Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Moon, You saw me standing Alone...
Wendy Cicchetti, astrologer extraordinaire
April 10, 2013


Taking responsibility for our emotions is our job. This can be especially difficult when everything seems out of control and circumstance don't meet our expectations. The energies for widespread emotional breakdowns are increasing and intensifying. I hear this daily from clients all over the world and am feeling them myself. I even overheard talk of it while waiting at the Doctors office, as the receptionist unloaded on the nurse about all the intense and emotional calls coming in.

Emotions are the greatest attracter of compatible energies; if we are angry, fearful, paranoid and over thinking, we will attract more of the same into our experience. Focus on the present moment as much as you can. Stay busy and balanced and work only on those things you have the power to change. Be honest and realistic about what you have power over. And always remember, you can only change yourself and your thoughts, not the behavior of others and their interaction with you.

We were not promised that life would be fun, fair or easy. We do know however, that life is a school and we either learn the lessons before us and move forward, or avoid them and put the learning off for another life or time. Let's work together, sharing our knowledge and love, to help make the lessons our ally rather than our enemy.

Until next time, stay positive, be fearless and spread your light and love. XO

Wendy Cicchetti

I have introduced a free video on Saturn transits, (very important for all Scorpios), and a video on Compatibility at I have also included a radio program with Dr. Tanya Jones on Astrology, Sexuality and Intimacy. Just sign in and watch. Enjoy the videos and feel free to share with friends.

My blog articles Global Chaos – Uranus Square Pluto, and Water Energy Dominates 2013, can be read at Wendy's Commentary at

My blog article entitled Your Aries Child is now available.

To sign up to receive Celestial Updates click here. Get your free copy of my Gratitude Formula here.

ARIES NEW MOON, April 10, 2013 at 2:36 am PDT and 5:36 am EDT at 21 degrees.

We’ve never been here before. Like the Fool card in the Tarot, and the hero in Avatar, we step into what looks like thin air and find new ground beneath our feet.

The zodiac symbolizes the eternal spin of creation and the infinite potential of the cosmos. The word zodiac means “wheel of life.” The twelve signs delineate the stages of a never-ending journey, from alpha to omega, the emergence from and return to the Source. Each New Moon initiates a new cycle; this one signals a huge shift, as the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Uranus, are all clustered in the sign of the Trailblazer. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, representing new beginnings and new forms. This New Moon is an especially important time to set intentions and to hold “Beginner’s Mind.” Letting go of our preconceptions and “shoulds” enables us to find new solutions to old problems. We are surrounded by boundless possibilities. Embrace the mystery of the present moment. Take one step at a time. Be willing to not know the answer, and remember that there is no failure, only learning.

Aries, along with its ruling planet Mars, symbolizes the development of our yang, masculine side. The ultimate goal of Aries is to become a wise warrior who seeds and protects life, rather than exploiting and destroying it — to be coura- geous but not combative, assertive without being aggressive. Regardless of our gender, we all have inner masculine and feminine sides, which must be in balance for evolution to occur. Mars’ close conjunction with Venus emphasizes the need to fully integrate our active and recep- tive sides.

Pluto, the higher octave of Mars, begins its yearly retro- grade on April 12, stationing at 11°35' Capricorn and turn- ing direct on September 20 at 8°59' Capricorn. Its station retrograde intensifies the call to action of this New Moon and adds urgency to the ongoing Uranus–Pluto message to make changes real, not just cosmetic. In Capricorn, Pluto spurs us to reform or release what is not sustainable, not in the best interests of all concerned, challenging governments to restructure and individuals to contribute their unique talents toward birthing the Aquarian Age. Pluto and Saturn are in mutual reception (transiting each other’s signs), pressuring all of us to reclaim our power and become conscious creators of our reality. Saturn, the principle of authority and responsibility, forms a quincunx to Uranus, the energy of autonomy and progress (exact on April 12 at 9ยบ20' Scorpio–Aries). A quincunx requires that we make a shift in perspective and strategy; in this case, we are impelled to “Think Different” and carefully consider the ramifications of our actions.

