Runes, tarot, and fortune oh my


Friday, January 8, 2016

Neville Goddard Manifesting Technique in Full

This is a VERY long post so I have to ask you to bear with me here.

As you know I am a big fan of Neville Goddard and have been reading his techniques for creating wealth, manifesting abundance, creating health, heck, just about everything, for a long time.
I recently have gone back in and began reviewing his manifesting techniques and applying them with some measure of success.
I have put his techniques up before, but usually in an abbreviated version.
I thought maybe it would be best to post his technique in it's entirety, to let you see everything.
This comes from the "Neville Class Instruction", a booklet of lessons from 1948.
I'm sure these techniques are in his other books, but like I said, I wanted to present them in full.

We are now in 2010, and you hear about wars and rumors of wars, the failing economy, how hopeless everything is everyday.
BUT, when Neville was teaching, it was the same way.

For example in 1948:
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.
The Soviet Union was jamming Voice of America broadcasts.
The Communist Party seized control of Czechoslovakia.
The United States Supreme Court ruled that religious instruction in public schools violated the U.S. Constitution.
There was the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
The Berlin Blockade began.
President Harry S. Truman issued the second peacetime military draft in the United States.
I have to admit though, the 1948 unemployment rate of 3.8 percent looks pretty darn good compared to 2009's 9.3.

But anyway, things were bad then, so Neville's teachings are not out of date.

So here is the detailed technique as described by Neville in 1948....

Let me now define the technique as I want you to employ it. 
I trust each one of you came here tonight with a clear picture of your desire. 
Do not say it is impossible. 
Do you want it? 
You do not have to use your moral code to realize it. 
It is altogether outside the reach of your code. 
Consciousness is the one and only reality. 
Therefore, we must form the object of our desire out of our own consciousness. 
People have a habit of slighting the importance of simple things, and the suggestion to create a state akin to sleep in order to aid you in assuming that which reason and your senses deny, is one of the simple things you might slight. 
However, this simple formula for changing the future, which was discovered by the ancient teachers and given to us in the Bible, can be proved by all. 
The first step in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective ­­ know definitely what you want. 
Second: construct an event which you believe you would encounter FOLLOWING the fulfillment of your desire ­ an event which implies fulfillment of your desire ­ something which will have the action of Self predominant. 
The third step is to immobilize the physical body and induce a state akin to sleep. 
Then mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action, imagine all the while that you are actually performing the action HERE AND NOW. 
You must participate in the imaginary action, not merely stand back and look on, but FEEL that you are actually performing the action, so that the imaginary sensation is real to you. 
It is important always to remember that the proposed action must be one which FOLLOWS the fulfillment of your desire, one which implies fulfillment. For example, suppose you desired promotion in office. 
Then being congratulated would be an event you would encounter following the fulfillment of your desire.

Having selected this action as the one you will experience in imagination to imply promotion in office, immobilize your physical body and induce a state bordering on sleep, a drowsy state, but one in which you are still able to control the direction of your thoughts, a state in which you are attentive without effort. 
Then visualize a friend standing before you. 
Put your imaginary hand into his. 
Feel it to be solid and real, and carry on an imaginary conversation with him in harmony with the FEELING OF HAVING BEEN PROMOTED. 
You do not visualize yourself at a distance in point of space and at a distance in point of time being congratulated on your good fortune. 
Instead, you MAKE elsewhere HERE and the future NOW. 
The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now , and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion­picture screen, is the difference between success and failure. 
The difference will be appreciated if you will now visualize yourself climbing a ladder. 
Then, with eyelids closed imagine that a ladder is right in front of you and FEEL YOURSELF ACTUALLY CLIMBING IT. 
Experience has taught me to restrict the imaginary action which implies fulfillment of the desire, to condense the idea into a single act, and to re­enact it over and over again until it has the feeling of reality. 
Otherwise, your attention will wander off along an associational track, and hosts of associated images will be presented to your attention, and in a few seconds they will lead you hundreds of miles away from your objective in point of space and years away in point of time. 
If you decide to climb a particular flight of stairs, because that is the likely event to follow the fulfillment of your desire, then you must restrict the action to climbing that particular flight of stairs. 
Should your attention wander off, bring it back to its task of climbing that flight of stairs, and keep on doing so until the imaginary action has all the solidity and distinctness of reality. 
The idea must be maintained in the mind without any sensible effort on your part. 
You must, with the minimum of effort permeate the mind with the feeling of the wish fulfilled. 
Drowsiness facilitates change because it favors attention without effort, but it must not be pushed to the state of sleep in which you no longer are able to control the movements of your attention. 
But a moderate degree of drowsiness in which you are still able to direct your thoughts. 
A most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and then, in a relaxed and drowsy state, repeat over and over again like a lullaby, any short phrase which implies fulfillment of your desire, such as, "Thank you, thank you, thank you" as though you addressed a higher power for having given you that which you desired. 
I know that when this course comes to an end on Friday many of you here will be able to tell me you have realized your objectives. 
Two weeks ago I left the platform and went to the door to shake hands with the audience.
I am safe in saying that at least 35 out of a class of 135 told me that which they desired when they joined this class they had already realized. 
This happened only two weeks ago. 
I did nothing to bring it to pass save to give them this technique of prayer. 
You need do nothing to bring it to pass ­ save apply this technique of prayer. 
With your eyes closed and your physical body immobilized induce a state akin to sleep and enter into the action as though you were an actor playing the part. 
Experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you now in possession of your objective. 
Make elsewhere HERE and then NOW. 
And the greater you, using a larger focus will use all means, and call them good, which tend toward the production of that which you have assumed.

You are relieved of all responsibility to make it so, because as you imagine and feel that it is so your dimensionally larger self determines the means. 
Do not think for one moment that some one is going to be injured in order to make it so, or that some one is going to be disappointed. 
It is still not your concern. 
I must drive this home. 
Too many of us, schooled in different walks of life, are so concerned about the other. 
You ask, 'If I get what I want will it not imply injury to another?' 
There are ways you know not of, so do not be concerned. 
Close your eyes now because we are going to be in a long silence. 
Soon you will become so lost in contemplation, feeling that you are what you want to be, that you will be totally unconscious of the fact that you are in this room with others. 
You will receive a shock when you open your eyes and discover we are here. 
It should be a shock when you open your eyes and discover that you are not actually that which, a moment before, you felt you were, or felt you possessed. Now we will go into the deep. 

I need not remind you that you are now that which you have assumed that you are. 
Do not discuss it with anyone, not even self. 
You cannot take thought as to the HOW, when you know that you ARE already. 
Your three­dimensional reasoning, which is a very limited reasoning indeed should not be brought into this drama. 
It does not know. 
What you have just felt to be true is true. 
Let no man tell you that you should not have it. 
What you feel that you have, you will have. 
And I promise you this much, after you have realized your objective, on reflection you will have to admit that this conscious reasoning mind of yours could never have devised the way. 
You are that and have that which this very moment you appropriated. 
Do not discuss it. 
Do not look to someone for encouragement because the thing might not come. 
It has come. 
Go about your Father's business doing everything normally and let these things happen in your world. 

More on Manifesting here:


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