiter in Cancer, the second half of the year
Mercury retrogrades in Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio respectively
Moon’s North Node in Scorpio all year
Water is the fundamental and most basic
component of all life on Planet Earth, comprising approximately 70% of
the surface of the Earth and also the human body. It represents the
feminine or yin aspects of human nature and the world; intuition,
inspiration, wisdom, women and healing, the inner journey of life.
Water also controls our emotional bodies and our creative ability.
Enter the Goddess
With so much astrological emphasis in water, we can expect a global shift toward feminine power. The
Goddess energy will become much
more visible and viable bringing the pendulum swing back to a more
centered approach, moving away from male or masculine dominance. This
could open the way for more women to rise to positions of power. If you
are feeling a strong desire to have your voice heard as a woman, now
could well be the time to put your plans into action.
With Jupiter entering the sign of Cancer
in June, all of the feminine energies associated with Cancer will be
enhanced and magnified. They include home (the real estate market),
family, mothering, sensitivity to spirit, intuition, clairvoyance,
clairaudience and psychic ability. Water seems to thin the veil.
Emotional Chaos
You may find yourself
feeling everything more acutely. We will most likely see more intense
dramatic emotional displays in the news, and perhaps feel more
emotionally connected to everything in our world and what we see
happening before us.
With all of the Mercury retrogrades occurring in water signs,
tripling the time Mercury spends in water, we may all find that our
mental energies and communications are based more on emotion rather than
on reason or objectivity. I tell you these things so you can be aware
of where your emotions may be coming from. This does not mean that you
should react to them and be swept away by the emotional tide. Your
ability to control how you respond to your emotions is your greatest
place of power and peace.
Since water also contains the elements
of creativity, governing the Arts and what we see in movies, television,
books and art, with Neptune in Pisces, supported by
other planetary action in water, we should be treated to not only
creative media, but inspirational and more spiritual entertainment as
Disruptive Forces
On the other side of Neptune in Pisces, and mixing in the energies of Saturn in Scorpio,
we will see more economic contraction and more cutbacks on spending,
and a continuing of behind-the-scenes governmental and corporate power
struggles, with an emphasis on healthcare, pharmaceutical companies and
their drug related problems, issues with liquid resources, raising sea
levels and flooding, and conflict over price hikes in oil, gas and
water. We will also continue to experience religious polarization,
issues surrounding mental health disorders, and an increase in denial,
personally and institutionally. When adding Scorpio to any mix,
exposing the corrupt underbelly and crisis will be the result.
The Moon’s nodes are not planets yet
represent important crossing points for the Sun and Moon. The North Node
is traditionally linked to the future. With the North Node in deep and disruptive Scorpio,
reaching an inevitable intense and powerful crisis point is
foreseeable. Change is inevitable and these changes are meant to be for
our greatest good and require our active participation.
Uranus square Pluto
continues to dominate world energies through rebellion and political
crisis. These disruptive and often unpredictable energies will continue
through 2015. With an over emphasis on water in 2013, emotions will
continue to rise and overflow, and the dam could well break causing
violent behavior and uprisings. Since ancient times, water has been used
ritualistically to wash away the sins of the past, hopefully this will
be done in a kind and gentle way.
A Rare Grand Sextile
There is however, a beautiful and rare alignment to look forward to,
occurring in late July, called a Grand
Sextile. Seven out of ten planets will be involved in this positive
configuration. It is comprised of six sextiles, two Grand Trines, and
three oppositions. This will create a tremendous force for healing
energy on the planet as all the players are in earth or water signs,
which are feminine, a sign that the feminine forces are blessing us with
love and grace, helping to offset other negative aspects.
Even though we have passed the critical
and much maligned 2012 marker, in 2013 we will continue to see and feel
the uncomfortable energies of dramatic change. When dealing with
emotional water, we can expect big waves and choppy seas, and even
tsunamis. Let’s all put our creative and spiritual sides forward and be
steady and undeterred by the shifting tides before us and move forward
creating the new, more peaceful world, we want to experience. Follow
your heightened inspiration and creative impressions and put your plans
into action and 2013 can be a very powerful and successful year.
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