This New Moon at 21° Aries emphasizes the need to channel our energy appropriately. What are you most passionate about? Where do you need to take a stand? Lily Tomlin sums up this time well: “I said somebody should do something about that. Then I realized I am somebody.”

Some excerpts are from The Mountain Astrologer by Stephanie Austin.

PLAN YOUR OWN NEW MOON CEREMONY. Give yourself some quiet time in meditation to see where you need to seed new ways of becoming. List these areas within your life you want to change. What areas do you want to break free from the norm and become more productive and discerning? The NEW MOON is the time to manifest the personal attributes you want to cultivate as well as the tangible things you want to bring to you. Possible phrasing: I now manifest ____ into my life. I am now _______ . Remember, think, envision and feel with as much emotion as possible, as though you already have what you want. Thoughts are things and the brain manifests exactly what you show it in the form of thoughts, visuals and emotions. The Buddha said, and I am paraphrasing, "We are the sum total of our thoughts up to today. " If we want to be different then we must change our thoughts. "If you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always got." CONSCIOUS CHANGE is the key.


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GIFT CERTIFICATES are always available. Give a friend or family member a reading, or Aura-Soma. Gift certificates can be customized and paid for here.

Readings - I am always available by phone for readings, mini or long. Many clients just need a quick check at times to make certain they are moving in the right direction. I am happy to schedule a quick mini reading. E-mail me for an appointment

With the Aura-Soma section of my website I am able to do Color consultations by phone. To schedule your reading call 760-639-5255 or email

Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks are listed below and are a wonderful tool to maximize your efforts. Opportunity Periods reflect favorable aspects of the Moon. The energies of the Moon impact us in a very direct way. Using the positive energies that the Moon showers upon the Earth, to our benefit, makes good sense. Opportunity Periods have proven to provide helpful energy to non routine tasks. If you feel like you are always going against the grain and things are stressful, try using these time periods for more easily accomplishing important tasks: purchases, repairs, client appointments, sales calls, important phone calls, finishing goals, starting new projects, tying up loose ends, starting new relationships (except when Venus is Retrograde), job hunting, doctor visits, family meetings, etc.

I personally use OPs and find them to be invaluable. I am happy to pass on this unique and useful information. Very few Astrologers are aware of OPs as the formula for their calculation is not widely known. This information will help you stay ahead of the game. A complete list for the year is available. Check out the details on my website. OP'S

Opportunity Periods for the next 2 weeks - It would be wise to record these dates in your calendar for easy reference for the next two weeks. These OP's are calculated based on PST. Add 1 hour for Mountain time, 2 hrs for Central time and 3 hrs for Eastern.

    Thursday, the 11th, from 6:48 pm through the rest of the day
    Friday, the 12th, all day to 7:13 am on the 13th
    Saturday, the 13th, an additional OP from 4:25 pm through the day
    Sunday, the 14th, all day to 12:41 pm
    Friday, the 19th, from 3:18 am to 2:06 pm
    Thursday, the 23rd, from 8:23 pm through the rest of the day to 5:12 am on the 24th

The PDF, downloadable version of my book, Words of Love is now available on the website. This book will change your perceptions of relationships and will empower you with successful and life-changing tools.


OUR BOOK, Words of Love for Men, "Secret" Formulas for Mastering Intimate Relationships, is available for $12.95 plus shipping. Using many of the Principles of The Secret and Laws of Attraction, this valuable publication offers concrete tools and solutions for improving and nurturing relationships. These formulas can be used by men, women, parents and for all significant relationships including children. Words of Love For Men is highly recommended by marriage counselors and therapists. By using these empowering tools as outlined, new levels of joy and satisfaction are experienced as all personal relationships improve. Go to to order your copy.


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