Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Create an Energetic Clean Slate

Create an Energetic Clean Slate
My favorite form of manifestation is to make space then magnetize in the thing that I desire.  The winter months are a good time to dream our world into being.  As we consider what we want to create in the coming year, it’s a good time to actively release energy that’s taking up space in ways that no longer serve.  Some ways to do this:
1) Do daily fire ceremony for 21 days around whatever answer arises when you complete this statement, “The thing I am most angry (or hurt) about is…”  Go with the uncomfortable thing that comes to mind and stay with that one thing so you get all the deep roots of the energy released.  The fire ceremony instructions are on the “articles” page of my website.  This is also great to do with “I feel most ashamed when I remember….”
2) Sometimes we feel the need to hold onto painful feelings to make sure we don't get hurt again in the same way.  In this case, I suggest brainstorming what other options you could use to address the thing that happened that wasn’t okay with you.  Sometimes in the moment I’ve adhered to being “nice” or “polite” and I’ve allowed boundaries to be crossed.  Or in wanting a certain thing so much, I went forward in a situation that wasn’t fully aligned.  Knowing I could choose differently in the future seems to help let go of anger and pain. 
One of the things I wrote about in my book, “Sex, Shamanism, and Healing: My Kissing Quest” was the time that this man rubbed his whole body up against me while he was buying my first book.  It was gross but I was caught up in a misguided idea of customer service and being polite to a friend of a friend so I didn’t address it in the moment. After I had a chance to think about it, I came up with very direct ways I could have told him that wasn’t okay. Once I had a plan, I could let go of the anger. When it comes to enforcing boundaries, I like to think of my jaguar as relaxed and present. Cats of all sizes can go from fully relaxed to incredibly fierce in an instant. They don’t need to stay tense or hyper-vigilant, they can shift modes as needed. My jaguar is very powerful and she and I get along great. Since I’ve developed that part of my medicine, people just don’t tend to try to push past my boundaries.
3) Another option is to let go of something in your home that you love but that is taking up too much space and represents who you were rather than who you are.  Mourn the release and free the energy and physical space to bring in something that is aligned with your contemporary expression.
All of these approaches will create space.  Whether you’re cleaning out physical, emotional or energetic closets, you’ll create room for new things.
Message From Katie
The picture above is of a Victorian/Steampunk costume I spent a number of months working on.  I got to debut it at the Hotel del Coronado.  At the moment I'm counting down to Quartzsite and crystal shopping.  It's definitely my happiest place on earth, so I'm going on my birthday.

In 2015, I created four intensive programs.  It's been such a joyful expression of my work.  The Energy Body Intensive begins this month.  I still haven't finalized the scheduling for the others in the coming year.  Please let me know if there's one that you've been waiting to see come around again or that especially speaks to you.  Also, the $5 healings just seem to keep getting more powerful.  Working in an ongoing way with a team of guides is making the work flow in amazing ways.  I'm feeling a lot of gratitude for my work.

I've decided to help sponsor "Expand the Box" in San Diego.  I took this workshop back in October and even with all the work I've done, it was still transformative.  The best way I can describe it as the manual I wish we'd had back in school for being human.  In particular, it offers tremendous tools for navigating emotionality in a life affirming way.  This workshop will upgrade your ability to relate to others and to be kind to yourself.  Please come to the intro night on January 21st and see if this resonates for you as profoundly as it did for me.

If you'd like to connect with me more personally on Facebook, please send me a friend request.
Spiral Wisdom- Six Month Shamanic Training- Distance and In Person

In my admittedly biased opinion, being able to talk to your guides and understand their response is one of the coolest things ever.  Shamanic training opens you up to a world of magic, support, healing, and wisdom.  Communication with my guides is a constant in my day to day life.  While I love proving shamanic services, I also adore teaching.  I want to support you in developing a powerful, direct, personal connection to the divine.

