Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jan 6

Wednesday is the feast of Epiphany (Greek for “manifestation). Walking with the Three Astrologer Kings (world messengers) since Christmas, following a star (Sirius), seeking a newborn child, on January 6th, 12 days after Christmas, holding gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and the 12 signs, we discover the holy one. This discovery 2000+ years ago changed our world. On Epiphany we make our Three Kings Cake.
We feel our life changing this week. Thursday, Sun/Uranus square pulls us to the future (all things new). Thursday night Jupiter retrogrades (four months) offering us time to consider how to expand into that future, where and with whom? Capricorn offers new structures for the new culture and civilization.
Friday, Mercury retro, re-enters Capricorn. Mercury, the messenger, offers gifts of discernment, discrimination, order and organization. Mercury retro in Capricorn re-visits the questions – How do we envision the new world and what gifts can we offer for this new creation;” Venus joins Saturn Friday. Venus offers the resources needed to build the new structures (Saturn) for the new world. We just need to ask.
Saturday is Capricorn new moon. Everywhere the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) builds the new world for humanity. At new moon times we strengthen and support the endeavors of the (NGWS), reciting the Great Invocation together.
Tuesday, Venus trines Uranus. More change. Wednesday Sun trines Jupiter. An invitation to expand into the future. We are free, unencumbered, swimming together towards the Rising Sun. We ponder upon the Tarot card, the Hermit. We stand in Wisdom.
ARIES: What are your thoughts and feelings concerning your work in the world? Are you considering a shift, change, expansion, new job, new work, or an entirely different field of endeavor? You’re climbing the Capricorn ladder. Remember, take others with you and assist those below. Remember the true warrior is a spiritual disciple. Practicing Ahimsa.
TAURUS: You may be invited to travel. You may (most likely) say “No, too many responsibilities at home.” However, you still must expand your mind, body, emotions & spirit. Through studying astrology, preparing to teach, understanding our justice system (blind still), visiting libraries & art galleries, building a college, buying a car, cow, goat or horse to ride over the plains toward a mountaintop where the Light shines.
GEMINI: The words for Taurus interest you. Your focus at this time is resources held in com

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