In person:
Intro to Possibility Management
and Expand the Box

I'm helping to sponsor these two events in San Diego.  I've been taking workshops and trainings for nearly 20 years.  The Next Culture work stands out for me as work that provides exceptional tools for a human life well lived.  Read more about this work and the workshop leaders at

Come learn about this work in Intro to Possibility Management on January 21st- 7-9:30pm.

The full three day workshop, Expand the Box, will be February 19-21st.  Details are at:
Crystal offerings

Click here to see my current inventory:

Now through January 21st, you can get the Sale Prices:
30% off everything
50% off crystals in trays (or 75% off if you buy $20 or more- i.e. get $80 worth of crystals for $20)
50% off individual crystals priced $100 or more. Mostly this applies to the massive quartz points and clusters.

I'll be adding to this at Quartzsite this year.  Please let me know what kind of crystals you're most interested in if you'd like to shop with me in the coming year.

Final offer for $20 Grab Bags:
Let me put together an assortment of crystals for you, using my shamanic skills. With this offering, you pay $20 (plus shipping if you’re not able to pick up) and I’ll create a collection of crystals for you. You can do more than one “grab bag” if you feel called.

Get your Personal Herkimer:
Herkimers are one of my favorite crystals. You'll almost always see me wearing a Herkimer because it helps keep the energy around me clear and protects me from energetic intrusion, even on days when I'm tired and not visualizing a personal bubble. I find them useful as stones in my Mesa and for keeping my home clear and protected.  My favorite Herkimer vendor won't be in Quartzsite this year, so I'm making a special trip to Palm Springs on January 9th to buy from her.  If you'd like me to handpick something for you, let me know.  I can mail it or you can pick it up.  Details are here:
Heal, Awaken, and Activate your Energy Body-
A 21-Day Shamanic Intensive
Program Begins January 13, 2016

Watch the video for more info:

I love the intensive format.  I get to go deep with people and pull together knowledge from 15 years in professional practice, plus all my training before then.  My life experience of childhood, adolescence and my twenties would have been so drastically improved if someone had given me this material on the Care and Feeding of the Energy Body.

Program includes:
1) One individual session over the phone or in person including:
* Connection with a power animal and personal teacher to provide protection and support your energy field
* Individual healing and repair work on your auric field
* Clearing and protection work on your home
* Personal messages from the guides
2) Three .mp3 recordings per week (nine total). Each .mp3 will provide training around an aspect of creating a vibrant, healthy energy body. It might be a specific tool or practice or a guided journey. For the guided journeys, I will include an explanation of the work, an extended version of the journey, and a 5 minutes-or-less version. Once you understand how to work with certain practices, you can do them very quickly with excellent results.
3) One distance healing journey per week (3 total). After the healing, I’ll email you an .mp3 describing the work.
4) Detailed program instructions with information about what homework practices are most important for maximum results. Plus optional resources for delving deeper into a variety of topics. Expect to commit 3-5 hours each week to homework.
5) The .mp3 recordings from the in-person “Thriving with Energetic Sensitivity” class.
6) Weekly calls for questions and check-ins. Calls will be recorded, so if you can’t make the call time, feel free to email me any questions and listen to the recording later.
7) Optional Facebook group
8) Small group size- only 8 spaces are available.

Cost: $525
Prerequisite: Soul Retrieval session with me.

Visit to sign up.
$5 Shamanic Illumination Healing
Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 5:30pm Pacific Time
September 2016- A Shamanic Experience in Iceland!  Details are up at

Also at the La Mesa Healing Space:
Tess Meissner is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, offering transpersonal hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy, shamanic energy medicine, expressive arts, and emotional freedom technique (EFT) in service of the healing and empowerment of her clients.

Get an awesome massage at the healing space with Elsie Romero ( or at 619-248-7955).

Also, Sundays are now available for rent at the healing space.

Want more shamanic classes and offerings?  Check out Mara Clear Spring's offerings at

Thanks to Magdalena Oborski for the photo of me.

For more information, please contact me at or 619-518-7658 or visit

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